PSR-500 and PSR-600 Pre Release (Continued)

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Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
rdale said:
Let's say in a current scanner you want have bank 1 be Ingham County Fire (on a trunked system) and Eaton County Fire (conventional) and Clinton County Fire (different trunked system.)

Then bank 2 = IC police (same as IC fire trunked), EC police (conv) and CC police (same as CC fire trunked.)

You scanner would take 1-2 seconds to scan ICF, then ECF, then CCF, then another 1-2 seconds for ICP, ECP, CCP. You'll take 6-8+ seconds scanning all of those.

Now in the PSR500, you scanner only looks at the Ingham Co control channel once and will open up ICFire or ICPolice if there is a tranmission. Then it checks the conventionals, then it checks Clinton County's trunked just once. You scan everything in 1-2 seconds total. So in that aspect it breaks apart the trunked system, only scanning the control channel once and opening up for any scanlist that has an active talkgroup.

Also your ability to enter a BOATLOAD of talkgroups in your system doesn't exist elsewhere.
I think you were responding to the request by bonus1331. If so please re-post the response using a DMA vs GRE OOUI. In other words, no banks and no splitting a single TRS into multiple systems. Please compare apples to apples, because so far I am not convinced that this is any better than the current Uniden DMA for the average user.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
If you want key 1 to be trunked system 1 and key 2 to be trunked system 2 you still can... I was just indicating how the 500's method also allows for improvement.

For the "average" user it means you can put all your fire (regardless of system, type, etc) in button 1 and all your EMS in button 2 and all your police in button 3. To duplicate that in any other scanner requires you do duplicate a LOT of things.

If you want button 1 to be all fire dispatch, button 2 to be all firegrounds, button 3 to be mutual aid all on one trunked system you can.


Let me see if I can apply what you just said in terms of an actual scanning situation that I will have.

There is a 7-site EDACS trunked system that covers about 4 counties near me. Here is how it is configured on the Uniden DMA scanners, followed by my interpretation of what is being said about the new GRE memory system.


I have each site programmed as a System. In order to monitor all of the talkgroups on the system, each site must be entered twice because of the limited number of talkgroups I can put into one system. So the total number of objects (?) is 14.


The entire network is programmed as a single system with 7 Sites. However, the total talkgroup per system limitation still requires the whole thing to be duplicated. Total number of objects (?) is 2.


The entire network with all possible talkgroups can be a single object.

That's one question. Another in the next message....


rdale said:
If you want button 1 to be all fire dispatch, button 2 to be all firegrounds, button 3 to be mutual aid all on one trunked system you can.

How about multiple systems that have multiple kinds of traffic? Can I aggregate the types of user into buttons?

For example, in Uniden DMA terms, I have several counties set up as conventional systems. Each county is grouped into Fire, Police, etc. There are also trunked systems in the scanner, also grouped by Fire, Police, etc., talkgroups.

Would the GRE scanners allow me to designate all Fire frequencies and talkgroups across systems as a single scan list?


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
Q1 - can be done if you were talking anything but EDACS ;>

Q2 - Yes, that's what I was trying to show in my first example with the Ingham trunked / Eaton conv / Clinton trunked.


Dec 19, 2002
Kern County, CA
I am in the Bay Area this weekend for the 49ers game. Since I got everything done in the City that I needed to before the game on Saturday and then went by Scanners Unlimited. I got to see one of the sample GRE 500's. All I can say is WOW! I have all of the GRE's 92/2067, 93/2053, 95, 96/2096, and 97/2055. I also have the Uniden 330, BCT 15, 246, and 396. If you like GRE radios and love you 96/2096 you will be in heaven with this one. It looks really easy to program by hand and it just seems really like an amazing radio. I know my Christmas will be coming early. The radio has a heavy feel to it and the sound will blow away any hand held scanner that is out there. October 20ish will not come to soon. Progaming by hand has never been as easy it "talks" you through the whole way on the screen. I cant wait to get one of my own to play with. I got to see this one for awhile and it sold me on getting one. I think GRE has one that will pass the 96 finally.


rdale said:
Q1 - can be done if you were talking anything but EDACS ;>

Can you elaborate?

Q2 - Yes, that's what I was trying to show in my first example with the Ingham trunked / Eaton conv / Clinton trunked.

That feature alone might be worth the price of admission.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
DaveNF2G said:
Let me see if I can apply what you just said in terms of an actual scanning situation that I will have.

There is a 7-site EDACS trunked system that covers about 4 counties near me. Here is how it is configured on the Uniden DMA scanners, followed by my interpretation of what is being said about the new GRE memory system.


The entire network with all possible talkgroups can be a single object.

That's one question. Another in the next message....

The way the manual reads, multiple EDACS sites can't be combined unless they have the same freqs matched to the same LCN's. It this condition is not met, you'd still have 14 objects total the way I read it. If your 7 sites were identical, and you could thus use the same LCN setup for all of them, you'd have one object for the system itself and one for each desired talkgroup.

