That is not going to happen. Programming a system multiple times with different sets of talkgroups enabled in each instance is a grossly suboptimal way to program a trunked system, and you should never do that. Talkgroups in a trunked system are never scanned, what is actually scanned are the frequencies on each site. If you program a system 3 times, once for fire, once for EMS, and once for police talkgroups, you have about a 67% probability of missing any given transmission. When scanning sites of the police instance, all fire and EMS traffic is ignored. When scanning the sites of the EMS instance, all fire and police traffic is ignored, etc. The more instances of the system you program, the greater the odds of not hearing traffic. So just don't.
The correct approach is to program the system only once, and use Service Types, Location Control + GPS, and/or Department Quick Keys to filter traffic as desired. It uses less memory, scans faster, and unless there are multiple transmissions of interest happening simultaneously, missed traffic will be minimal.