Sticky Thread for MilAir

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

TinEar said:
(Ref above): Thanks for that ACARS freq info Dave. I thought I remembered those freqs as belonging to ACARS and for once my memory didn't short circuit. That 136.85 freq is just constant with data bursts. I'm close to BWI so that would account for it I guess.

Tin, probably more than you'll ever want to know, but a good site for ACARS info (and I think Mike, among others might recognize some of the info on the site...:cool:) )
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Back with just a little info before hanging it up for the day....

1457: ANGRY confirms they're a two ship flight and that SCARY is a single ship as they complete their last exercise on «139.7»
1458: ANGRY/SCARY change to Giant Killer on «338.1» to exit the airspace.

1506: ANGRY handed to ZDC-Casino «285.4» to begin their trip home...deviating for wx.
1507: ANGRY to SOF on «139.9» with mission results....ANGRY 1 is Code 1, 2 is Code 2 for targeting pod. 99 miles from Nottingham...also talking about weather cells in the area. SCARY also checking in with SOF. More talk about wx. They do report they have enough fuel if they're delayed around the field at Andrews when they get back.
1510: ANGRY on tac V-7 «143.15» but no SCARY...guess he's not allowed to talk to anyone.
1510: Have had aircraft with Dover CP on «349.4» talking about bad wx there also and one guy mentions alternates of Charleston or Seymour Johnson or even back home to Stewart.
1513: SCARY 1 with ZDC-Casino «285.4» "Down to 11 thousand."
1514: MTN A-10s on tac «142.3» also talking about bad wx in the area of MTN and say if they hurry they should be okay.
1514: SCARY joins ANGRY on V-7 «143.15». They let him join the club.
1516: SCARY handed off to BWI TRACON «317.425» where he checks in at 11000...sent down to 4000 by controller.
1517: JOSA 111 (C-21 40079) to SAM Command on «141.55» with arrival message. Dropping off an A-4 plus 2, is A-1.
1518: A-10s on tac «142.3» are RAVENs...they change to MTN Tower «297.2» to say they're coming in from the south...also worried about wx in the area.
1518: ANGRY with BWI TRACON «317.425» coming home...sent down to 4000 and over to TRACON «270.275»...same for SCARY.
1520: SCARY tries to check in with TRACON «270.275» but has no joy so back to 317.425. We know where he'll wind up. BWI TRACON sends him back to 270.275 and says they're waiting for him there. He goes back and still has no joy.
1519: RAVENs with BWI TRACON «317.425» and then Tower again «297.2» to report 5 miles out.
1522: SCARY to TRACON «335.5»....ANGRY does the same...they got tired of waiting for BWI TRACON to assign them another freq so just went on their own. This is getting to be the normal procedure.
1525: Meanwhile, BWI TRACON is still telling SCARY and ANGRY to go to 270.275.
1525: ANGRY does try TRACON on 270.275 yet again and this time gets him after a couple of calls and is sent right back to 335.5.
A few minutes everyone landed while I was on the phone....the gang from Andrews went to Tower 349.0 for that and the Martin State guys touched down safely. BWI TRACON controllers are getting a bit snippy as they rush to move aircraft around the sky in an attempt to miss the various weather cells in the area.

And with that....I'm done for now.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

TinEar said:
1415: FURY 51 (F-16 VA-ANG) with Norfolk TRACON «370.925», on tac «141.6» and with Giant Killer on «238.1» and then «249.8» to report they are a 2-ship flight and they'll be working with a pair of ROMAN F-18s.

Does this intercept possibly indicate that they are now out of Langley by any chance?

Further to this, I totally forgot that LFI was closed right now...oh brother, I need another giant cup of coffee. Sorry guys, and thanks for the reminder BMT! 8-P
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
It shouldn't Tony. Whether they come out of Langley or Richmond, they still check in on the Norfolk Eastern feeder 370.925 freq. Always have. Western feeder for Norfolk TRACON is 360.6 which they often use on the way home to either place. For some reason I get excellent reception on the 370.925 freq and that has always been my tipoff for Richmond or Langley activity.

