But let me ask a question what is it when you guys put Lehigh crew 20 and Lehigh crew 30 and Lehigh crew 40 what are those
But let me ask a question what is it when you guys put Lehigh crew 20 and Lehigh crew 30 and Lehigh crew 40 what are those
That makes sense from what I was hearing during the storm. You learn something new everyday I guess.Given the numbering scheme historically used by PennDOT to identify personnel, the assumption is that each of the channels is for the crews assigned to one of the assistant managers for that county. The number of assistant managers varies by county. I don't really pay enough attention to PennDOT to figure out if that is how they are using the groups nowadays, but that was the intent when the scheme was developed, or so I am told.
County Maintenance Offices
County Name + 1 - Maintenance Manager
County Name + 2 - County Equipment Manager
County Name + 4-19 - Specialized Crew Foremen
County Name + 20, 30, 40, etc - Assistant County Maintenance Managers
County Name + 21-29, 31-39, 41-49, etc - Foremen under Asst. Co. Maintenance Managers
County Name + 91-99 - Additional Foremen
County Name + 110-114 - Shop Pickups
County Name + 115-119 - Fuel Trucks
County Name + 121-124 - Sign Trucks
County Name + 125-129 - Low Boy Trucks
County Name + 130-139 - Special Equipment
County Name + Vehicle Number - Dump Trucks
Monitored Bucks County Penn DOT activity the other day coming across Philly 800 site. Looks like only Chester and Delaware Counties are left to switch over. Speaking of Chester County I noticed two different antennas on the trucks (only one antenna present on the trucks) - one a new looking silver one with black coils in the middle and a black cone at the base and the other a straight black antenna with springs in the middle.
I confirmed activity on Chester & Delaware County PennDOT maintenance talkgroups the past few days on both Devault sitesLooks like only Chester and Delaware Counties are left to switch over.
In the Clear Radio Checks observed on TGID 13466 throughout the day RID's in the 1814xxx range on LANC33.
The radio I had access to was an APX 4500 but their portables are 8000s. Do you have an email I can send you with the info I have because radioreference will not let me send you a message at all.
I’ll see if I can get over to his place this weekend and molest it for a bit and see what model it is , etcWhether or not the Kenwood radios are dual band or not is absolutely relevant.