Where is there a typo 11477?I am thinking PennDot TG 11477 is going to be a typo also. It does not fit the pattern of what we know. Washington Co PennDot is using it, but it appears it should belong to Jefferson Co. Of course I am just guessing with no actual fact to back that up

there is a full list here..
You may be looking at an old list..
PennDOT District 12 includes
- 12-1 Uniontown (Fayette County)
- 12-2 Waynesburg (Greene County)
- 12-4 Washington (Washington County)
- 12-5 Greensburg (Westmoreland County)
If your seeing those TG's and they agree with that list, Please Submit them, Unless they are already submitted of course..
I'm a bit queezy about Montgomery County's position, but we'll see..
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