Anything you buy right now is going to be quickly outdated, as the system is slated to be Phase-II TDMA when complete, and the only thing that will do that right now is the GRE PSR-800.
What happened as a result of this law is terrible, but that is what happens when special interest entities spend millions in Washington lobbying for new laws. What a mess, just dig deeper. Cha Ching.
With all due respect, who do you think is pushing Washington to make those decisions? If we didn't have to narrowband, we would still have a number of MASTR-II, Micor, and even Motrac and MASTR-PRO radios in service. There's no reason to buy something new if what you have works fine. "But we got more frequencies out of it, right?" Maybe on UHF, and they're already gone in most places. But do you really think narrowbanding created any new channels on VHF - especially in areas that need additional frequencies? Now, the manufacturers are pushing differing digital systems - some that completely hog their frequencies. Got interference? You have to go digital yourself.This is the problem with Washington in general and public government forcing things down your throat with stolen (i.e. taxed) money. This would never happen in private enterprise because there would be actual accountability and they would have to answer to their losses and inefficiencies. But, you know, give the government more and more of our power.
Public safety enterprise knows what needs to be done; they don't nor shouldn't have to keep waiting on the government's next asinine ruling in order to keep the system going. This is just one of many examples that keep coming up regularly. Then everyone yells why taxes are so high and there are no results. Again, one word: accountability. It's lost in our federal government.
Anything you buy right now is going to be quickly outdated, as the system is slated to be Phase-II TDMA when complete, and the only thing that will do that right now is the GRE PSR-800.
I had noticed encrypted communications on 54768 before, by prosecutor radios. I just flipped Unitrunker over and it also shows the 3423 communications as protected (encrypted) and the radio IDs I see there are the in the same prosecutor radio ID range as on the Motorola system.
... All fire and rescue departments still operate on wide band/analog ...
I've never heard them on Region 2 - the only TRS activity I ever remember out of them was coordination for multi-incidents, big fires, hurricanes/snowstorms, etc on OPS 3.