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    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Please help me understand a few optional features for the P51/P71/P72 radios


Oct 20, 2023
Hey guys, can you help me understand the meaning of these features and their relevance to the P51/P71/P72 platforms?

02 EDACS 3 Site System Scan ? Is this a positive or negative option?
19 M-RK I Second Bank ? What does this feature do?
30 Limited Feature Expansion ? Is this a positive or negative option? What does this feature do?
31 Smart Battery ? What does this feature do?
56 Motorola Multi-Group ? What does this feature do? Is it supported in P51/P71/P72?
61 Encryption Lite (ARC4) ? Is it supported in P51/P71/P72?

Of course, I spent several hours searching through the manuals of Ericsson, MA-COM, Tyco, and Harris, as well as a few more hours on Google, but these specific questions didn’t yield answers. That’s why I need your expertise here.

Also, it seems to me that features starting from number 40 are new and likely applicable to the M53/M73/XL/XG radios, but not to the older models. Please confirm or deny my assumption.

Thank you in advance.


Oct 23, 2017
Some of these features were likely not fully incorporated, 61 only applies to the XG line and above. ARC4 is not supported in the P series


Oct 20, 2023
Thank you for your response, you've been very helpful. Let's wait until someone provides feedback on the other features.


Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
Ontario, Canada
02 EDACS 3 Site System Scan ? Is this a positive or negative option?
19 M-RK I Second Bank ? What does this feature do?
30 Limited Feature Expansion ? Is this a positive or negative option? What does this feature do?
31 Smart Battery ? What does this feature do?
56 Motorola Multi-Group ? What does this feature do? Is it supported in P51/P71/P72?
61 Encryption Lite (ARC4) ? Is it supported in P51/P71/P72?

Not sure what you mean by positive or negative option. Either it's a feature that you need, or you don't.

02 is used with multi site EDACS scanning. There are hardly any EDACS systems left, so this is no use to the typical user
19... Same deal. This was a feature expansion on the MRK portables. If you aren't using an MRK then it's irrelevant
30 is used to feature cripple an M7300 and make it an M5300
31... Not sure, never used it
56 has to do with handling patches on a Motorola system. So unless you have a Harris subscriber unit registered on a Moto system, not something you need
61... As already mentioned only valid on XG and XL series radios. There were recently some P7300s going around with 61 activated on them, but it will not work and RPM will not let you enter ARC4 keys on a P7xx series portable.


Oct 20, 2023
Hi, Forts.

Thanks for the reply.

A negative option is, for example, Narrowband, MotoTRBO CB, explosion protection (reducing RF power to 1W), and so on. In other words, it’s an option that reduces (limits) functionality.

Now, specifically.

What exactly does option 02 provide? Does it limit scanning to 3 sites, or expand it? It doesn't matter how many systems are left, we’re talking in principle, is it useful or not? Or does it, on the contrary, limit scanning to 3 sites?

19 This option is specifically for the MRK, right? And is not applicable to the P-series, correct? The second memory bank, essentially a second zone, or what?

30 This is indeed an example of a negative option, if we believe your description.

31 It is also referred to as Battery ID. Apparently, the ability to read battery information from the chip embedded in it. I’d assume this is similar to Motorola’s IMPRES, but in a more basic form.

56 Got it. Is it accepted for the P-series, or only for newer radios? The number is very high; back in the P-series days, the list of options didn’t exceed 39 items.