Small Bug Found In New Sentinal 2.00.01
I've found a small bug that I would like UpMan to be aware of. In conventional favorites, all of the Digital Code Search audio options when you click on them come up with the Audio Type set to ALL. It never shows digital and then selects the Digital Code Search. If you select a P25 NAC, DMR Color, NDXN? (I thought it was NXDN) Area, or NDXN? Ran, it will work and display properly the next time you select it.
I've even tried changing it to something else and then back to what it's suppose to be, but the bug is still there. I'm not sure if the radio will search only digital or ALL. Does anyone else see this happening?
Easy way to check, select an entry that shows "Digital Code Search" in the Audio Options column of a conventional list, then select "Digital" for Audio Type and make sure that "Digital Code Search" is checked under Digital Options. Click OK. Then open it back up and it changes back to ALL for Audio Type.