HF Logs, 16-18 Dec
Just in case some of you might be interested---here's some logs of my HF collection over the last couple of days
((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))
16 Dec:
09025.0 GBL (unid): 0900 USB/.ALE sounding. (RP-MD)
09025.0 FAA (HQs FAA, Wash DC): 1030 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)
09462.0 FC0FEM (Communications Manager, FEMA Region 10, Bothell WA): 2330 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)
17 Dec:
02658.0 FC8 (Communications Manager, FEMA Region 8 Denver, CO): 1200 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)
03441.0 FC8FEM006 (Communications Manager, FEMA Region 8 Denver, CO): 1230 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)
05402.0 FC8 (Communications Manager, FEMA Region 8 Denver, CO): 1400 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)
09352.2 KLE444 (unid), KLE439 (unid) & KLE444 (unid): 1845 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)
11175.0 Andrews: 1929 USB w/Beret 22 (poss E-4B NAOC) who requests pp w/DSN 872-XXXX. Andrews rerquests they QSY to 11232.0. (RP-MD)
11232.0 Andrews: 1930 USB w/Beret 22--readability fades out after initial contact. First time for me to hear any HFGSC station use 11232.0 USB. (RP-MD)
11494.0 LNT (CamsLant Chesapeake): 1937 USB/ALE calling J41 (USCG MH-60J #6041 CGAS Elizabeth City NC). In voice Camslant asks J41 (not heard) for position. CamsLant also requests that K41 verify that his tail number is 6041 and not 6001. Response not heard. (RP-MD)
08971.0 ??? 588 (call missed-P-3C NAS Jacksonville FL): 2048 USB calling Fiddle (TSCC NAS Jacksonville FL) w/no response. (RP-MD)
08886.4 O/M (Spanish): 2122 USB/ALE w/O/M (Spanish). (RP-MD).
08832.0 O/M (Spanish): 2127 USB w/unheard station. (RP-MD)
08816.7 O/M (unid tonal lang, prob SE Asian): 2128 USB w/Y/L (unid tonal lang, prob SE Asian). (RP-MD)
08301.6 Unid: 2140 ANDVT. (RP-MD).
15016.0 Puerto Rico: 2145 USB w/Navy LT (P-3C VP-62 NAS Jacksonville FL-not heard). Puerto Rico adsvises that Offutt cannot hear them and that Puerto Rico has them
unreadable. (RP-MD).
08832.5 O/M (Spanish): 2159 USB w/unheard station. (RP-MD)
09082.0 034MERCAP (Civil Air Patrol, Middle East Region): 2204 USB/ALE sounding. New CAP ALE freq (for me at least). (RP-MD)
09007.0 Trenton Military: 2230 USB w/Akela 71 (MC-130P/HC-130N 550S0W KIRKLAND AFB, NM) in pp w/Kirkland Metro w/request for landing wx at Kirktland. (RP-MD)
18 Dec:
09047.0 101NCRCAP (Civil Air Patrol, Nat'l Capitol Region) & 034MERCAP (Civil Air Patrol, Middle East Region): 1730 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)
09034.0 K56 (USCG MH-65C # 6556 CGAS Borinquen PR): 2000 USB/ALE sounding. (RP-MD)
08957.0 Shannon: 2009 USB/ALE w/volmet. (RP-MD)
12222.0 CamsLant Chesapeake: 21012 USB w/Kilo 18 (USCG MH-65C #6518 HITRON Jacksonville FL-not heard) who reports on final for homeplate & securing radio guard. (RP-MD)
08912.0 I34 (US Customs CESSNA 550 #N2734K): 2016 USB/ALE sounding. Then in voice but too weak to copy. (RP-MD)
11175.0 King 74 (USAF HC-130): 2023 USB calling Mainsail w/request. Answered by Puerto Rico who asks they QSY to 11232.0 (RP-MD)
11232.0 Puerto Rico: 2024 USB w/King 74 in pp w/Kirkland Metro w/landing wx for 2300Z. (RP-MD).
08888.0 Luanda (RDARA Angola): 2133 USB w/Springbok 421 w/position report. Luanda is L/C at my QTH. (RP-MD).
Ron (mdmonitor1@verizon.net)
Utility Monitoring from Maryland, USA
Icom R75
45-ft EF-SWL
Decoder- Multipsk V4.15