Sticky Thread For MilAir IV

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TEAL 70 WC-130 in area prob for upcoming snowstorm for Saturday.
53rdWRS/403rdAW WC-130J #96-5302 at 1245z FL24k logged here.Not just for Hurricanes anymore.
Plan of the Day

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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W


Have been doing some searching this morning. Here's what I have so far:

410.100 unid clear voice
410.4125- Maint/Security unid location
410-4875- unid
410.625- Maint/Security unid location
410.65- P-25 encryption
411.8125- Maint/Security unid location
411.8875- unid
412.875- unid traffic control

162.015- unid
162.25- unid
162.290- P-25 encryption
162.475- unid (poss bleed over from wx bdcst)
162.615- poss Law Enforcement
163.225- unid
163,25 P-25 encryption
163.725- P-25 encryption


Jan 5, 2004
410.100 unid clear voice NIH trunked system Baltimore site
410.4125- Maint/Security unid location NIH trunked system Baltimore site
410.625- Maint/Security unid location NIH trunked system Baltimore site

162.25- unid US Capitol Police
162.615- poss Law Enforcement 162.6125 is US Capitol Police
163.725- P-25 encryption FBI repeater


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
410.100 unid clear voice NIH trunked system Baltimore site
410.4125- Maint/Security unid location NIH trunked system Baltimore site
410.625- Maint/Security unid location NIH trunked system Baltimore site

162.25- unid US Capitol Police
162.615- poss Law Enforcement 162.6125 is US Capitol Police
163.725- P-25 encryption FBI repeater


Thanks for that feedback---I was hoping to hit on some CG freqs but no luck so far


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
HF Logs, 16-18 Dec

Just in case some of you might be interested---here's some logs of my HF collection over the last couple of days

((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

16 Dec:

09025.0 GBL (unid): 0900 USB/.ALE sounding. (RP-MD)

09025.0 FAA (HQs FAA, Wash DC): 1030 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)

09462.0 FC0FEM (Communications Manager, FEMA Region 10, Bothell WA): 2330 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)

17 Dec:

02658.0 FC8 (Communications Manager, FEMA Region 8 Denver, CO): 1200 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)

03441.0 FC8FEM006 (Communications Manager, FEMA Region 8 Denver, CO): 1230 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)

05402.0 FC8 (Communications Manager, FEMA Region 8 Denver, CO): 1400 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)

09352.2 KLE444 (unid), KLE439 (unid) & KLE444 (unid): 1845 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)

11175.0 Andrews: 1929 USB w/Beret 22 (poss E-4B NAOC) who requests pp w/DSN 872-XXXX. Andrews rerquests they QSY to 11232.0. (RP-MD)

11232.0 Andrews: 1930 USB w/Beret 22--readability fades out after initial contact. First time for me to hear any HFGSC station use 11232.0 USB. (RP-MD)

11494.0 LNT (CamsLant Chesapeake): 1937 USB/ALE calling J41 (USCG MH-60J #6041 CGAS Elizabeth City NC). In voice Camslant asks J41 (not heard) for position. CamsLant also requests that K41 verify that his tail number is 6041 and not 6001. Response not heard. (RP-MD)

08971.0 ??? 588 (call missed-P-3C NAS Jacksonville FL): 2048 USB calling Fiddle (TSCC NAS Jacksonville FL) w/no response. (RP-MD)

08886.4 O/M (Spanish): 2122 USB/ALE w/O/M (Spanish). (RP-MD).

08832.0 O/M (Spanish): 2127 USB w/unheard station. (RP-MD)

08816.7 O/M (unid tonal lang, prob SE Asian): 2128 USB w/Y/L (unid tonal lang, prob SE Asian). (RP-MD)

08301.6 Unid: 2140 ANDVT. (RP-MD).

15016.0 Puerto Rico: 2145 USB w/Navy LT (P-3C VP-62 NAS Jacksonville FL-not heard). Puerto Rico adsvises that Offutt cannot hear them and that Puerto Rico has them

unreadable. (RP-MD).

