SDS100 Prerelease Discussion

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Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
I know that I will want one, and I will be selling my 436, 996P2, the PSR-800, maybe the 396T (or my Unication G5 since I only really us it for FTO atm.) But please change the case design to make it wider at the base, and add a hefty high capacity battery to give it some weight and stability when the USB cable is plugged in. And packaging it in an HP2 case for mobile use, yes.


Dec 18, 2005
1. Just because hams like D-Star doesn't mean there will be hams paying for an SDS100 just to listen to one or two D-Star repeaters somewhere near them. Same with Yaesu System Fusion.

2. Maybe it uses a different codec that requires additional licensing fees and the cost involved in licensing could not possibly justify adding them.

3. Maybe they feel they can't justify the simple development time involved in coding for D-Star. Again, how many hams will really buy this scanner because it does D-Star?

3. Maybe they will include D-star down the road and simply haven't yet because they want to get the scanner to market.

The #1 priority that they likely have is releasing a scanner to market that handles LSM great. Then perhaps a #2 priority would be NXDN / DMR. I'm betting D-Star / Fusion would be quite a few priority points lower on a list.

I've been a ham since '91. There isn't a D-Star repeater within a couple counties of me. I'm sure that for some people, they might have a couple D-Star repeaters they could listen to. But I'm fairly certain there isn't enough D-Star activity in close proximity to enough people to even justify adding it. If they add it, great. But it all boils down to what additional number of people will buy it because it does D-Star? And that would likely only be hams (who, by the way, are notoriously cheap).

I hope they eventually cram everything they can into it, and I'd pay for just about everything but D-Star. Time will tell.

If you want dstar buy an Icom they have a desktop receiver for $3000 ,if you want a scanner for public service monitoring buy uniden or whistler ,i dont have any digital near me either , there is one gen 1 fusion repeater run in analog only ,you can pretty much drive 90 miles in any direction and hit digital but not in the middle .They have again left one inexpensive little chip out GPS I guess I'll be jacking into my Kenwood still ,ham digital modes don't really hold any money for uniden because there really isn't a dominant mode that is widespread and universal in appeal , you can drop $200 and buy dstar or fusion /DMR radio you have them in your area or a hotspot I have all of them ,but honestly out of everyone in my area that i chew the rag with most guys are not doing scanners , or if they are they have AOR ,scanners are not pulling a big crowd these days with so much encryption and broadcasting of feeds many don't want to part with the bread.

Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk


Dec 18, 2005
I think I just found my retirement hobby.:p
Find yourself an Icom 910Ah or the 9100 they have satelitte built in with ability to control multi azimuth rotator to turn your beam into the appropriate intercept of course you'll have to do the math on the recent cube sats and such but theres an app for that! And its free it will notify you when station is making a pass or all the different sats depending on preferences .

Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
Just wondering with all the discussion about the battery life, will this scanner be compatible with external battery chargers (as in what are known as "battery sticks")?


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Presuming you mean power banks like these, there's no reason they shouldn't work with the scanner, so long as they provide the mAh required. Really, anything that is powered by USB should be able to work with one of those but since they're designed for phones, if the device drags down any sizably different amount of current compared to a phone, it might drain faster.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
Just wondering with all the discussion about the battery life, will this scanner be compatible with external battery chargers (as in what are known as "battery sticks")?

Seems like it would be compatible conceptually. The manual states that when the radio is powered on, the battery does not charge. When the radio is off, the battery will charge. This assumes that you are talking about something like this:

that outputs at least 1A @ 5V (this example is 2A @ 5V, 5000ma capacity.)


RRDB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 18, 2002
Lebanon, Pa.
They work great for the 436. I can get aprox 65 - 70 hours if using mine to power it. Chargetime is about 7 hours fir my Panasonic eneloops pro...

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


Premium Subscriber
Jun 26, 2006
Stow, Ohio
They work great for the 436. I can get aprox 65 - 70 hours if using mine to power it. Chargetime is about 7 hours fir my Panasonic eneloops pro...

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

Oooo that’s sexy

Sent from my iPhone 8 using Tapatalk Pro
Jason WX4JCW
Unication G4, BCD536HP


May 19, 2006
Newport, PA
I would also be a fan (and customer) of this type of radio in a HP-1/2 form factor. I have my HP-1 installed in the center console of my Subaru Crosstrek and it is a perfect fit. I do miss the portability of a handheld. I have a BC125AT and a Baofeng UV-5R that I can use to receive my county's analog dispatch, but I miss the digital OPS and law enforcement dispatches. Still, this is an exciting new radio for the hobby.


In Memoriam
Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2004
Arlington, TX
UPMan, can you elaborate on the Noise indicator on the display next to RSSI?
Not finding it in the manual.
Thank you.

It is an indication of non-audible audio noise. It is the absolute value of the digital high-pass filter (there is no unit like dBm). It is used in the scanner to determine squelch cut-off.

It can be useful, also, in determining receive conditions on digital transmissions (as there is no background his to clue you to rx conditions). High value indicates weak signal or some interference (or other source of audio noise). Low is good.


