The answer to the $100 million dollar question is 158.76.
Testing up in Warren Co is supposed to start this coming week. Looks like somebody was fiddling with some radios today. Also looks like they were encrypted (note the P4 in the images) which indicates an encrypted transmission.
I happened to be in the Harrisburg area today, so this was off the Ellendale site. I will not be out there again for a few weeks, at least.
Anyone in Dauphin County have any new control channel activity on this repeater at Ellendale?
Might also want to search the 700/800 band for a new P25 II control channel.
As the system testing in NW is underway, there will also be a live site in the Harrisburg area since that is where the radio system admin folks are located.
For what it's worth, I spend every other weekend at a friend's place in Marysville, literally straight across the river from Blue Mountain. Frequent entertainment in the summer is watching the transmitter sites take bolts in thunderstorms.
There's been crews up there quite a few times through this winter, far more than normal. Are they planning on putting the Harrisburg site up on Ellendale Forge on Sharp Mountain or over on Blue Mountain? Seems like the only place that would give Troop H and Newport Barracks coverage on that part of the West Shore.
I'm going to plead ignorance to how the latest scanners and software work, as my last scanner purchase was a 396XT quite a few years ago. However, I live in Erie and I want to be ready to monitor the testing this fall. I plan to buy a 436 and a 536 scanner. Could you explain a little bit about your post that shows your monitoring of the Warren County testing? Do I need software to follow the Erie testing, or can I just follow it on the scanner itself?
All I know is what is on the FCC license. Ellendale tower site is on Stony Mountain which is the third ridge north of Harrisburg on the east side of the river...the one that starts just NE of the town of Dauphin.
i believe its at least a year out before it will come down this way. have to do more buildout up in northwest area first. Only have one site online
My post contains screen captures of Unitrunker. I was running it with a PRO-106 plugged in to the computer. While the PRO-106 cannot decode Phase 2 audio, it works fine running with Unitrunker to decode the control channel data.
The screen caps in my post show radio ID's on the left ("Source ID"). The "Target ID" shows either the talkgroup ID or the radio ID depending on what is happening.For calls (PTT's) and joins (Channel affiliations) it shows the talkgroup. The "Source Label" and "Target Label" columns are blank because I have not tagged anything since i have no idea what is what, yet. I only collected data for a few hours on Saturday while I was in the Harrisburg area. The "SVC" column shows special codes that can tell you more about what is happening. In this case, the P4 code indicates "protected" or encrypted comms at priority level 4 (the default priority level on most systems).
The 65536 talkgroup is most likely a patch. Talkgroup 10136 is an unknown right now...may end up being what the radio techs use for testing. Sometimes they operate encrypted even if that won't be common on the system. Time will tell.
This data was decoded from the control channel on the Ellendale site near Harrisburg.