08832.5 O/M (Spanish): 2159 USB w/unheard station. (RP-MD)

09082.0 034MERCAP (Civil Air Patrol, Middle East Region): 2204 USB/ALE sounding. New CAP ALE freq (for me at least). (RP-MD)

09007.0 Trenton Military: 2230 USB w/Akela 71 (MC-130P/HC-130N 550S0W KIRKLAND AFB, NM) in pp w/Kirkland Metro w/request for landing wx at Kirktland. (RP-MD)

18 Dec:

09047.0 101NCRCAP (Civil Air Patrol, Nat'l Capitol Region) & 034MERCAP (Civil Air Patrol, Middle East Region): 1730 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)

09034.0 K56 (USCG MH-65C # 6556 CGAS Borinquen PR): 2000 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)

08957.0 Shannon: 2009 USB/ALE w/volmet. (RP-MD)

12222.0 CamsLant Chesapeake: 21012 USB w/Kilo 18 (USCG MH-65C #6518 HITRON Jacksonville FL-not heard) who reports on final for homeplate & securing radio guard. (RP-MD)

08912.0 I34 (US Customs CESSNA 550 #N2734K): 2016 USB/ALE sounding. Then in voice but too weak to copy. (RP-MD)

11175.0 King 74 (USAF HC-130): 2023 USB calling Mainsail w/request. Answered by Puerto Rico who asks they QSY to 11232.0 (RP-MD)

11232.0 Puerto Rico: 2024 USB w/King 74 in pp w/Kirkland Metro w/landing wx for 2300Z. (RP-MD).

08888.0 Luanda (RDARA Angola): 2133 USB w/Springbok 421 w/position report. Luanda is L/C at my QTH. (RP-MD).

Ron (
Utility Monitoring from Maryland, USA
Icom R75
45-ft EF-SWL
Decoder- Multipsk V4.15


Jan 5, 2004
Pretty busy on the Radarbox today.

