Honestly, I'd be shocked if Uniden came out with any sort of remote head. Not just because of the past attempts, but as I see it, because Whistler offers a model with a detachable head (don't want to be a "copy-cat") and the propensity for end users to just come up with their own solutions.
I was afraid to say it, but this is my thought process as well. If you want to talk scanners, Uniden was the first with a remote head option, but Whistler (with a GRE design) was the first with the out-of-the box detachable head, but they were only following the majority of the ham radio manufacturers. I remember my Kenwood TM-D7A and how novel it was to have the option way back in 1999. The fact that the ham manufacturers are still doing it shows that it is a viable concept and the stigma of "copycatting" shouldn't be a deterrent, but some people don't see it that way.