Sticky Thread For Mid-Atlantic MilAir 2017

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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

((Logs are from various WebSDRs located at

07348.0 1251Z WGY908 (FEMA Region 8 Office Denver, CO) USB in USB/ALE & voice closing down link.

04724.0 1300Z Election USB w/EAMs IHALNH (30 chars) & 4O3RDC (30 chars)

04593.5 1308Z AFA5NX (NCS) USB w/net check-ins: AFA3TX1 AFA3DJ, AFA3EM, AFA3MD, AFA3WH, AFA3FK,


14356.0 1350Z 1RK USB w/EAMs 4O3RDC (30 chars) & IHALNH (30 chars)

06845.0 1421Z NCS 042 (NCS) USB w/SHARES Northeast Storm Watch Net check-ins: AFA2PD, AAR1JB (alt


06715.0 1428Z Trenton Military USB w/???-20 (call missed) w/wx for CFB Greenwood & CFB Halifax.

13993.0 1546Z High Card Romeo (NCS) USB w/High Card Julliet, 5QU, 00G.

11109.0 1616Z 6LD USB w/EAM IHPLNH (30 chars)

11175.0 1944Z Bee Bread (sounds like) USB w/EAM (in progress--preamble missed). "Sea Bread

standing by for trfc".

11175.0 1953Z Aztec Art USB w/EAM IHLSML (30 chars).

11175.0 2010Z Stockman USB w/???-26 (weak) w/exchange of 4-ltr code group then out.

11175.0 2012Z Bee Bread (weak & fading) USB w/EAM IHLSML (30 chars).

11175.0 2015Z Reach 434 (KC-135R # 57-1486 MS ANG 186ARW/153ARS Key Field, Meridian MS) USB calling


11175.0 2016Z-2027Z Aztec Art USB w/EAMs IHPPE7 (30 chars), IHEYX6 (30 chars) & IHF27D (30 chars)

11175.0 2020Z Fear-23 (B-52H 5th BW Minot AFB ND) USB calling Skymaster.

11175.0 2043Z Bee Bread USB w/EAMs IHPPE7 (30 chars) & IHEYX6

11175.0 2045Z Bee Bread USB w/Fury-11 & Fury-12 (B-2A 509 BW/393 BS Whiteman AFB MO)

11175.0 2049Z Skull 21 (B-52H 2nd BW/20th BS, Barksdale AFB, LA) USB w/Space Gun & 4-ltr msg.

11175.0 2055Z Aztec Art USB w/EAM IHEYXL.

11175.0 2056Z Aztec Art USB w/Repay-08 & Repay-09 exchanging 4-ltr group msgs.

11175.0 2100Z Repay-09 USB calling Skymaster w/no response.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

((Logs are from WebSDRs: TW (Univ of Twente, NH (New Hampshire), OH (Ohio), ID (Idaho), WA

(Washington), FL (Florida), TX (Texas), KS (Kansas), NZ (New Zealand), JA (Japan))

04724.0 0031Z Tip Tank USB w/EAM IHIIWI (30 chars) (OH)

11360.0 1240Z Korsar (Russian Air Force 334th Air Transport Regiment, 6985th Air Base, Pskov) USB

w/76767 (IL-76MD-not heard) reporting landing at Raspiska (Russian AB Mozdok). (TW)

07615.0 1405Z Triblade 65 (NCS) USB w/net check-ins: Billy Bear 50, Grey Sky 10, Triblade 60,

Triblade 50, Triblade 51, Sandlapper 4, Sandlapper 47, Red Dragon 99, Skyline 40, Free State 44,

Billy Bear 30, Triblade 55, Rocky Top 4, Wire Head 10, Landing Gear 51. (FL)

07535.0 1503Z SESEF USB w/Wildcat (unid US Navy Vessel) testing voice & ANDVT comms equipment. (NH)

