It says look on the Whistler site JUNE 1st.
Wonder if there will be any upgrades for the WS-1065?
The radio sure is a great scanner radio with excellent P25 decode.
For those of us, who were desperate enough (and savvy enough) that have already switched the firmware over from the 800 to the 1080, do we need to revert back to the 800 firmware before sending it in?
Just a guess - it's possible that Whistler does not want to directly address the unofficial upgrades that have been taking place before now, so you might not see an official answer. They might have their corporate or legal reasons to not say anything that might be construed as endorsing the previous upgrades.
I could be wrong.
I will be looking into what the 'turnaround' time will be. Slowly getting all the questions answered, but for sure will read all the posts about the ones that are being returned and members posting about their experiences!
There are NO SCANNERS that have excellent decode on P25 simulcast.
That is not true. There are some listeners that are in a sweet spot and receive simulcast OK, or use an antenna set up that can isolate a tower (again kind of a sweet spot thing.)
It is the other 99% of us that a sh*t out of luck with no response from the manufacturers (Uniden and Whistler) with plans to address it. For now, we take our business elsewhere.
You mean Unication?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That is one alternate that works very well with simulcast systems. There are others, like professional radios.
Purchased, boxed up, and ready to ship!
My 800 is on its way should be there Monday according to postal service. I sent it in with the battery cover