   AE0815  RCH406                   00-0179 C17   USAF                 2009/12/18 18:15:04  
   AE08BE  RCH869                   00-0184 C17   USAF                 2009/12/18 18:34:30  
   AE093B  R01052                   00-1052 C35C  US Army              2009/12/18 08:54:58  
   AE10C1                           01      C37A  USCG                 2009/12/18 08:55:26  
   AE10C1                           01      C37A  USCG                 2009/12/18 15:41:54  
   AE0945  VENUS30                  01-0040 C40B  USAF                 2009/12/18 08:05:43  
   AE0945  VENUS30                  01-0040 C40B  USAF                 2009/12/18 12:46:28  
   AE093D  R10301                   01-0301 C35A  US Army              2009/12/18 10:55:14  
   AE093D  R10301                   01-0301 C35A  US Army              2009/12/18 15:05:08  
   AE1165  BOEG069                  02-0201 C40C  USAF                 2009/12/18 18:06:25  
   AE119B  RCH3118                  03-3118 C17   USAF                 2009/12/18 18:36:07  
   AE123D  RCH415T                  04-4132 C17   USAF                 2009/12/18 07:39:54  
   AE123D  RCH415T                  04-4132 C17   USAF                 2009/12/18 17:29:00  
   AE1470  RCH368                   07-7178 C17   USAF Spirit of De... 2009/12/18 06:23:05  
   AE1470  RCH368                   07-7178 C17   USAF Spirit of De... 2009/12/18 10:59:54  
   AE1470  RCH368                   07-7178 C17   USAF Spirit of De... 2009/12/18 16:39:17  
   AE1392                           158198  T38   USN NTPS             2009/12/18 08:44:10  
   ADFEE7                           159118  C9B   USN JU948            2009/12/18 17:28:22  
   ADFEEE  JT 050                   160050  C9B   USN                  2009/12/18 08:59:45  
   AE045F                           162149  C2A   USN                  2009/12/18 09:50:32  
   AE06E9  00000000                 163844  C12M  USN                  2009/12/18 10:43:36  
   AE0410  GOTO FMS                 163918  E6B   USN VQ-4             2009/12/18 12:54:08  
   AE0415  GOTO FMS                 164388  E6B   USN                  2009/12/18 12:10:58  
   AE04D9  CNV4401                  165831  C40A  USN                  2009/12/18 13:12:09  
   AE08B5                           165926  T6A   USN NTPS             2009/12/18 09:44:21  
   AE08B4                           165960  T6A   USN NTPS             2009/12/18 07:49:10  
   AE08B4                           165960  T6A   USN NTPS             2009/12/18 13:00:46  
   AE1258  VV601                    166376  C37B  USN                  2009/12/18 18:03:00  
   AE1193  TORIA25                  166500  C35D  USMC                 2009/12/18 15:17:11  
   AE1479  ATILA25                  166767  C35D  USMC                 2009/12/18 14:03:54  
   AE041E  DECEE93                  57-1487 K35R  USAF 459th ARW       2009/12/18 10:09:31  
   AE0591  DECEE51                  58-0075 K35R  USAF 459th ARW       2009/12/18 09:26:29  
   AE047C  SODA53                   59-1448 K35R  USAF                 2009/12/18 13:04:57  
   AE0422  SODA51                   59-1499 K35R  USAF                 2009/12/18 13:37:05  
   080000                           5H-ATC  B732  Air Tanzania         2009/12/18 17:18:19  
   AE1214  ALLIED 1                 60-9825 unk   USAF                 2009/12/18 17:38:23  
   AE049A  DECEE52                  61-0307 K35R  USAF 459th ARW       2009/12/18 09:26:40  
   AE0484                           62-3509 K35R  USAF                 2009/12/18 17:46:07  
   AE0429                           62-3530 K35R  USAF                 2009/12/18 13:31:47  
   AE04CF                           62-3537 K35R  USAF 63rd ARS        2009/12/18 10:25:55  
   AE0139                           63-8003 K35R  USAF                 2009/12/18 12:16:08  
   AE138E                           67-4943 T38   USAF                 2009/12/18 10:47:59  
   AE1393                           68-8158 T38   USAF                 2009/12/18 11:10:16  
   AE0527                           69-0001 C5    USAF                 2009/12/18 05:36:51  
   AE0533  RHINO90                  69-0013 C5    USAF                 2009/12/18 13:39:33  
   AE012C  SPAR11                   73-1681 C9B   USAF                 2009/12/18 11:41:19  
   AE11DA  SNTRY51H                 75-0560 E3B   USAF                 2009/12/18 11:07:14  
   AE020A  TEAM76                   79-1711 KC10  USAF                 2009/12/18 16:05:23  
   AE01BB  JOSA 862                 84-0101 C21A  USAF                 2009/12/18 14:08:28  
   AE01BB  JOSA 862                 84-0101 C21A  USAF                 2009/12/18 18:27:08  
   AE0193  YANKE00                  84-0126 C21A  USAF                 2009/12/18 08:44:41  
   AE0181  ALLIED 1                 84-0139 C21A  USAF                 2009/12/18 08:54:09  
   AE0181  ALLIED 1                 84-0139 C21A  USAF                 2009/12/18 13:55:26  
   AE0630                           84-0172 C12F  US Army              2009/12/18 07:40:48  
   AE0630  PAT4172                  84-0172 C12F  US Army              2009/12/18 12:14:23  
   AE08F8  R24375                   84-24375 C12  US Army              2009/12/18 07:29:50  
   AE08FD  2427                     84-24380 C12D US Army              2009/12/18 14:01:23  
   ADFED2  BA1200                   85-1264 C12   US Army              2009/12/18 05:50:01  
   ADFED2  BA1200                   85-1264 C12   US Army              2009/12/18 15:08:46  
   ADFED6                           85-1268 C12   US Army              2009/12/18 16:10:19  
   AE056C                           86-0015 C5    USAF                 2009/12/18 09:25:53  
   AE016A  S6173                    86-0206 C20B  USAF                 2009/12/18 14:29:29  
   AE0578                           87-0027 C5    USAF                 2009/12/18 12:05:37  
   AE0584                           87-0039 C5    USAF                 2009/12/18 13:15:22  
   AE0234  BLUE 38                  87-0122 KC10  USAF                 2009/12/18 01:30:56  
   AE07D4  THUG11                   90-0535 C17   USAF                 2009/12/18 11:47:50  
   ADFE68  DERBY 20                 91-1237 C130  USAF                 2009/12/18 16:44:47  
   AE0110  BOXR868                  94-1570 C38A  USAF                 2009/12/18 08:38:12  
   ADFDEC  ANVIL28                  94-6707 C130  USAF                 2009/12/18 12:44:49  
   ADFE97                           95-0098 C12R  US Army 2-228thAv    2009/12/18 14:08:49  
   ADFDD4  ANVIL67                  95-6710 C130  USAF                 2009/12/18 11:47:28  
   AE07EE  RCH374                   96-0004 C17   USAF                 2009/12/18 12:13:04  
   ADFEA7  BULL 52                  96-1004 C130  USAF                 2009/12/18 11:07:56  
   AE0113  TEAL70                   96-5302 C130  USAF                 2009/12/18 07:53:25  
   AE0117  TEAL71                   97-5306 C130  USAF                 2009/12/18 16:59:34  
   AE0806  RCH861                   99-0060 C17   USAF                 2009/12/18 15:42:58  
   AE080A                           99-0064 C17   USAF                 2009/12/18 18:11:30  
   AE080B  THUG12                   99-0165 C17   USAF                 2009/12/18 11:47:58  
   AE080F  RCH9169                  99-0169 C17   USAF                 2009/12/18 00:02:36  
   AE0406  S6060                    99-0402 C37A  USAF                 2009/12/18 17:49:34  
   AE04F9  S6340                    99-0404 C37A  USAF                 2009/12/18 07:23:03