07535.0 1504Z SESEF USB w/Stellar Eagle (unid US Navy vessel) testing HF Remote #2. (NH)

14396.5 1508Z NCS312 (NCS) USB w/SHARES Weekly net check-ins: KF?33A, NCS024, NN4LSO (KY), NCS044,

NCS308, NCS307, AAR9BD, AAR0GG, NNA7WG, NF91R, AAR1OT (CT), NCS042 (NY), AGA0FC (WA), NCS012. (NH &


11494.0 1538Z CommCon (Chesapeake VA) USB w/J15 (USCG MH-60T # 6015 CGAS Elizabeth City NC--not

heard) w/position report & flt status. (ID)

11494.0 1613Z CommCon USB w/N16 (USCG HC-144 # 2316 ATC Mobile AL) reporting flt ops normal at

2409N/08150W at FL150.(NH)

06685.0 1747Z Acft 50608 (Russian AF A-50 AWACS) USB calling Korsar & Polotnoy (unloc) w/no

response. (TW)

11175.0 1835Z Tip Tank USB w/EAM IHKSJV (30 chars) (NH)

11175.0 1840Z Tip Tank USB w/EAM IH2GYQ (30 chars) (ID)

11175.0 1839Z Reach 899 (C-5M # 86-0011 60th AMW/22nd AS Travis AFB CA) USB calling Mainsail.

Answered by West Coast. (ID)

11175.0 1841Z Tip Tank USB w/EAM IH4TCO (30 chars) (ID)

11175.0 1845Z Tuff-42 (B-52H 2nd BW/11th BS Barksdale AFB, LA) USB calling Mainsail. Answered by

Elmendorf & Lajes but not heard by Tuff-42. (ID)

11175.0 1849Z Red River Maintenance USB calling Mainsail. Answered by Hickam. (ID)

11175.0 1855Z Promoter (TACAMO/ABNCP) USB calling Tip Tank w/no response. Answered by West Coast

then w/authentication procedures for entering net. (ID)

11175.0 1902Z Pretender (TACAMO/ABNCP) USB calling Mainsail then West Coast w/no response.(ID)

11282.0 1916Z San Francisco w/Navy PR316 (EP-3 VQ-1 NAS Whidbey Island WA) w/position report (ID)

11282.0 1921Z San Francisco USB w/Hoku 62 (KC-135R 203rd ARS HI ANG Joint Base Hickam-Pearl Harbor

AFB HI) w/selcal check (?S-HR) (ID)

11282.0 1940Z San Francisco USB w/Reach 037 (KC-135R # 58-0067 IA ANG 185ARW/174ARS Sioux City IA)

w/selcal check (KQ-FS) (ID)

11282.0 2007Z San Francisco USB w/Quest 72 (KC-10A # 79-1948 60th AMW Travis AFB CA). Quest 72

advises they will be AAR w/Reach 238 (KC-135R # 57-2597 TN ANG 134th ARW/151st ARS McGhee-Tyson TN)

at FL210 in AR-209W. Quest 72 Selcal is GR-FS. (ID)

11282.0 2013Z San Francisco USB w/Reach 238 who advises they will be AAR w/Quest 72 in block FL200

-230. Selcal is JQ-BE. (ID)

11282.0 2026Z San Francisco USB w/Reach 9500 (KC-135R # 59-1500 IL ANG 126ARW/108ARS Scott AFB IL)

w/selcal check (KR-AL). NOTE: ADS-B shows Reach 9500 heading west at FL400 just crossing coast near

San Francisco.(ID)


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

Logs are from WebSDRs: TW (Univ of Twente, NH (New Hampshire), OH (Ohio),ID (Idaho), WA (Washington), FL (Florida), TX (Texas), KS (Kansas), NZ (New Zealand), JA (Japan)

05652.0 1210Z San Francisco USB w/various flts.(ID)

