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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Tony. I got lazy there at the end of the logging day. I logged the OC-135 along with it's tail number earlier (1527 in the log) and never went to my callsign list to cross-reference the COBRA callsign to it. Heard other COBRAs ealier that were EA-6Bs out of VAQ-209 so all COBRAs are EA-6Bs. Sigh.


Jan 5, 2004
Around 1700 I heard a SHOGUN-01 on 290.425 a few times. Usually it was a weak signal.

1749- FLIGHT-10 on 305.2 calling Pax Advisory at FL190 IFR. Whoever he was talking to was a woman. Later he explains about getting handed off to her from Center, yada yada. Ultimately they will be heading back to Andrews. 1753- Now VFR.

1945- Unknown C-5 at FL290 on 344.6 looking for a WX report. They are 56 miles west of Dover enroute to AR-20.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
1805 FLight-01 with Andrews Command Post, inbound, self ids as C-130 73-1589 (might have that Tail wrong as it comes back a Canadian C-130, 73-1598 would be a 39th AS Bird from Dyess AFB )
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1945: REACH 385 to Metro on «344.6» IDs as a C-5 heading for refueling track AR-20 and wants the weather in that track. He also asks for the wx at BGR (Bangor ME). He's currently passing near Dover AFB at FL 290.
1947: REACH 385 gives the Metro station his PIREP and says he's 56 miles west of Dover AFB now. «344.6»
1950: REACH 385 trying to call Andrews Metro again with no joy. «344.6»
1953: REACH 385 to McGuire Metro «239.8» to ask for a weather report for CYYR (Canadian Forces Base, Goose Bay) for 0500Z.
He said he was going to AR-20 (repeated several times) but the references I can find for AR-20 place it in Hawaii. I don't think so.

2007: JOSA 923 landing at ADW with Tower «118.4»
2035: Evac 50105 landing ADW with Approach «119.3» and with Tower «118.4» at 2039.
2036: SAM 50049 landing ADW with Tower «118.4»
2042: SAM Interplane freq «136.725» active...AF 1 on the way apparently.
After his visit to Milwaukee and Port Washington, President Bush left for Washington, D.C., aboard Air Force One, which left Mitchell International Airport at 6:55 p.m. (from wire reports)
2045: Activity on Giant Killer's ops freq «312.3»
2047: SAM lead flight giving wx around JASEN and says it's pretty rough there. «136.725»
2059: SAM 94 with Andrews Tower for landing «118.4» Heard a couple of minutes ago with Approach on «119.3» (This is the lead aircraft for AF 1)

2100: SAM 94 tells AF 1 he's on final and will be out of his way. «136.725» (AF 1 called him 49)
2102: Air Force 1 with ADW Approach «119.3» passing 5500 for 3000.
2103-05: AF 1 reporting course corrections with Approach. «119.3» Maintaining 2000 feet.
2107: AF 1 handed to Tower «118.4» and reports 5 miles out...cleared to land. And he's soon on the ground.
2125: Have had a MARINE 206 in the pattern at Andrews with Approach for the past 10 minutes or so. Finally handed over to Tower «118.4» and cleared to land. (Wonder if that's some kind of cover flight while the President is disembarking and getting to MARINE 1?)
2141: TUFF 63 Heavy (B-52 Barksdale AFB LA) with ZDC-Hagerstown «227.125» handed off to ZNY-Harrisburg «270.3» where he checks in.
2148: Army 10301 landing at Andrews with Tower «118.4»
2150: TUFF 63 Heavy handed off to ZDC-DuPont «307.25» and checks in there.
2156: TUFF 63 Heavy handed off to 125.32(5) but I don't have that in the rotation. That freq would be for ZNY-Kennedy (hi)