Premium Subscriber
Jul 26, 2008
New Franklin, PA
Dec 18 2009

1808 utc: 11175.0 usb-Navy LT. Phone patch
2252 utc: 5696.0 usb-C/G 2006(HC-130J CGAS Elizabeth City NC) Flt ops & pos
2341 utc: 5696.0 usb-C/G 2114(HU-25D CGAS Miami FL) Position

1156 hr: 303.0-Reach w/A-A
1757 hr: 378.1-Reach 1294


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Logged new unknown type earlier Friday.
Wasn't home to monitor radios so no idea where it stopped around here
though guessing Andrews.

( AE2F57) 1806z at FL6k.then later 2055z at FL12k.
Logged at St John's later tonight so eastbound.

New USAF MC-12W?



Jan 5, 2004
Logged new unknown type earlier Friday.
Wasn't home to monitor radios so no idea where it stopped around here
though guessing Andrews.

( AE2F57) 1806z at FL6k.then later 2055z at FL12k.
Logged at St John's later tonight so eastbound.

New USAF MC-12W?


I got that one too. 24k at 1727z down to 13,250 at 1755z which doesn't work for Andrews for me. I lose ADW inbounds at 2500 to 2000ft.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
I got that one too. 24k at 1727z down to 13,250 at 1755z which doesn't work for Andrews for me. I lose ADW inbounds at 2500 to 2000ft.

Maybe stopped at McGuire then.Ed up in Maine had a BADLY 21 at 2205z
also at FL27K but req 24k for winds.
Sounds like could be him.
Euro gang will catch him probably later this weekend.

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Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Oct 3, 2007
Somewhere In, MD
What are you all using to log.. timestamp all your posts? I find it hard for myself to keep up with the audio let alone record it.. Are you recording the audio then replaying and logging it?

Like having to post the serial #s aircraft type etc..

I'm trying to get better at this.

Is there a FAQ or site anyone can point me to..

much appreciated



Jan 5, 2004


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Oct 3, 2007
Somewhere In, MD
162.25- unid US Capitol Police
162.6125 is US Capitol Police...

Isn't 162.25 listed as:

162.25000 RM 173.8 PL Cap PD 4/9 Command/Tactical (House/Senate Chamber Gallery Details, when in session)

or is it a bleed-over issue or unknown use thing? They have different PLs and I believe I heard 162.25 (late last night 12-18-2009)



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: logging


I log and timestamp the old-fashioned way - I look at my watch which is set to Z time, then scribble down notes about the intercept in shorthand...:cool:)

Callsign info collected over the years leads to unit/type and in many cases serial; if the serial is not transmitted, then SBS and other sources help fill in some gaps.

Best regards,


What are you all using to log.. timestamp all your posts? I find it hard for myself to keep up with the audio let alone record it.. Are you recording the audio then replaying and logging it?

Like having to post the serial #s aircraft type etc..

I'm trying to get better at this.

Is there a FAQ or site anyone can point me to..

much appreciated



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

IAD = Washington/Dulles IAP
ADW = Andrews AFB (Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility Washington)
KNYG = MCAF Quantico
NHK = NAS Patuxent River
PT = Potomac TRACON
ZDC = Washington Center ARTCC

Will catch up on the rest of the week later on this afternoon...


1652Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - PACER 08 (C-21A 457th AS) - mult.
apps. to rwy 19R.
1654Z 125.650 PT DEP - MARINE 268 - 3K QSY PT APP 119.300 for the vis.
app. to rwy 19R Andrews.
1654Z 121.900 Davison AAF GRND - PAT 283 (C-12T OSACOM VA RFC Davison
AAF) - taxi to rwy 32 runup block.
1655Z 133.650 ZDC-Blue Ridge - PAT 726 - QSY PT APP 120.450 16K-9K QSY
PT APP 119.850 dir AML VORTAC to 8K.
1657Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 511 - ILS rwy 32.