11494.0 1535Z CommCon (Chesapeake VA) USB w/K31 (USCG MH-65D # 6531--not heard) reporting position 3034N/8812W, course 005 degrees, spd 100 knts, alt 400ft.(FL)

11175.0 1603Z-1612Z Deceptive USB w/EAMs IHQZF6 (30 chars), IH2HMN (30 chars) & IHR3UU (30 chars). (FL)

11279.0 1655Z Gander USB w/Reach 805 (C-17A # 07-7172 60th AMW Travis AFB CA) w/position report.(NH)

11279.0 1701Z Gander USB w/Reach 111 (C-5M # 85-0008 436th AMW/9th AS Dover AFB DE) w/position report. (NH)

11175.0 1720Z Deceptive USB w/EAM IH5K2R (30 chars). (NH)

13306.0 1832Z New York USB w/Reach 540 (C-17A # 07-7185 437th AMW Charleston AFB SC) w/selcal check. (NH)

13200.0 1848Z Deceptive USB w/EAM IHGTVB (30 chars)


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

Logs are from WebSDRs: TW (Univ of Twente, NH (New Hampshire), OH (Ohio),ID (Idaho), WA (Washington),

FL (Florida), TX (Texas), KS (Kansas), NZ (New Zealand), JA (Japan)

11360.0 1056Z Korsar (Russian Air Force 334th Air Transport Regiment, 6985th Air Base, Pskov) USB

w/76551 (IL-76MD--not heard) (caught at sign off).(TW)

11360.0 1059Z Korsar USB w76772 (IL-76MD-not heard) reporting landing at (???) at 1048 UTC.(TW)

11360.0 1120Z Korsar USB w/78764 (IL-76MD--not heard) reporting landing at Batereya (Russian AB

Dzhankoy) w/30 tons fuel.(TW)

11360.0 1122Z Acft 76773 (IL-76MD) USB calling Korsar w/no response. (TW)

11279.0 1246Z Gander USB w/NASA 2 (Gulfstream 3 N2NA NASA Hqs Wash DC) w/positon report & selcal

check (GM-FL). (NH)

11175.0 1507Z Technical USB w/EAM 4OA2AJ (30 chars) " for ???" (FL)

11175.0 1513Z Technical USB w/EAM 4OTZZA (30 chars) "for Sprite" (ID)

04593.5 1554Z AFS0OR (NCS) USB w/net check-ins: AFA0DD, AFA0DT, AFD0OR (alt NCS), AFA0IA, AFU0GH,


11282.0 1610Z San Francisco USB w/Reach 7E1 (C-17A # 07-7179 60th AMW/21st AS Travis AFB CA)

w/selcal check. (ID)

11175.0 1824Z Technical USB w/EAM 4OQ6DR (30 chars) "for Resuscitate" (ID)

08843.0 2004Z San Francisco USB w/Backy 95 (spelled, KC-135R AFRC 916ARW/77ARS Seymour-Johnson AFB

NC) w/selcal check (KL-PS). Backy95 depart Charlotte NC enroute to Barbers Point HI. (ID)


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Falcon Air Service C208 N128ST

This is one of their birds that circles various areas near Hagerstown and Martinsburg. I had a good angle for a photo this morning as it was at 4300 feet -


  • N128ST - 3_20_2017 , 9_37_12 AM.jpg
    N128ST - 3_20_2017 , 9_37_12 AM.jpg
    13.4 KB · Views: 445


Aug 25, 2007
Fairfax, VA
New Freq for DC's SFRA

The National Flight Date Digest from March 19 2017 deletes 342.425 as the EAST sector for Potomac TRACON's SFRA. Effective immediately, it is replaced by 350.325.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Odd new mode s logged here today 2:45pm local
(AE5F04) showing 150191..
Comes back as #150191 U-6A Beaver from Pax River NTPS..
Oldie but still ticking..Guess they recently added a new mode s box.
NU-1B Otter / U-6A Beaver | NAVAIR - U.S. Navy Naval Air Systems Command - Navy and Marine Corps Aviation Research, Development, Acquisition, Test and Evaluation