2200: Here he is again....TUFF 63 Heavy checks in with ZNY-Kennedy «282.3» at FL 270. (guess the VHF didn't work out.)
2202: TUFF 63 back to ZDC-DuPont «307.25» to say he's hearing ground on 282.3 but they're not hearing him. If he was given a new freq, he didn't repeat it on air. (He must have gone to a VHF freq since I'm not finding him on any ZDC/ZNY UHF freqs.)
(TUFF 63 doesn't appear to be going anywhere. His check-ins make him look like he's just circling the general area.)
2207: DC 24 (KC-135R Andrews) with ADW Approach «119.3»
2209: DC 24 with ADW Tower «118.4» and says he'll be in the pattern for 2-3 approaches.
2213-17: REACH 3600 to McGuire Command Post «349.4». Tries to pass a message about diverting due to maintenance problems but can't get through. Changes to «319.4» and calls a few times with no joy.
2218: REACH 3600 makes contact with McGuire CP on «319.4» and asks if anything is going on there that would preclude him landing at McGuire. Believe he said he was flying to Europe but needs to fix the problem before going on.
2219: Have another possible TUFF aircraft with ZDC-Moorefield «371.9» at FL 330. Very difficult to understand.
2220: REACH 3600 says he has 1 passenger and is fully loaded. «319.4»
2222: DC 23 landing at Andrews with Tower on «118.4» Reports full stop landing.
2224: DC 24 landing Andrews with Tower «118.4»
2226: REACH 3600 reports he's less than 100 miles southwest of McGuire. «319.4»
2226: REACH 922 calling SAM Command «378.1»
2227: The aircraft heard on ZDC 371.9, TUFF 64 handed off to ZDC-?Potomac? «307.025»
2228 REACH 922 calling Griffin Command «378.1»
2232: REACH 3600 constantly calling McGuire Command Post «319.4»
2232: The aircraft on ZDC-307.025 very difficult for me to understand. He's so overmodulated here that I just can't understand anything he says. I'm still hearing the TUFF calllsign though...probably TUFF 64.
2236: REACH 3600 making arrangements for maintenance to meet the aircraft upon landing. «319.4»
2238: TUFF 64 (B-52 Barksdale AFB) now with ZNY-Harrisburg «270.3»
2240: TUFF 64 being cleared along his flight route but I can't understand his checkpoints. «270.3»
2246: REACH 3600 calls McGuire CP reply. «319.4»
2248: TUFF 64 handed off to ZNY-Yardley «290.2» and checks in there at FL 280. (He's fairly clear on this freq for the first time in his me.)
2252: TUFF 64 handed off to ZNY-Kennedy «282.3» and checks in there at FL 280.
2256: JOSA 004 with arrival msg to SAM Command on «141.55» Home station C-21, 20 minutes out, A-1, empty and needs crew bus.

2300: TUFF 64 handed off to ZNY- ???? «292.15» where he checks in at FL 280.
This is a new NY Center (ZNY) freq.

Just checked the new ATA-100 FAA data in the new database and this freq is not listed there either.
And it's looking like that was the last heard from him.
1116: JOSA 004 landing Andrews with Tower on «118.4»

Time to check out myself...end of log.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
(Ref Below): Thanks Travis for digging through that FAA document to pull that out. Since Boston is the controlling ARTCC, it's highly doubtful it's in Hawaii. And since the IP and CP are off YQI (Yarmouth MA), it's doubly doubtful.
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Jan 5, 2004
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
Oh-oh. I knew this had to come sooner or later.

FARMINGDALE, N.Y.--(Business Wire)--July 10, 2006--
Telephonics Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Griffon Corporation (NYSE:GFF) announced today a Not-to-Exceed contract award in excess of $25M from The Boeing Company for production of the Communications Open System Architecture (COSA) Integrated Radio Management System (IRMS) for the USAF C-17A Globemaster III transport aircraft.

This is really just the same stuff that most of the combat AC types can already do anyway. More tactical type stuff will be slowly going over to Link-16, JVoice, and other waveforms. But the basic ATC and coordinating isn't going to change anytime soon. There would basically have to be a world wide change for that to happen, and there's really no reason for that, especially since the FAA is broke. The worst that could happen someday is digital. But it wouldn't ever be encrypted. To do that would be a nightmare, because it's very hard maintaining and synchronizing encrypted radios. The military can barely do it, so there's no way average civilian fliers could do it. That would create very dangerous situations. They will probably just end up splitting the step, like they did in Europe.

- Featuring the MilTenna Air Band Antennas -


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

TinEar said: we go again....
1548: SPECTRE 10 (sounds like -- if so, he's an AC-130 from Hurlburt Field FL) with ADW Tower for landing «118.4» (Sounded more like SPECK than SPECTRE but I have no listing for SPECK.)

Hi Tin,

Just heard SPECK 10 departing ADW on 118.950 on the way in to work - at 1314Z. Callsign was definitely SPECK but unfortunately, no visual confirmation of type possible.



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Morning everyone!


