SDS100 Prerelease Discussion

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Dec 14, 2001
Far NW Valley
Im going to go ahead and say we will probably hit way more than 1500 posts before its offered for sale :).
Can any one answer my question above about radio IDs. Will the SDS automatically display them on conventional channels or will it be similar to the X36 line which require a single frequency trs to display this info?

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

I suspect we will be at 1500 posts by the weekend!

As for the ID display I also suspect that it will remain as part of the trunked feature set as it really is a trunking feature on P25. I am not sure on other modes yet. It really works pretty well when Single Channel Trunked is selected.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 8, 2005
Dupage County, Illinois
I suspect we will be at 1500 posts by the weekend!

As for the ID display I also suspect that it will remain as part of the trunked feature set as it really is a trunking feature on P25. I am not sure on other modes yet. It really works pretty well when Single Channel Trunked is selected.

Thanks Rich! :) People are really getting into this thread. I cant blame them Im excited too. I cant wait get my hands on one. If it works while downtown in Chicago it will work almost anywhere LOL.

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 26, 2006
Stow, Ohio
I suspect we will be at 1500 posts by the weekend!

As for the ID display I also suspect that it will remain as part of the trunked feature set as it really is a trunking feature on P25. I am not sure on other modes yet. It really works pretty well when Single Channel Trunked is selected.

Look at the very bottom of the manual UID’s are there

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Jason WX4JCW
Unication G4, BCD536HP


Nov 12, 2002
Look at the very bottom of the manual UID’s are there

He is asking about UIDs for conventional channels, though. Not currently supported. I doubt it will be added due to the logistics beyond maybe showing them on the display, as you would need to completely write Sentinel to allow multiple entries for each channel (something I wouldn't mind myself - to allow multiple CTCSS/CDCSS tones/codes to be scanned or avoided.)


Dec 18, 2005
Why would you buy scanners that dont work? You should have returned it or not bought them to begin with. I did not buy any of them because I saw from other users that it had too many issues.

I still have my 996xt
I am waiting my locals will be going to P25P2 in summer of 2019 so I still run my 396xt 996xt with remote head , I skipped the miscarriage 436/536 and I will avoid this and go whistler if it has the battery problem that the 436 has.Anyone gotten any info on if this thing is going to require downtime ? To charge or can I grab and go like all my other radios ?.

Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk


Silent key.
Dec 28, 2002
Ahwatukee, AZ (Phoenix)
He is asking about UIDs for conventional channels, though. Not currently supported. I doubt it will be added due to the logistics beyond maybe showing them on the display

It would be nice for P25 Conventional to display like a DMR or NXDN frequencies scanned as conventional. DMR scanned as conventional will show talkgroup, UID, Network&Site Number (if a trunked freq), and color code. Likewise NXDN frequencies show the same, but with RAN instead of color code.


Jan 20, 2008
I am waiting my locals will be going to P25P2 in summer of 2019 so I still run my 396xt 996xt with remote head , I skipped the miscarriage 436/536 and I will avoid this and go whistler if it has the battery problem that the 436 has.Anyone gotten any info on if this thing is going to require downtime ? To charge or can I grab and go like all my other radios ?.

Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk

You know the battery problem was solved years ago, right?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 8, 2005
Dupage County, Illinois
It would be nice for P25 Conventional to display like a DMR or NXDN frequencies scanned as conventional. DMR scanned as conventional will show talkgroup, UID, Network&Site Number (if a trunked freq), and color code. Likewise NXDN frequencies show the same, but with RAN instead of color code.
He is asking about UIDs for conventional channels, though. Not currently supported. I doubt it will be added due to the logistics beyond maybe showing them on the display, as you would need to completely write Sentinel to allow multiple entries for each channel (something I wouldn't mind myself - to allow multiple CTCSS/CDCSS tones/codes to be scanned or avoided.)
I knew I couldnt be the only one hoping for this :)

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Oct 7, 2010
Georgia on my mind
What I really like is this scanner is a Handheld which I like because I like my scanner to be with me at all times. Ok I don't take it in church. I know UPMAN has said and has shown that it picks up systems better than current models. How about distance is it really showing improvement say 25 miles away or farther? The battery is a real concern to me too. I hope they stay away from battery packs or at least make it and option to use 4 AA's for inclement weather. I'm also wondering why this scanner doesn't pick up D-Star only because this seems to be a new thing upcoming for Ham?


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I'm also wondering why this scanner doesn't pick up D-Star only because this seems to be a new thing upcoming for Ham?

1. Just because hams like D-Star doesn't mean there will be hams paying for an SDS100 just to listen to one or two D-Star repeaters somewhere near them. Same with Yaesu System Fusion.

2. Maybe it uses a different codec that requires additional licensing fees and the cost involved in licensing could not possibly justify adding them.

3. Maybe they feel they can't justify the simple development time involved in coding for D-Star. Again, how many hams will really buy this scanner because it does D-Star?

3. Maybe they will include D-star down the road and simply haven't yet because they want to get the scanner to market.

The #1 priority that they likely have is releasing a scanner to market that handles LSM great. Then perhaps a #2 priority would be NXDN / DMR. I'm betting D-Star / Fusion would be quite a few priority points lower on a list.

I've been a ham since '91. There isn't a D-Star repeater within a couple counties of me. I'm sure that for some people, they might have a couple D-Star repeaters they could listen to. But I'm fairly certain there isn't enough D-Star activity in close proximity to enough people to even justify adding it. If they add it, great. But it all boils down to what additional number of people will buy it because it does D-Star? And that would likely only be hams (who, by the way, are notoriously cheap).

I hope they eventually cram everything they can into it, and I'd pay for just about everything but D-Star. Time will tell.



More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
Yes, a bunch of off-topic posts have been removed, on several occasions.


In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
I know I'm not the most tactful guy when writing on forums, but I said nothing out of line in response to your original comment.

I agree.

And, we've not announced anything about D-Star. That doesn't mean we are working on it. That doesn't mean we are not working on it. Not announcing doesn't mean anything either yes or no, and neither does this paragraph.
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