I think the MD ANG may be taking delivery of 11-72208 also. I just logged this one for the first time in the middle of the night.
Thanks for that tip---I'll keeps my ears tuned for these new guys
I think the MD ANG may be taking delivery of 11-72208 also. I just logged this one for the first time in the middle of the night.
Hey All,
Looks like there are a couple of new freqs at Martin State airport.
Any body down that close able to confirm?? Let us know.
Looks like the AV-8Bs that landed at Bangor a couple days ago took off this morning for the next leg of their journey. I only caught a little bit on recording as they climbed out of Bangor and started the first refueling while heading East.
1015z 254.600 GOLD 21 and TREND (71 ??) flight on Coronet 71 Primary, GOLD 21 told TREND that center asks him to turn off his transponder.
1047z 236.750 GOLD 31 and TREND 81 flight on Coronet 81 J Primary.
1104z 236.750 GOLD 31 and TREND 81 flight A-A, Checklist complete. 81, you are cleared up to the basket.
AE020C 79-1946 GOLD31 2012-04-19 10:56:00 KC-10A United States USAF | 60AMW [KSUU]
AE0235 87-0123 GOLD21 2012-04-19 10:25:28 KC-10A United States USAF | 60AMW [KSUU]
Nice catch, Ed !!
These were the VMA-211 Harriers from MCAS Yuma enroute to Kandahar, Afghanistan.
They are releasing VMA-223, who should be transitting via Bangor aswell on their way home in about 8 days.
TREND 76 and TREND 86 returned to Bangor after their second A/R in Moncton airspace.
GAF189 3E9872 has departed Dulles and is heading west. 126.65>120.45
Sounds like C-160. Never logged this hex code inbound.
GAF 189 went to Patterson for fuel, then to Louisville for a flyover at the show before landing.
did anyone get the air to air between the 747 and nasa t-38 during the shuttle piggyback flyover. I would like to have it for the nyc flyover.