That makes me realize I didn't give a complete answer to Rick earlier when he asked that question. I did hear TBOLT and BASH and they both indicated heading back to Richmond when they left the GIant Killer freq in W-386. least as of last week they were still at Richmond.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: FURY F-16

TinEar said:
It shouldn't Tony. Whether they come out of Langley or Richmond, they still check in on the Norfolk Eastern feeder 370.925 freq. Always have. Western feeder for Norfolk TRACON is 360.6 which they often use on the way home to either place. For some reason I get excellent reception on the 370.925 freq and that has always been my tipoff for Richmond or Langley activity.

That makes me realize I didn't give a complete answer to Rick earlier when he asked that question. I did hear TBOLT and BASH and they both indicated heading back to Richmond when they left the GIant Killer freq in W-386. least as of last week they were still at Richmond.

Thanks Tin, I appreciate the clarification on that!


Feb 1, 2006
M0384/06 - AERODROME CLOSED. 30 MAY 04:01 UNTIL 29 JUL 10:00

Looks asthough Langley will be closed for another 24 days. Thats if there is no WX or material delays.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yeah, that too. :p Difficult to fly out of a closed airfield.

I mentioned you in my log somewhere today Jack. You'll recognize it when you see it.

Must mention this before shutting down....
1546: DEVIL 41 flight (apparently coming back home) with ZNY-Lancaster «239.05» to ZNY-Modena «335.6» a couple of minutes later.
1550: DEVIL 41 leaving 23000 for 21000 and then for 17000 a couple of more minutes later. «335.6»
1553: DEVIL 41 handed off to ZDC-Woodstown «363.0» where he checks in. Then down to flight level 14000 at 1555.
1555: DEVIL 41 to Base Ops on V-1 «138.125» (No telling where he went this morning but he's coming home now.)
1556: DEVIL 41 handed off by Woodstown..."pushing 7"...and comes up on ZDC-Casino «285.4» where he checks in at 14000.
1559: DEVIL 41 heading down to 11000 and deviating 10 degrees right for thunderstorms. «285.4»

1600: DEVIL 41 reports direct Atlantic City in 3 more miles. «285.4»
1601: DEVIL 41 leaving 11 for 8(000). «285.4»
1603: "DEVIL 41...Good day." «285.4» (Not sure where he went next...don't hear him on ACY Approach 327.125 or ACY Tower 239.0 but he's getting fairly low so might just be out of range.)

And you can color me out of range. 'Till later.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Was on vacation a few days but today did notice one small change.
A few JOSA C-21 aircraft were using GRIFFIN CP and also JOSA Command
rather than SAM command on
their inbound/outbound messages.Some changed in mid-sentence.

edit: guess I was wrong,seems JOSA's using SAM Command on later flights...

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I don't think you're wrong Mark. I logged one a day or two ago that I thought was saying Griffin and then it sounded more like Griffis. That was the second time I heard an aircraft using that on 141.55. The one I logged most recently used it five times.

2048: REACH 177 to SAM Command on 141.55 to say they need 100,000 pounds of fuel
2050: REACH 177 to Griffin Command on 141.55 to ask if they can pass the weather for Andrews since they can't hear ATIS.

There you go Mark...another one. And this time it was definitely Griffin, not Griffis. And I heard the ground controller respond to the call to Griffin Command.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
OK TIN will keep ears open and see.Local C-21's heard tonite used SAM CP.
Maybe the visiting C-21's will use GRIFFIN first.

Found this on the Web definition for Griffin...

The Griffin is a legendary creature with the head, beak and wings of an eagle, the body of a lion and occasionally the tail of a serpent or scorpion. Its origin lies somewhere in the Middle East where it is found in the paintings and sculptures of the ancient Babylonians, Assyrians and Persians. In Greek mythology, they took gold from the stream Arimaspias and, neighbors of the Hyperboreans, they belonged to Zeus. The later Romans used them for decoration and even in Christian times the Griffin motif often appears. Griffins were frequently used as gargoyles on medieval churches and buildings.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark, I just sent off a request to someone that may be able to get the answer for us about the use of GRIFFIN at Andrews.. Hopefully, in the next day or two I'll know more.

It might be telling us something that the REACH aircraft used SAM Command for it's arrival message and then GRIFFIN Command for a request like the current weather at Andrews. We shall see.

