Clifton to NJICS - Not Now
I have my sources through OEM and Clifton Fire did some testing over the last 6 months and despite there are three locations that should cover the city (West Orange, Garret Mountain,Ramapo) They were not convinced or satisfied with coverage and the way the system worked at least for fire department and EMS dispatch and operations. Especially on scene, foreground and interior operations (those would be on simplex). Right now the executive chief staff and some of their line officers don't see NJICS currently as a good fit for them. They will for now stay on their VHF 2 repeater channels and VHF 3 fire ground/training channels.
As for Police there is slightly more favored to do a switch due to coverage issues on their 2 VHF repeater channels which include voter receivers through out the city. Dead or poor spots remain. Coincidently, the dead spots effecting VHF police reception also were effecting FD units using the 700 MHz NJICS.
So in general the "Jury is still out or on recess" wait and see?.
I do not see a switch over to NJICS in the short term.
However since everything is now political and depends who gets the credit and control.
"Just like that, they can change their mind!"