1314Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPECK 10 () - deps ADW.
1328Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - PAT 1204 (C-12T 85-1267) - tail #51267 requests fuel, 75 in the L main, 90 in the R main.
***1334Z 238.1 Giant Killer - SLAM 11 (F-16C/D 149TH FS VA ANG) - checking in FL230. QSY 249.8.***
***1335Z 249.800 Giant Killer - SLAM 11 (F-16C/D 149TH FS VA ANG) - we have FURY 01 F-16C/D 149th FS, VA ANG) in trail with us, confirm cleared into the airspace? Want us in single ships or two ships?***
1337Z 249.800 Giant Killer - SLAM 11 (F-16C/D 149TH FS VA ANG) - "SLAMs push 391.2."
1338Z 391.200 Giant Killer - SLAM 11 (F-16C/D 149TH FS VA ANG) - discussing weather in the north and south with (possibly) FURY 01. I'm keeping on this freq as both flights are coming in pretty strong right now.

1343Z 238.100 Giant Killer - just heard a SLAM here "SLAM has the works with the squawks".
1345Z 391.200 Giant Killer - "FURY check."

1405Z 351.200 LIBERATOR CP Andrews - DC 31 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC Andrews) - "off the ground at 40 mins. after."

1444Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - N3 (Ce560XL N3 FAA) - deps DCA.
1455Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - OMAHA 94 (Ce550 N26494 DHS/ICE/USCS/whateveritscallednow) - deps DCA and I missed the handoff freq.

1522Z 118.600 MCAF Quantico TWR - REACH 229T (?) - left base for rwy 20.
1524Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - JOSA 701 (C-21A 84-0089) - home-based C-21 inbound 20 mins out status A3.
1553Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 948 (UC-12B 161203 NAS Oceana Norfolk Flt. Det.) - requesting vectors for the GPS app to rwy 14 @ DAA.
1554Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - NAVY 7C 948 (UC-12B 161203 NAS Oceana Norfolk Flt. Det.) - code M5 10-15 mins out, requesting fuel and will have to wait a few hours for our M5, tail #1203.

1704Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - BACKY 91 (KC-135R presumed 62-3577 77th ARS Seymour Johnson) - arr msg ETA 34 mins. req parking and please notify med unit that we will be the EVAC flight going out.
1730Z 323.225 ZDC-??? - NAVY SD 423 (the usual) - FL280.
1755Z 119.300 Potomac APP - DRAGO 51 () - @ 11000' then up to 13000' dir LDN QSY 319.1 @ 1758Z.

1814Z 290.425 ZDC-Franklin - ANGRY 1 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - something about Dare County (and Pope's??) MOA.
1820Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 301 (UC-35C 01-0301) - deps ADW to FL210 QSY 121.675.
1841Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - AIREVAC 41673 (C-130H 74-1673 40th AS) - departure msg off ADW late maint. and C2.
1857Z 245.200 Davison AAF CLNC - PAT 2401 (C-12T Davison shuttle) - clnc to PHF.

1910Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 2401 (C-12T Davison shuttle) - deps rwy 14 QSY 118.95 dir GRUBY QSY 126.4.
1915Z 335.500 Potomac APP - NODAK 14 (F-16A/B 178th FS, ND ANG) - for the straight in visual to 19R. Also have ANGRY 1 up at 1918Z also on app dir ADW @ 1920Z and he pushes 4 to TWR.
1924Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - JOSA 298 (C-21A) - t/off time ADW 1912Z.

2007Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 577 (aka BACKY 91 presumed KC-135R 62-3577) - deps ADW. BACKY 91 passed a t/off msg to ADW on 378.1 just minutes before this intercept QSYs 118.675.
2028Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 2402 (C-12T 85-1267) - @ 5000' dir IRONS requesting the visual to 14 dir DAA.
2031Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - PAT 2402 (C-12T 85-1267) - 10 mins out, parking hotspot 1, req. fuel, tail #267.
2037Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 832 (C-12) - lands rwy 32 parking hotspot 2.

2138Z 378.100 GRIFFIN Command Andrews - JOSA 272 (C-21A based) - arrival msg 30 mins out, 1 A5, 1 A6, 1 M6, and 2 space-a's.
2144Z 283.750 JOSA 272 - clg CARIBOU Ops no joy.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Tony. Glad to hear confirmation of SPECK. I don't find that callsign in any of my databases.