Just had a thought...What if they're talking about Griffin Aviation Services? That company is like a Signature Flight Services that operates at some airports, including BWI. I guess it's possible that the government has contracted for those type services from a civilian company at certain air bases.
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Jan 5, 2004
1637 PEACH-66 to Andrews Metro 344.6 - Requesting temperature for Dobbins AFB
1646 SPACE-1 which also IDed as JOSA-115 informing SAM CP of their departure at 2040Z. Later I heard them calling HUNTRESS on 288.35. I never heard HUNTRESS.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0817: SPAR 63 (C-37A, 01-0076) arrival message to SAM Command «141.55»
0819: VENUS 91 departure time 1204Z to SAM Command «378.1

0934: Bollen Range active «237.2» It's UGLY and CADE callsigns, A-10s from the PA-ANG Willow Grove.
0936: CADE identifies as a flight of two A-10s with 20 minutes of playtime at Bollen. «237.2»
0937: Raven Ops talking to A-10s on the ground....airborne soon?? «347.2»
0943: JOSA 391 (C-21 84-0127) with arrival message to SAM Command. «141.55» Dropping off a couple pax, picking up a couple others.
0950: Raven Ops talking to someone on the ground about going to Harrisburg. «347.2» Should be someone going to either Bollen Range or the Duke MOA once airborne.

1000: Raven Ops to RAVEN 1...still on the ground. «347.2»
1001: DC 41 Heavy (KC-135R 756th ARS Andrews AFB), flight of two, with ADW Tower «118.4» and then with LIBERATOR on squadron freq «351.2» to report airborne time of the flight at 1400Z.
1002: Flight of fighters on tac «138.95». No ID on them yet. Just sent one of them to McGuire on 270.1 for something I didn't understand. In chat, they mention interference and freq 142.2 so I go there and find a couple speakers there also and it might be the same pair just trying that freq. Yes it is and they appear to be staying on the 142.2 freq. They also mention 282.3 so I checked that and hear them there also. That freq is ZNY-Kennedy. Still no callsigns heard.
1010: The A-10s from MTN are airborne and using FM «41.95». At 1500 feet so won't hear them for long if they stay there. (And don't...soon gone from listening range.)
1015: The fighters from 142.2 checked in on 282.3 again but I couldn't understand their callsign. Sounded like VICTOR 11. That's as close as I can come for now.
1019: The VICTOR 11 is really MAKO 11 (A-10 CT-ANG Bradley) «282.3/142.2» (I mean...MAKO sounds like VICTOR, doesn't it?)
1036: PACER 96 calling Griffin Command «141.55»
1037: Tac freq «233.525» active...sounds like F-22A activity. Could they be back? Several transmissions but not quite strong enough to copy all of it.
1040: Activity on «233.525» are fighters in air combat activity. Just calling each other 1 and 2 for callsigns heard yet. Signal strength improved...either higher or closer.
1044: JOSA 415 (C-21) calling SAM Command «141.55» with arrival message.
1047: At least three fighters now on the «233.525» freq...still sound like F-22A 30,000 feet and still in ACM activity. And still no callsigns used.
1048: Bollen Range active again. «237.2»
1051: BUGSY flight (F-22A Langley) reporting RTB to Giant Killer on «238.1» These are the F-22A aircraft from 233.525. (This is the first Langley flight heard since the runways were closed.) They didn't mention a location for the RTB so I don't know where they're returning to. And it is a flight of three aircraft.
At least twice during the F-22A flight, someone said "ARCHER." There was no context or reference for this but could these have been part of the Combat ARCHER exercise going on at Tyndall AFB FL?
1056: PACER 80 with departure of 1453Z reported to SAM Command «378.1»

1101: REACH 318T reports airborne time "on the hour" to SAM Command «141.55»

End of log for now...back later.

Radio Note: Picked up a used PRO-2045 only because it covers the MilAir bands. Has the feel and look of a toy next to the PRO-2042 for instance...but...much more sensitive and selective on UHF MilAir than the 2042. Very surprised since I didn't expect much out of it. It's not as sensitive as my flock of BC785s but it's a fine little radio to get started in MilAir and hold the cost down. Best cheap solution I've found.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1311Z 245.200 Davison AAF CLNC - N132TJ (Be350) - clnc to BWI.
1314Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 375 (C-37B 166375) - deps ADW.
1322Z 118.850 Davison GCA/RDR - PAT 1204 (home-based C-12T) - lands rwy 32.