Nice catch. I knew they had a couple of those but they usually don't fly high enough for me to hear them from my QTH.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

Logs are from WebSDRs: TW (Univ of Twente), SW (Sweden),FN (Finland), NH (New Hampshire), OH

(Ohio),ID (Idaho), WA (Washington), FL (Florida), TX (Texas), KS (Kansas), NZ (New Zealand), JA


06727.0 2357Z Unid (O/M Japanese/EE) USB w/acft Papa-66 (accented EE) reporting over Nagoya at

2355Z at FL160 & ops normal. (JA)

08806.0 0007Z Y/L (Chinese) USB w/broadcast. Sounds like volmet/maritime wx. (JA)

08761.0 0011Z O/M (Japanese) USB w/broadcast. Prob martime wx. (JA)

08828.0 0012Z Tokyo (Y/L English) USB w/volmet. (JA)

06847.5 0122Z Shoka-33 (O/M Russian) USB calling Otsom-25, Yeder-52, Drel'-29 w/no response. (JA)

06679.0 0050Z Auckland USB w/volmet. (NZ)

11175.0 0111Z Diego USB w/test count. (NZ)

04700.0 0128Z Halifax Military USB w/Rescue 344 (CC-130H #130344 8th Wing CFB Trenton ON--not

heard) advising the RCC has no trfc & secondary freq is 3047. (TW)

11175.0 0156Z Space Ace USB w/EAM ZYD7VV (65 chars). (NH)

06727.0 0205Z ???-511 (accented EE) USB reporting passing Delta at 0210 at FL160 & ops normal. (JA)

17904.0 0236Z San Francisco USB w/CG 1707 (HC-130H7 #1707 CGAS Barbers Point HI) cleared to Wake Airport. (JA)

11175.0 1057Z Space Ace USB w/EAM ZY7QL7 (65 chars). (SW)

11360.0 1122Z Korsar (Russian Air Force 334th Air Transport Regiment, 6985th Air Base, Pskov) USB

w/78837 (IL-76MD--not heard) reporting depature from Kanatnij (Russian AB, Ivanovo-North) w/57 tons

fuel. Next is Kedr (Russian AB,Bryansk).(SW)

11360.0 1136Z Korsar USB w/78810 (IL-76MD) reporting departure from Raspiska (Russian AB Mozdok) at 1410 MSK w/37 tons fuel. Next is Ckhalovskij. (SW)

11360.0 1200Z Korsar USB w/76768 (IL-76MD--not heard) reporting landing at Raspiska at 1505 MSK

w/20 tons fuel. (SW)

11360.0 1230Z Korsar USB w/74291 (unid--not heard) reporting departure from (missed) at 1513 MSK

w/19 tons fuel. Next is ?Katrine?. (SW)

11360.0 1235Z Acft 76773 (IL-76MD) USB calling Korsar & Davlenie (Russian Air Force 708th Air

Transport Regiment, 6958th Air Base, Taganrog) w/no response. (SW)

11360.0 1313Z Polis (Russian Air Force 117th Air Transport Regiment, 6956th Air Base, Orenburg) USB

w/78757 (IL-76MD) reporting departure from (missed) at 1600 MSK & ETA Kedr 1730 MSK. (SW)

14396.5 1538Z NCS012 (NCS) USB w/SHARES Weekly Net check-ins: AFA6EA, AFA0TM, NCS312, KNY78 (FL),

NF91MR (MI), WAF7LR, NCS702 (TN), AFA0RB (WA). (OH/ID)

06676.0 1812Z Bangkok USB w/volmet. (JA)

11175.0 1938Z Space Ace USB w/EAM IHNDRY (30 chars). (ID)


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland

Nice catch. I knew they had a couple of those but they usually don't fly high enough for me to hear them from my QTH.