0929: SLAM 11 (F-16 VA-ANG Richmond) with Norfolk TRACON «370.925» in non-standard formation
0932: SLAM 11 handed to ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8» where they check in at FL 230, non-standard formation.
0932: ANGRY F-16 flight from Andrews climbing out on tac 143.6 and TRACON 348.725
0934: ANGRY flight handed to ZDC-Calvert «281.4» climbing to 17000 (Believe ANGRY flight was handed off to ZDC 290.425 but was out of the room for a minute and not sure of that.)
0936: SLAM 11 flight to U-18 Giant Killer on «238.1» to enter W-386 and will be MARSA with a FURY flight. Had to change to GK's «249.8» due to poor comms on 238.1. SLAM is a four ship flight and will be leaving in singles or two ship flights.
0939: FURY 01 (F-16 Richmond) flight with ZDC-Snow Hill «353.95» Two ship flight.
0940: SLAM flight on tac «141.825»
0941: SLAM flight to GK's ops freq «391.2» for their ACM work with FURY
0942: FURY flight on tac «141.875»
0948: ANGRY flight appears to be going to Dare County Range or beyond. «143.6»
0954: ROMAN 41 (F/A-18, VFA-106 Oceana NAS) with ZDC-Irons «360.85»
0956: Activity on GK's ops freq «291.3» Could be the FURY flight.
0956: Fighter tac freq «138.95» active again callsigns heard yet.
0958: Flight of two F-16s from NJ-ANG Atlantic City active on tac «138.425» Callsign DEVIL.
0959: DEVIL 11 flight with Giant Killer on «255.0» to work in W-107 for the next 40 minutes.

1002: Hearing a flight on ZNY-Kennedy «282.2» and then at 1006 over to ZNY-Shipbottom «307.8» but they're too weak so far to pull out a callsign. I believe this is the same pair of fighters I'm hearing on tac «138.95» Probably A-10s from Bradley or Barnes going to the Warren Grove Range.
1008: Sure enough...flight checking onto Warren Grove Range «283.1» It's callsign MAKO which makes them A-10s from the CT-ANG Bradley.
1010: MAKO flight with ZNY-Shipbottom «307.8» to say they'll be back on freq in 25 minutes.
1010: FURY 02 to Giant Killer on «238.1» and then over to «249.8» after having comm problems on the first freq...leaving as a single ship for Richmond at 14000 feet.
1013: AR-636 refueling track primary freq «238.9» active. No callsigns.
1014: FURY 02 to ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8» heading for Richmond
1015: SLAM 13, two ship will RTB «249.8»
1016: Missed callsign but have what sounds like an F-22A heading home to Oceana as told to Giant Killer on «249.8»
1018: Flight of A-10s off the deck at Martin State...tac 142.3 and with Raven Ops 347.2 to report off at 15.
1021: DC 31 (KC-135R Andrews) with ZDC-Snow Hill «353.95»
I haven't heard this freq used in ages and now twice this morning already. I'm starting to think this is a new assignment for the freq rather than Snow Hill.
1022: Another flight of A-10s off the deck at 1021 from MTN reporting to Raven Ops on «347.2»
1025: More NJ-ANG F-16s on tac «138.875»
1028: AXEMAN flight (A-10 MTN) to FSS «255.4» to report entering VR-1709 for 20 minutes at 500 feet and 300 knots.
1029: Single A-10 checks into Pax River area on «281.8»

Giant Killer 249.8/238.1, Norfolk TRACON 370.925, a slew of tac freqs, 142.175-Richmond SOF, A-10s all over the place including at Warren Grove and various other things all squawking at once. It's enough to drive me out of the room. And does. Be back sometime.

Late 1000 hour ANGRY flight coming home from Dare....143.6/281.4/348.725/335.5/349.0 and land shortly after 1100. Flight leader asks wingman when was the last time he did SFO training. Answer was, "Uhhhh." So, he got it assigned and did a couple of approaches before landing. (SFO=Simulated FlameOut landing)
At the same time another A-10 flight from New England to Warren Grove Range....282.2/307.8/283.1

FLYER 2 (single A-10 Willow Grove) first heard 1133 with ZNY-Middletown 322.4, handed off at 1139 to ZNY-Lancaster 239.05 and then at 1153 handed to Philadelphia TRACON on 273.57(5). He called Philadelphia a couple of times on that freq but got no answer. Next found him with Philly TRACON 319.15 at 1157 where he was headed home for full stop landing. I don't have that 273.575 freq nor is it in the database. Anyone have info on it?

During the 1100 hour there has also been a COLT 45 (A-10 MTN) down at Pax working 354.8 and then flew to Dover where he's doing approaches on 257.875. Another flight of two A-10s is working 142.3 and were on their way home late in the 1100 hour.