1403Z 351.200 Liberator CP Andrews - DC 41 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - dep time. Also up at 1408Z-1410Z with something about "comm 1", which I assume is 351.2.
1415Z 118.950 VENUS 92 (C-32A 98-0002) - deps ADW 270 heading to 3000' dir FLUKY QSY 121.675.
1415Z 245.200 Davison AAF GRND - PAT 7104 (UC-35A 97-0104 OSACOM/PATD) - rolling off rwy 32 and taxi to fixed-wing parking.
1420Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - TRACK 66 (C-21A 84-0066) - deps ADW.
1420Z 351.200 Liberator CP Andrews - DC 41 with another DC - mention of frequency (?)25(?).05.
1432Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 279 () - deps ADW to 10000'.
1437Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PACER 96 (C-21A 457th AS) - deps ADW dir FLUKY QSY 121.050.
1454Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - PACER 80 (C-21A) - dep msg off ADW.

1510Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - PAT 7104 (UC-35A 98-0009 OSACOM DC ArNG) - subbing for tech. 97-0104 will keep same flight #.
1515Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 7104 (UC-35A 98-0009 OSACOM DC ArNG) - deps rwy 32 QSY 118.950 dir LDN J149.
1520Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - VENUS 91 (C-32A 98-0001) - arr msg status A1 parking and crew trans.
1543Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 5711 (C-130H 95-6711 167th AS WV ANG) - dep msg off ADW at 1540Z. Also on 118.950.

1600Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 391 (C-21A) - deps ADW dir FLUKY QSY 121.050.
1609Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 374 (UC-35D 166374) - deps ADW to 9000'.
1640Z 245.200 Davison AAF CLNC - ARMY 23128 (C-12C 78-23128) - clnc to A.P. Hill AAF.
1645Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 1944 (C-37A (97)-1944) - deps ADW to 9000' QSY 121.05.
1654Z 260.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - SPAR 29 (C-37A 01-0029 310th AS MacDill) - "PANTHER SPAR 29 - out of 3000' 270 heading. Just broke out of 5000' and no joy on the sparkle."
1654Z 351.200 Liberator CP Andrews - DC 41 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - "will be beating up the local pattern here for a while."
1655Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPAR 29 (C-37A 01-0029 310th AS MacDill) - deps ADW QSY 123.825.

1702Z 351.200 Liberator CP Andrews - DC 41 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - status A2 with two writeups. Returning to Spot 7.
1703Z 260.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - TANKER 44 () - did not copy arr msg QSY 228.9.
1712Z 119.300 Potomac APP - VIPER 01 () - to 3000'.
1713Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - (C-12C 78-23128) - deps rwy 32 QSY 118.950>121.050.
1716Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 0395 () - deps ADW QSY 123.825.
1733Z 349.000 Andrews AFB TWR - (?????) 33 - flight of three for 1L. Sounded like ANGRY but not sure as I'm getting QRM on this freq today.
1741Z 335.500 Potomac APP - ANGRY 1 (F-16C/D 121ST FS DC ANG) - with a request: "you always give us 270.275 but you're never there. We always go to 335.5 so can you tell them?" :cool:) Request direct to the overhead field in sight.
1745Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - VENUS 32 () - deps ADW dir LDN final alt. 16000' QSY 118.675.
1756Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPUR 26 (?) - deps ADW to 5000'. Too weak to pull 100% ID on this one.

1834Z 245.200 Davison AAF CLNC - PAT 27 (UH-60) - clnc to KDOV. Deps rwy 32 @ 1847Z dir Washington VOR and QSY 125.65.
1846Z 245.200 Davison AAF CLNC - PAT 2401 (C-12T) - clnc to PHF. [126.3 - departs rwy 32 @ 1902Z QSY 118.950 and dir GRUBY @ 5000' + QSYs 126.4].

1919Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - PAT 28 (UH-60 tail #861) - parking A Ramp and req. fuel.
1950Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - PAT 7104 (UC-35A 98-0009 - yes, no mistake, read addition above...LOL!) - inbound UC-35 tail #8009 neg. pax, fixed-wing parking and refuel.
1954Z 282.200 ZDC-Casanova - FIRST 11 () - FL210. Part of FPR: BUSTR-JST-dir AVERE-direct Pittsburgh. QSYed from ZDC-Montebello 284.7 and QSY to ZDC-Hagerstown 227.12 @ 2000Z.

