Alert Plus - off? And, GPS and talk groups
Thanks for the explanation of Alert Plus. Now, how do you turn it off (other than cycling power)? Repeating the key presses does nothing that I can tell, and the Alert + icon stays up.
As for GPS functionaliity, I want to make sure I'm not missing an easier way to manage geographic on/off of certain talk groups. My home county (Gwinnett, GA) has five police precincts, all with their own talk groups for dispatch, TAC, etc.
I wanted to be able to have the GPS location enable me to listen to one precinct as I drive about the county (or two temporarily as I transition from one zone to another).
I have created five systems, GWINNETT SOUTH, NORTH, EAST, WEST, and CENTRAL. I have set up site(s) to cover the geographic area of each precinct. I have then enabled only the talk groups for each in their respective systems. I have Fire Dispatch and Fire TAC groups active in all systems since they are county-wide dispatched.
Was there any easier way to accomplish this? Want to find out before I tackle more counties.
Also, this may have been mentioned elsewhere, but in using a Garmin Etrex Legend GPS, I find that I get far fewer brief system cut-offs (due to the GPS briefly "losing" its position) if WAAS is turned off.