CAP Flight 1829 seems to be participating in the drill (Harford County) on 148.15 reporting school bus accidents with multiple casualties. Guess that was the secret scenario for the drill. This was also during the 1100 hour.
CAP 1829 talking to Harford County EOC on 148.15 at 1219 about pictures taken during the drill.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1312: DRAGO 51 flight on 279.575 for flyby. (This flight was heard in the midwest by a monitor in Detroit with Cleveland Center about an hour ago.)
1312: SALTY DOG 423 with ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8» reports direct Franklin, direct Richmond. At FL 280. Handed off to ZDC-Norfolk 133.825.
1315: SALTY DOG 121 also with ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8»
1317: SALTY DOG 121 handed off to ZDC-Norfolk «327.8» He's at FL 260.
1322: DRAGO 51 trying to contact DRAGO 02 on 279.575.

CAP Flight 1820 is now the aircraft working with Harford County EOC for the drill in the 1300 hour. «148.15»

1331: DRAGO 51 still trying to call DRAGO 02 «279.575»
1331: SALTY DOG 121 with ZDC-Norfolk 327.8 and handed off to ZDC-Blackstone 235.625....from FL 260 down to 250. Says he's heading for Sea Isle and then Atlantic City.
1334: SALTY DOG's next stop is ZDC-Calvert 281.4. Out of 250 for 240.
1336: SALTY DOG 423 once again with ZDC-Bay 379.3 this time. Heading down to FL 210.
Both SALTYs are alternately using SALTY DOG and just the letters SD.
1344: SALTY DOG 423 handed off to ZDC-Calvert 281.4...descending to 210. He's calling himself Navy SD 423 on this freq. Will cross 45 miles south of Smyrna at 13,000. Direct Smyrna, Sea Isle, Atlantic City.
1345: Not sure what type aircraft DRAGO 51 is but there is more than one radio operator on board. Can hear the other when the primary speaks.
1347: SD 121 and SD 423 both handed off to ZDC-Kenton 354.15. 423 leveling at 13000.
1348: DRAGO 51 calls DRAGO 03 (Yes, he called 03, not 02) and reports he's inbound. (Beginning the flyby.) «279.575»
1350: DRAGO 51 reports "feet" «279.575»
1350: SD 121 heading down to 9000 feet. «354.15»
1352: Next stop for the SALTYs is ZDC-Casino «285.4» SD 121 reports leaving 9 for 8000.
1355: SD 423 also over to Casino and checks in at 12000.
1358: SD 121 to Atlantic City Approach 124.6 and SD 423 handed to ACY Approach on 385.5 but shows up on 327.125 instead get the idea on the two SALTY SOG flights...round robin flights to Atlantic City, an approach to runway 31, and back to Norfolk multiple times and then eventually will go home to Pax NAS.
1355: DRAGO 51 now with Andrews Approach on 119.3 heading up to 11000....then 13000....then 17000 at 1357.

1400: DRAGO 51 handed off to ZDC-Linden 319.1...leaving 17000 for 19000....says he's 17 miles from Linden....330 knots true (speed).
1403: DRAGO 51 heading up to 22000 «319.1»
1406: F-16 flight airborne from Andrews...tac 143.6...callsign ANGRY....ANGRY 2 is our new femop.
1408: AERO 21 (F-16 NJ-ANG) flight entering W-107 with Giant Killer on «255.0» Will be MARSA with a BICEP flight...and BICEP tries contacting GK on this freq also.
1410: ANGRY 2 is having a problem with fuel not feeding from her left wing tank. «143.6» They'll continue the mission and keep an eye on it.
(I quit for a few minutes right after ANGRY took off but from upstairs heard them through the ZDC freqs heading for Dare County Range NC. Thanks Tony...I see you logged them.)
1412: AERO and BICEP flight leaders chatting on 138.875 about swapping wingmen due to a training situation. They also mention going to a tanker while they're up there in this flight. This is AERO's tac freq...BICEP is using 138.425.
1422: Now have a SALTY DOG 402 with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 (121 and 423 now heading back toward NOrfolk)
1422: FURY 51 (F-16 VA-ANG) with Norfolk TRACON 370.925...tac freq 141.825
1423: AERO/BICEP flights refueling on 288.0 again today. Seems one of the BICEPs returned to base. Tanker is a ROCCO KC-135 from McGuire. Didn't catch his suffix.
1423: FURY 51 into Giant Killer's area on 249.8...says they'll be MARSA with a TBOLT 31 flight and wants to know if the drone exercise is still taking place which will limit them to airspace above 11000 feet. FURY went off to GK's 391.2 to work.
1430: SALTY DOG 121 with Pax on 281.8....guess he's finally done....heading for runway 24.
1431: BICEP finishes work with the ROCCO tanker and says the "other" flight (AERO) is five miles behind them and coming to the tanker. «288.0»
1435: TBOLT 31 flight is working 141.875 for's a flight of four F-16s.
1446: SALTY DOG 402 from ZDC-Azalea 263.1 to ZDC-Irons 360.85 reporting they are a flight of two F/A-18s that can't complete their training mission because of weather and are heading back to Pax.
1451: TBOLT flight now on tac 139.625.