2042Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - VENUS 21 (C-40B 02-0201 201st AS DC ANG) - requesting info on ramp freeze at 1725L. Informed that there is currently a ramp freeze in effect with another one scheduled for 1725L.
2045Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - CANFORCE 1 (pres. CC-150) - deps ADW.
2057Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - VENUS 21 (C-40B 02-0201 201st AS DC ANG) - currently in the hold - second msg - arr ETA ADW 1725L status A2 req. parking (8B) and crew bus for five personnel.

2100Z 139.400 Davison AAF CLNC - PAT 7104 (UC-35A 98-0009) - clnc to PHF. [126.3 departs rwy 32 @ 2113Z and direct GRUBY.]
2102Z 323.225 ZDC-??? - ROMAN 81 (F-18C VFA-106, NAS Oceana) - flight of two FL310-330 climbing. [QSY 351.9 @ 2106Z at FL400 and direct Grand Rapids @ 2110Z].
2103Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - SAM 0403 () - dep msg ETA dest. 2327Z DV+2.
2210Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ANVIS 22 (Be200 (C-12C) N321F) - lands rwy 32, then does some practice apps.
2215Z 351.900 ZDC-Gordonsville - ROMAN 81 (F-18C VFA-106, NAS Oceana) - told to QSY ZDC-Tech 377.2 but returns no joy. Didn't catch another xmsn.
2219Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 1815 () - ETA ADW 20 mins, 1 pax 0 cargo A1 request parking and ramp freeze condition.
2148Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AIR FORCE ONE () - deps ADW dir LDN to FL210 QSY 120.65.

2243Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - JOSA 209 (C-21A) - dep time off ADW 2239Z.
2245Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 209 (C-21A) - dir LDN and 15000' then up to 17000' and QSY 118.675.

2308Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 101 (pres. C-37A USCG 01) - deps ??? to 17000' QSY 123.825.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1530: AXEMAN, flight of two A-10s from MTN, land there with Tower «297.2»
1533: RAVEN tells Raven Ops that WARDOG is coming in Code 3 with 4 hung rockets. «347.2» The RAVEN/WARDOG flight is working «142.3» tac.
1540: WARDOG, flight of two, (I think he means himself and the RAVEN) OA-10/A-10 from MTN, land there with Tower «297.2»
1559-1606: Hearing activity on Langley tac freq «228.175». These sound like F-15s rather than F-22A aircraft. (Might be the FIRST 11 flight Tony mentions above.)
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Mar 1, 2003
I have Angry flight on 139.15 A/A
I beleive they are down at Pax.
Also some comms on 354.8

Ref. Below, Maybe we will start to get some more night time activity again.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just turned on a radio to see if anything was active and find an ANGRY flight of F-16s from Andrews active in ACM activity with a simulated DARKSTAR controller. Tac freq is 139.15 with the activity. Also heard them in the Pax area with BayWatch on 354.8. It appears to be a flight of two aircraft.
2109: ANGRY now simulating work with HUNTRESS.
2110: Also have NJ-ANG F-16s active on tac 138.425. Callsign BICEP 11 and 12.. This pair is also simulating DARKSTAR air control.
2110: Giant Killer's ops freq 312.3 also active.
2116: Another flight of NJ-ANG F-16s active on tac 138.875. Believe I heard the DEVIL callsign used here.
2121: The ANGRY pair now doing some ground attack activity at Pax. 139.15
2126: OPEC 48 (KC-10A McGuire) mentions heading for home with Atlantic City Approach on 124.6
2131: OPEC 48 leaving 6000 for 3000. «124.6»
2136: Freq 303.0 active...either KC-135s from McGuire with TORCH Ops or someone with HAWK Ops at Barnes in MA -- both use this freq and both heard from here.
2144: ANGRY flight leader tells BayWatch they'll be ready to RTB in 5 minutes and will want a tunnel back to Andrews at 6000 feet. «354.8»
2154: ANGRY 1/2 reform as they get ready to fly home...2 "strangles his parrot" «139.15»
2155: ANGRY 1 to WATERGATE on SOF freq «139.9» with mission results...6.9 minutes out. ANGRY 2 goes to ATIS freq to retrieve the info there.
2157: ANGRY 1 gets clearance for the flight to Nottingham from Pax on «281.8»

