Is the background black only or changeable as well?
Oh, good question. I just assumed changeable...
Is the background black only or changeable as well?
Marshall KE4ZNR
Is the battery pack a done deal ? Can you re consider that part ? or is there a optional AA holder ,..its just that we have all been down the battery pack road before & it's a pain , the packs are usually expensive , & not as convenient as just being able to go anywhere & get your own cells & properly charge them yourself with a real smart charger , which is probably something most people buying this level of radio want to do & are capable of , & then if you keep the radio a long time you cant find the packs anymore & you are taking the things apart & trying to solder in your own cells ,its just a pain ,..just make it AA batteries .that i can get locally ..or even 18650's or something I can easily get on ebay or amazon ..because its like the cost of another upgrade ,..the battery pack
I MUCH prefer to be able to use my rechargeable AA's in the unit.
It's so much more convenient to keep 4-8 extra, fully charged, batteries to swap out when needed.
Like other handhelds, the SD100 does not have an external speaker jack. It has a headphone jack, which delivers power appropriate to drive earbuds. If it had enough power to drive speakers, it would drive earbuds through your brain and into the wall.
Like other handhelds, the SD100 does not have an external speaker jack. It has a headphone jack, which delivers power appropriate to drive earbuds. If it had enough power to drive speakers, it would drive earbuds through your brain and into the wall.
What does it take to get a GPS added to a handheld location based scanner?
Exciting...Ready to Order...
GPS internal? Port like Beatracker 885 antenna? Or will we have to go with a self powered Hockey Puck or have jonwienke mod it for us?