Jul 4, 2010
It is an indication of non-audible audio noise. It is the absolute value of the digital high-pass filter (there is no unit like dBm). It is used in the scanner to determine squelch cut-off.

It can be useful, also, in determining receive conditions on digital transmissions (as there is no background his to clue you to rx conditions). High value indicates weak signal or some interference (or other source of audio noise). Low is good.

Thank you.


Nov 3, 2013

Whether I'm right or wrong, that suggests to me that NXDN support will be the last to be added and probably not available initially. You've already got DMR / EDACS Provoice support in the 436/536 - so those will likely be available (via upgrade purchase) in the SDS100 at the time the scanner is available to buy.

And my guess is that a separate upgrade for Provoice is only there to quell any people who might otherwise B&M about having to pay for something they'll never use if you had included it in with the DMR.

I'm looking forward to the release!


PS: I don't expect any response regarding my speculation.

From what I heard, the pro voice upgrade cost is required as part of a reimbursement to the pro voice licence system. Anything that can receive the pro voice is a "paid" service. I have 2 of the 436's and 1 536 and questioned after I purchased the upgrade for my first unit why I have to pay for each one.


Dec 18, 2005
It sounds like the Qualcomm "you pay once as in the rest of your life " royalty deals .
With so many pay required features is Uniden going to be offering a "one and done" discount package or is everything going to be a la carte ?

Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
From what I heard, the pro voice upgrade cost is required as part of a reimbursement to the pro voice licence system. Anything that can receive the pro voice is a "paid" service. I have 2 of the 436's and 1 536 and questioned after I purchased the upgrade for my first unit why I have to pay for each one.
Uniden has to pay a royalty for DMR, NXDN, & ProVoice upgrades for each scanner upgraded, not a single royalty for each owner of one or more units being upgraded.


Dec 19, 2005
They work great for the 436. I can get aprox 65 - 70 hours if using mine to power it. Chargetime is about 7 hours fir my Panasonic eneloops pro...
Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

100% agree with scan-pa on these...I can't endorse these little mobile power banks enough.....they weigh about the same as a spare set of AA batteries but last forever when out in the field. Only slight annoyance is that all the right angle usb cables I have must go UP the side of the scanner, not down.
Aug 26, 2015
1. Just because hams like D-Star doesn't mean there will be hams paying for an SDS100 just to listen to one or two D-Star repeaters somewhere near them. Same with Yaesu System Fusion.

2. Maybe it uses a different codec that requires additional licensing fees and the cost involved in licensing could not possibly justify adding them.

3. Maybe they feel they can't justify the simple development time involved in coding for D-Star. Again, how many hams will really buy this scanner because it does D-Star?

3. Maybe they will include D-star down the road and simply haven't yet because they want to get the scanner to market.

The #1 priority that they likely have is releasing a scanner to market that handles LSM great. Then perhaps a #2 priority would be NXDN / DMR. I'm betting D-Star / Fusion would be quite a few priority points lower on a list.

I've been a ham since '91. There isn't a D-Star repeater within a couple counties of me. I'm sure that for some people, they might have a couple D-Star repeaters they could listen to. But I'm fairly certain there isn't enough D-Star activity in close proximity to enough people to even justify adding it. If they add it, great. But it all boils down to what additional number of people will buy it because it does D-Star? And that would likely only be hams (who, by the way, are notoriously cheap).

I hope they eventually cram everything they can into it, and I'd pay for just about everything but D-Star. Time will tell.


Uniden can't easily make a "refuse to open the squelch if the signal is undecodable digital noise, but let me hear it if it's analog FM" feature that works in the general case. The solution is to make it be able to decode pretty much anything.

I'd pay for both YSF and DStar upgrades if they were available. I did the DMR upgrade to decode the 30+ repeaters near my house that have switched over. (As an aside, the DMR-MARC callsign list won't fit in a 1mb favorite list... Please make the lists bigger!)

I have dstar gear, but it would be nice for the general purpose scanner to tell me when the repeater is linked up and working workout having hear the high pitched hiss that is dstar decoded as FM.

It also makes programming easier in the case of the YSF repeaters. They operate in fusion mode where you either get good quality FM analog, or a terrible digital noise, depending on who is using the repeater. The scanner could handle that better then the Yeasu radios do if it had the ability to decode YSF.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 8, 2005
Dupage County, Illinois
It is an indication of non-audible audio noise. It is the absolute value of the digital high-pass filter (there is no unit like dBm). It is used in the scanner to determine squelch cut-off.

It can be useful, also, in determining receive conditions on digital transmissions (as there is no background his to clue you to rx conditions). High value indicates weak signal or some interference (or other source of audio noise). Low is good.
Now that is cool, will it be available on the final product or is it only for demo/testing purposes?

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Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2009
Central Jersey
SDS100 Firmware & Sentinel

If using Sentinel x36HP for programming, how will Firmware changes be recognized by the SDS100?
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