Never knew they had these early program trainers for NTPS.. Updated mode s tracking a nice addition to the old birds.. He was putting along at 7000 feet right towards York Pa.
Bet a bumpy ride with winds today..Wish Pax River would add more new boxes for T-38's etc.

Earlier tonight Baton 55 EC-130J inbound Harrisburg on their ops says "Moosehead, Moosehead 0045" Code word for inbound and eta for landing at 0045z New one for me there as well.
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Never knew they had these early program trainers for NTPS.. Updated mode s tracking a nice addition to the old birds.. He was putting along at 7000 feet right towards York Pa.
Bet a bumpy ride with winds today..Wish Pax River would add more new boxes for T-38's etc.

Earlier tonight Baton 55 EC-130J inbound Harrisburg on their ops says "Moosehead, Moosehead 0045" Code word for inbound and eta for landing at 0045z New one for me there as well.


Strange about the Baton transmission. Someone over cautious about OPSEC? Did they still use 395.1 w/Baton Ops?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland

Strange about the Baton transmission. Someone over cautious about OPSEC? Did they still use 395.1 w/Baton Ops?

Yeah still same Ops freq.Maybe just new Ops lingo like McGuire KC-135 108Wg tankers use
like "Blackjack" etc on their Ops 251.200
Baton 55 still used alpha 1 in front and alpha 2 in the back for 1 receiver inop.
Bet they have some cool scanner/receivers in the back :)
Saw one of their EC-130J's at airshow but back was securely blocked off to peeping eyes.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Heard USAF Thunderbirds pass thru area on ZDC 281.450 at FL280 1915z
Florida show last week and supposedly Luke AFB April 2-3.
Wonder what they are doing up this way?


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

Logs are from WebSDRs: TW (Univ of Twente), SW (Sweden),FN (Finland), NH (New Hampshire), OH (Ohio), ID (Idaho), WA (Washington), FL (Florida), TX (Texas), KS (Kansas), NZ (New Zealand), JA (Japan)

11175.0 1536Z Rummy 92 (prob KC-135T # 58-0086 6th AMW/927th ARW/MacDill AFB FL)& Rummy 91 (KC-135R # 63-8872 ME ANG 101st ARW/132nd ARS Bangor ME) USB in R/Cs. Rummy 92 advises he is switching back--then out. (ID)

11190.0 1553Z Echo USB R/Cs w/Kilo. Prob US Navy acty. (ID)

11282.0 1653Z San Francisco USB w/Ruler 67 (C-17A # 03-3116 MS ANG 172nd AW/183rd AS Jackson MS) w/position report.

11282.0 1655Z San Francisco USB w/Convoy 3402 (US Navy C-130T) w/position report.(ID)

11282.0 1715Z San Francisco USB w/Tora 62 (KC-135R # 57-1488 6th AMW/927th ARW/MacDill AFB FL) w/position report. (ID)

11282.0 1729Z San Francisco USB w/Hoku 16 (KC-135R # 60-0329 203rd ARS HI ANG Joint Base Hickam-Pearl Harbor AFB HI) w/position report & selcal check (JS-AM). (ID)

11282.0 1730Z San Francisco USB w/Convoy 4722 (US Navy C-40 #166695 USNR VR-56 NAS Oceana VA) w/position report & selcal check (BS-ER). Convoy 4722 departed Honolulu enroute to NAS Whidbey Island WA. (ID)

11175.0 1748Z Offutt USB w/Nighthawk 7 (VC-22/VC-60 HMX-1 MCAF Quantico VA) w/request for pp tp
202-814-8870. No joy on first number so try 571-594-4874. Nothing else heard. (ID)

11175.0 1750Z Reach 136 (C-17A # 00-0175 AETC 97AMW/58AS Altus AFB OK) USB calling Mainsail.
Answered by Offutt. (ID)