2200: ANGRY flight handed off to TRACON on «270.275» and check in there...they do get a response this time....check in 6000 feet heading for runway 1L.
2203: Have another flight of Andrews F-16s airborne on tac «143.6» Callsign BULLY, flight of two.
2204: CRAB 56 (fem-op) (C-130J MTN) landing at MTN runway 15 with Tower on «121.3»
2207: ANGRY flight to ADW Tower «349.0» for gear down.
2210: BULLY flight sounds like it's coming home...have no idea where they've been «143.6»
2211: REACH 258 to Andrews Metro on «344.6» asking for wx at Pope AFB (POB) for 0300Z.
2212: BULLY flight with ZNY-Middletown «322.4». From there they are handed off to TRACON (BWI) «307.9» and check in there.
2214: TRACON sends the BULLY flight from 12000 down to 6000 feet. «307.9»
2215: TRACON (BWI) hands off BULLY to TRACON (Reagan) «338.2» and check in leaving Baltimore on the 231 radial.
2217: DC 44 (KC-135R 756 ARS Andrews) with ADW Tower for landing «118.4»
2218: BULLY degoggle «143.6»
2218: BULLY to SENATE SOF «139.9» to report 30 miles out...both Code 1.
2220: BULLY flight requests 2 mile front to back formation for approach. «338.2»
2222: BULLY handed off to TRACON «335.5» and check in there.
2225: BULLY flight to ADW Tower «349.0» for landing. Slowing to 180 (knots).
2227: BULLY 1 gear down, full stop....BULLY 2 the same. «349.0» The end.
2231: PAT 27 (helo) to Leesburg Radio on FSS freq «255.4» to report he's reached Annapolis so wants that part of his flight plan closed and the part from there to Davison (AAF) opened. Leesburg does that.
2238: DC ?? with LIBERATOR on squadron freq «351.2»
2242: BOLAR 71 (C-5 Dover) arrival message to Dover CP. «349.4»
2256: BOLAR 60 (C-5 Dover) calling Dover CP. «349.4»

The PITTMAN F-16s from Shaw are involved in a CAP over Chicago this evening...PITTMAN 25/26 and TANKER 45 from Pittsburgh heard on another forum. That's sure a long trip for the Shaw fighters. It must be this one....
NOTAM Number : FDC 6/1760
Issue Date : July 05, 2006 at 13:47 UTC
Location : Chicago, Illinois
Beginning Date and Time : July 06, 2006 at 22:50 UTC
Ending Date and Time : July 07, 2006 at 21:00 UTC
Reason for NOTAM : Temporary flight restrictions for VIP (Very Important Person) Movement
Type : VIP
Replaced NOTAM(s) : N/A
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Hi guys,

I wanted to correct my log for CANFORCE 1. In another extreme "doh" moment, this should have been a CC-144 as opposed to a CC-150. This qualifies as a "doh moment" because I went outside right after hearing the flight depart ADW, looked up, and saw what looked suspiciously like a Canforce CL604, and then promptly forgot about it due work. In any case, correction now made!

Further addition to the above was confirmation of type and serial; it was indeed a CC-144, serial 144601.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
As of 2130, hearing two flights of NJ-ANG F-16s on tac 138.425 and 138.875. The 138.425 freq is callsign BICEP in ACM activity with a simulated DARKSTAR controller. It's a flight of two...BICEP 11 and 12.
2143: BICEP 11 attempting to contact Giant Killer on joy apparently. Considering the freq, they must be up in the W-107 area.
2150: The F-16 pair on 138.875 sounds like callsign AERO.
2155: The BICEP pair have disappeared within the past couple of minutes. That call to GK must have been to announce their RTB although I didn't hear it.

2202: Sounds like the AERO pair is also done and heading home to Atlantic City. «138.875»
2220: U/I aircraft on tanker interplane freq 139.875.
2243: REACH 1192 arrival message to Dover Command Post on 349.4. Dumping off 8 pax and wants to know if any of his upload cargo is hazardous. He'll give his Alpha status shortly....and does....he reports A-1 and says he'll need about 100,000 pounds of fuel. Parking in B-2.
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Jun 18, 2006
I was fortunate enough this evening to be stuck in traffic right by Willow Grove and had a KC-130 fly right over my car. At first I thought it was one of the AFRC C-130's from the base, but the 4 external fuel tanks jumped out at me. I looked up the tail code (NY-561) and it's from the USMC VMGR-452 based out of Stewart ANGB in NY. Might be a reservist weekend at the base....that means lots of activity.
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