1706Z 124.700 PT APP - PAT 726 - 8K-6K vis. rwy 19R Andrews QSY PT APP 119.300.
1710Z 133.900 ZDC-Calvert - NAVY 7A 501 (161501 UC-12B NAS Patuxent
River) - 15-10-8K inbound NAS Patuxent River QSY NHK APP 120.050.
1711Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 283 (C-12T OSACOM VA RFC Davison
AAF) - deps rwy 32 QSY PT DEP 118.950 calls "PAT 12, um PAT 283" to
1719Z 118.675 PT A/D - PAT 283 (C-12T OSACOM VA RFC Davison AAF) - 10K
dir CSN 16K.
1723Z 133.900 ZDC-Calvert - REACH 5147 (C-17A 05-5147 154th WG/15th AW) - 17K.
1726Z 125.650 PT DEP - PACER 08 (C-21A 457th AS) - back up and out dir PALEO.
1727Z 125.650 PT DEP - PAT 511 - dir PALEO 11K.
1731Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - REACH 350 - arr. msg. 15 out A1 7 pax.
1732Z 128.350 PT APP - REACH 350 - 14-12K ILS rwy 1L Andrews.

1808Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - MARINE 206 (UC-12B 161206 NAF Andrews)
- option 1L.
1809Z 119.300 PT APP - VENUS 92 (C-32A 98-0002 1st AS) - patterns.
1811Z 133.550 ZDC-Linden - BOXER 07 (C-38A 201st AS DC ANG) - FL250
dir DOCCS X DOCCS @ 15K QSY PT A/D 118.675.
1814Z 118.950 PT DEP - SPAR 25 - QSY ZDC-Linden 133.550 FL230-FL270
QSY ZDC-Valley 127.925 QSY ZDC-Bryce 118.025.


1920Z 118.675 PT A/D - REACH 2550 (KC-135R 62-3550 197th ARS AZ ANG) -
holding due ramp freeze Andrews. Later cleared dir AML dir Andrews
1926Z 351.200 LIBERATOR CP 459th ARW AFRC Andrews - REACH 2550
(KC-135R 62-3550 197th ARS AZ ANG) - reporting out of hold and now
1931Z 128.350 PT APP - MARINE 206 (UC-12B 161206 NAF Andrews) - vis
rwy 1L Andrews.
1934Z 118.400 Andrews AFB TWR - JOSA 183 - QSY PT DEP 118.950
2.6-3-17K dir LDN VORTAC QSY PT A/D 118.675 QSY ZDC-Linden 133.550
FL270 QSY ZDC-Valley 127.925.
1944Z 119.300 PT APP - REACH 2550 (KC-135R 62-3550 197th ARS AZ ANG) -
3K for rwy 1L Andrews.

2042Z 322.300 PT APP - CAPITOL 91 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - QSY PT
APP 338.200 for the initial to rwy 1L at Andrews.
2057Z 139.900 SENATE 121st FS DC ANG SOF - CAPITOL 92 (F-16C/D 121st
FS DC ANG) - wkg SOF re: arresting gear status.

2141Z 119.850 PT APP - TROUT 99 (KC-135R 63-7980 412th FLTS) - 8-6K.


1127Z 119.850 PT APP - PAT 225 - 10K dir OJAAY ILS rwy 1L Andrews.
1130Z 119.850 PT APP - NAVY JU 416 (C-9B VR-56 NAS Oceana) - 12K vis
rwy 1L Andrews.

1925Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - GUARD 052 (UH-72A 07-2052 121st Med.
Co. DC ArNG Davison AAF) - for heliport 32.
1925Z 256.500 BayWatch Discrete - BICEP 11/12 (F-16C/D 119th FS NJ
ANG) and AXEMAN 1 (A-10C 104th FS MD ANG) - in ACM work.
1930Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops "DAVEY OPS" - ANVIS 20 (UH-1 #684 NVESD
Davison AAF) - req. fuel on NV Ramp for tail #684.
1950Z 349.400 Dover AFB CP - REACH ?60 (C-17A 07-7188 437th AMW) -
req. relay of arr. msg to Charleston AFB for tail #07-7188.
1958Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews AFB - SPAR 11 (C-40C 73rd AS AFRC) -
clg here no joy.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Oct 3, 2007
Somewhere In, MD

I log and timestamp the old-fashioned way - I look at my watch which is set to Z time, then scribble down notes about the intercept in shorthand...:cool:)

Callsign info collected over the years leads to unit/type and in many cases serial; if the serial is not transmitted, then SBS and other sources help fill in some gaps.

Best regards,


What mfg. / model is your SBS receiver?

Last edited:


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Heads Up


One of the guys in Canada posted this:

8864kHz USB 1621UTC: HUNT 62 (C-17A #03-3125/305th AMW, 6th AS, McGuire AFB, N.J.) wkg Gander Radio with a position of 58N 030W at fl 340. (Westbound)

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