Multi-site capability seems difficult unless its a Motorola or P25 situation.

73/Allen (N4JRI)


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
DaveNF2G said:
Would the GRE scanners allow me to designate all Fire frequencies and talkgroups across systems as a single scan list?

Yes, because systems are no longer tied to memory banks. System info is simply another object stored in the radio. Your TGRP object would already be programmed to access it.

Scan List 1 could be System A Fire Disp, System B Fire Disp, System C Fire Disp, etc., plus any conventional freqs you'd like to have.

Scan List 2 could be System A Police, System B Police, System C Police, etc., plus any conventional freqs you'd like to have.

It doesn't matter where System A, B & C have their TSYS objects stored. The Talkgroups can be programmed anywhere you like, and will find their system info when they need it.

And to tie that in with your other question:

Scan List 1 - would have 3 objects--one for each fire dispatch TG

Scan List 2 - would have 3 objects--one for each police TG

Three other objects (system data for Systems A, B & C) would be floating around where your TGRP objects could access them. Total for my example = 9 objects.

Also remember about mapping to multiple scanlists. Let's say there's an ATG and you want to assign it to scanlists 1 and 2 both. It's still only one extra object.

I hope that helps to clarify things.

Now, if I could just get my hands on one...


Thanks for the explanations. This is going to be one awesome toy!


Aug 21, 2006
Chicago, IL.
Here in the Chicago area we have a bunch of LTR systems as well. My old Pro92 classic...made by GRE decodes anything LTR without putting it in an LCN position. I hope the 500 has the same capability. No need for LCN in order for it to display the TG and conversation. That would be sweet.

Also, It's great to see the dialogue here getting more focused lately instead of the "does it do this?" "Wish it could do that if anyone from GRE is listening." That stuff gets old.

October 20th falls on a Saturday. Hopefully the untis will be shipping the same day. 3 more weeks util that early XMAS.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
transam - of course not. No scanner ever will.

stateville - it does.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 23, 2003
Yorktown, Virginia

You are right, the 20th is a Saturday. That means one of two things.

1. They will have been delivered to the resellers early or
2. because most shipping (like UPS) doesn't deliver on Sat, we will be waiting until the 22nd to see them in the stores (and the 23rd to be shipped back out, even if the stores make an end of day drop off to the shipper).

Hopefully the stores will have the radios in stock early and will be able to ship them first day after the 20th. Either way, using some of Mark Twain's mathmatical logic, the earliest the we'll see the radios shipped is Monday the 22nd.

Figuring that if delivery is the 19th and nothing can be shipped until the 20th. We know UPS and Fedex don't work Saturdays. USPS does, but limited hours. Everything is closed on Sunday. So we are up to Monday. Guess I'll spring for overnight delivery or not see the scanner until the 25th or later.

There are other scenarios, early release (PLEASE, PLEASE), delayed release (no, NOT THAT) or I'm too far down the preorder list to get one of the first ones anyway.


May 16, 2005
Hopewell, VA
LEH said:

You are right, the 20th is a Saturday. That means one of two things.

1. They will have been delivered to the resellers early or
2. because most shipping (like UPS) doesn't deliver on Sat, we will be waiting until the 22nd to see them in the stores (and the 23rd to be shipped back out, even if the stores make an end of day drop off to the shipper).

Hopefully the stores will have the radios in stock early and will be able to ship them first day after the 20th. Either way, using some of Mark Twain's mathmatical logic, the earliest the we'll see the radios shipped is Monday the 22nd.

Figuring that if delivery is the 19th and nothing can be shipped until the 20th. We know UPS and Fedex don't work Saturdays. USPS does, but limited hours. Everything is closed on Sunday. So we are up to Monday. Guess I'll spring for overnight delivery or not see the scanner until the 25th or later.

There are other scenarios, early release (PLEASE, PLEASE), delayed release (no, NOT THAT) or I'm too far down the preorder list to get one of the first ones anyway.

Well FedEx does work Saturdays. Have recieved a few things from them on Saturdays with nothing extra paid. You are correct by saying UPS doesn't however. I don't see an early release coming even though as you say PLEASE PLEASE :lol: . I think everyone that pre-ordered one is like a kid near Christmas right now.


I just got a job with FedEx Home Delivery, and I've been told that my workweek will be Tuesday through Saturday.


Apr 22, 2004
Indianapolis, IN USA
I think the 20th has been an approximate date all along. First I heard the 10th... as these things go I'd be happy anytime in October.



Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Feb 3, 2001
Lansing, MI
Dave - they won't be delivered to the retailer by FedEx Home, that just goes to residences. I don't think a three month old estimate should be taken to the nearest hour anyways ;>


May 14, 2003
Rhode Island
Im really disapointed that GRE left out WFM no FM or TV recption.I know it's not a main feature in scanning but it is nice to have if a big game is on or something..
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