11282.0 1804Z San Francisco Navy BH404 (KC-130T # 163023 USMCR VMGR-234 JRB Ft Worth TX). BH404 departed NAS Point Mugu CA enroute to Joint Base Hickam-Pearl Harbor HI. (ID)

11282.0 1805Z San Francisco USB w/Rummy 91 who advises that are w/Jess 41-44 and Rummy 92 is w/Jess 45-47. At 1812Z updates San Francisco that Rummy 91 taking Jess 41-44 (F-15Cs 144th FW CA ANG Fresno/Yosemite Airport CA) on planned flt route and that Rummy 92 is RTB. Jess 45-47 will drop back and join up with Rummy 01 & 02 and their escorting flt who are 30 mins behind Rummy 91 flt. (ID)

11282.0 1810Z San Francisco USB w/Bats 81 (KC-135R # 57-2606 IA ANG 185ARW/174ARS Sioux City IA). (ID)

11282.0 1830Z San Francisco USB w/Rummy 02 (KC-135R # 58-0061 22nd ARW McConnell AFB KS) w/selcal check (KQ-ES). At 1845Z advises that they are at FL260 in trail of Rummy 91 & request to depart ALTRV & join planned flt route. Will advise when request for FL400.(ID)

11282.0 1848Z San Francisco USB w/Mover 57 (KC10, 305th AMW Joint Base-McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ). (ID)

11175.0 1900Z Free Hand USB w/?Reset 3? (very weak) who advises they are trying to reach Clear
Cold. (ID)

11282.0 1904Z San Francisco USB w/Roler 01 (callsign spelled--C-130H 192nd AS, Nevada ANG,
Reno/Tahoe NV) advises departed Vandenberg AFB CA enroute to MCAS Kanaohe Bay HI. (ID)

11175.0 1932Z Offutt USB R/Cs w/Adobe 41 (prob KC-135T # 60-0357 22nd ARW McConnell AFB KS). (ID)

11282.0 1950Z San Francisco USB w/Reach 275 (C-17A # 03-3124 437th AMW Charleston AFB SC). (ID)

11282.0 1956Z San Francisco USB w/Reach 074 (KC-10A) w/selcal check (GS-KM). (ID).


Premium Subscriber
May 14, 2009
Cincinnati/Dayton, OH
Yeah still same Ops freq.Maybe just new Ops lingo like McGuire KC-135 108Wg tankers use
like "Blackjack" etc on their Ops 251.200
Baton 55 still used alpha 1 in front and alpha 2 in the back for 1 receiver inop.
Bet they have some cool scanner/receivers in the back :)
Saw one of their EC-130J's at airshow but back was securely blocked off to peeping eyes.

I've been inside it at an airshow maybe four years ago. Lots of receivers, transmitters, everything. Nothing at all was blocked off; they even had the camera running that showed the antennas (no windows in the back to keep an eye on them). The only freq of note in any of the radios was the Baton Ops freq. There were some video transmit freqs plugged in as well. I have pictures but they're on my external HD.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
The French Aero Demo team supposed to do flyover of DC today around 1PM but
wx forecast not looking good so far.. Enoute from Stewart to Melbourne Fla today.
French Air Force Patrouille de France Jet Demonstration Team To Perform Flyovers of New York City, Washington, D.C.

Was out this morning but 4 of their alpha jets mode s logged Southbound dropping
down towards DC area spread out single file..FL15k down to 9600 feet here.
Since there is 8 of them maybe paired up here..

(3B7681) FAF602 1355z
(3B7655) 1405z
(3B7673) FAF605 1410z
(3B763B) 1430z

New York overfly yesterday with the A400M leading the way..
callsign heard using was ATHOS.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Had 3B776B A400M CTM2010 over MRB 10 minutes ago heading SE, ADS-B has it over DC now at 4000 feet

Now at 1700 feet heading 360 into Andrews from the south
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

Logs are from WebSDRs: TW (Univ of Twente), SW (Sweden),FN (Finland), NH (New Hampshire), OH

(Ohio),ID (Idaho), WA (Washington), FL (Florida), TX (Texas), KS (Kansas), NZ (New Zealand), JA


11175.0 0020Z Smuggler (West Coast TACAMO) USB w/EAM J6J6XF (35 chars). Smuggler standing by for trfc..Smuggler out. (ID)

11360.0 1131Z Korsar (Russian Air Force 334th Air Transport Regiment, 6985th Air Base, Pskov) USB

R/C w/82038 (Russian AF AN-124--not heard). (SW)

11360.0 1140Z Korsar USB w/82014 (Russian AF AN-124--not heard) reporting departure from (missed_

w/65 tons fuel. Next is Raspika (Russian AB Mozdok). AT 1315Z reports landing at Raspiska w/40 tons


11360.0 1308Z Korar USB w/82013 (Russian AF AN-124--not heard) reports 5 hrs into flt w/51 tons


11360.0 1315Z Korsar USB R/Cs w/76643 (IL-76MD--not heard). (SW)

11360.0 1321Z Korsar USB w/78816 (IL-76MD--not heard) reporting departure from Bryansk at 1600 MSK & next is Kalchevo. (SW)

11175.0 1324Z Sensitive USB w/EAM NM4AGJ (30 chars). (SW)

11360.0 1333Z Korsar USB w/86017 (unid--not heard) reporting departure from (missed) w/57 tons fuel

& next is Tver. (SW)

11360.0 1501Z Acft 78811 (IL-76MD) USB calling Korsar & Proselok (Russian Air Force 566th Air

Transport Regiment, Bryansk) w/no response. Answered by Davlenie (Russian Air Force 708th Air

Transport Regiment, 6958th Air Base, Taganrog) & reports 1 hr into flt w/30 tons fuel & "ops normal".


08992.0 1536Z Sensitive USB w/EAM J6PL3L (30 chars). (FL)

11175.0 1540Z Dexterity (East Coast TACAMO) USB "standing by for trfc...Dexterity out". (FL)

11175.0 1840 Dexterity USB w/EAM ZYGLNJ (33 chars). Standing by for trfc...Dexterity out. (FL)

11175.0 1844Z Offutt USB R/Cs w/Condor 07 (unid). (FL)

08992.0 1853Z King 35 (HC-130J 23rd Wing/71st RQS, Moody AFB GA) USB calling Puerto Rico & Mainsail w/no response. (FL)

08983.0 1908Z CommCon (Chesapeake VA) USB calling J19 (USCG MH-60T # 6019 CGAS San Diego CA) w/no

response. NOTE: CommCon badly over-modulated. (FL)

08992.0 1911Z Dexterity USB rebroadcast of ZYGLNJ (33 chars). Standing by for trfc...Dexterity out.


11175.0 1914Z Sensitive USB w/EAM J6LULQ (63 chars). (FL)

13200.0 1919Z Sensitive USB w/EAM J6NKYQ (30 chars). (FL)

13200.0 1923Z King 35 USB calling Mainsail w/no response. (FL)

11175.0 1940Z Dexterity USB w/repeat of ZYGLNF. Standing by for trfc...Dexterity out. (FL)

13200.0 1948Z Sensitive USB w/EAM NM5I7I (30 chars). (ID)

13200.0 1953Z Sensitive USB w/EAM NMULJ6 (30 chars). (ID)

11175.0 2012Z Sensitive USB w/EAM NMCWPC (30 chars). (ID)

11175.0 2020Z Smuggler USB w/repeat of ZYGLNF. Smuggler standing by for trfc..Smuggler out. (ID)

11175.0 2024Z Sensitive USB w/EAM NMHOWT (30 chars). (ID)

11175.0 2028Z Sensitive USB w/Animosity (weak) w/authentication procedures to enter net. (KS)
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