1453: Thunder and lightning overhead...shutting down.
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Jan 5, 2004
Doh!! Just noticed that I must not have hit Submit Reply last night.

During the 2200 hour I had a hit on ZDC-Moorefield 371.9 and they said they would be switching to 285.6 (ZDC-Blue Ridge) and I never heard anything there.

A while later AXIS-4 (sounded like that anyways, definately ended with "IS") came up on 371.9 also. Said their destination was Martinsburg. Eventually they came up on 307.025 (?ZDC-Potomac?) for a while. Never heard them after that.

And while I here..

ANGRY-1 has probably just landed at ADW. As soon as I turned the scanner on upon arriving home he was with ZDC-Calvert before switching to ADW Approach 335.5. Loud and clear, more so than usual.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
You did hit the "submit" button Travis -- only it was on another thread where you posted that message. I'm pretty sure that aircraft you're talking about was TUFF 64. Maybe the 'six' part is what you were hearing. Just a bit before that, TUFF 63 also came through the area - two BUFFs. Don't often hear them in this area.

That was sure a neat post you did last night on the AR-20 track. One of these days I've got to print out that FAA document so I've got it right at hand when I need it. I have it bookmarked but it always takes so long to find the right part when I'm busy logging a lot of activity.

It has been an extremely busy few days for MilAir. Nice to hear it after being sort of quiet for a few weeks.

(Ref below) Mike, I'm sure that was just a typo. It's still 335.5 - as of this afternoon.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Hmmm...Andrews approach is 119.3/335.5 right? The message above says 333.5.
Which is right? I'll get this fixed on the Tracon Wiki and submitted to the database....73 and thanx Mike


Jan 5, 2004
Yeah it was a typo. But I think that's what the pilot might have said before saying Push 19. That's what I wrote down when he said it. :confused:

You did hit the "submit" button Travis -- only it was on another thread where you posted that message. I'm pretty sure that aircraft you're talking about was TUFF 64. Maybe the 'six' part is what you were hearing. Just a bit before that, TUFF 63 also came through the area - two BUFFs. Don't often hear them in this area.

I see where I posted that now. What type of planes are those?

I'm going to see about plotting points on Google Earth and taking a screenshot ot that.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BUFFs are the Air Force slang name for B-52s. Big Ugly Flying F***ers.

1923: AR-636 refueling track primary freq 238.9 active. One of the aircraft is JEDI 43 (female) - probably a C-17 from McGuire and no callsign heard for the tanker.
1937: AirEvac 55140 calling SAM Command on reply to a couple of calls.

(Ref below): Didn't hear them say they were landing at Martinsburg. They used it for a VORTAC check point though as they made a huge circle around this general area.

Speaking of which...another listener from the Michigan area identified the DRAGO 51 aircraft we had doing an Arlington Cemetery flyby today as also a B-52.
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Jan 5, 2004
TinEar said:
BUFFs are the Air Force slang name for B-52s. Big Ugly Flying F***ers.

Landing at Martinsburg? I must've heard wrong. Just a waypoint I suppose.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
freqhopping said:
Yeah it was a typo. But I think that's what the pilot might have said before saying Push 19. That's what I wrote down when he said it. :confused:

No biggie - thanx to you and Tin - I just wanted to get that right before I submitted those freqs to the database, which I've done.

Watch the weather out there - some nasty cells in and around the area. 73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mike, that 119.3/335.5 pair is already in there under the Potomac TRACON listings for the Reagan area.

2006: AirEvac 55140 calling Andrews again on 378.1. Just wants to make sure they know he's a C-17 arriving with an Army O-6 (full bull) on board.
2012: JOSA 957 to Andrews on 141.55...IDs as a C-21, tail number 60377, A-1, arriving 0045Z, 2 Cpodes on board plus Space As, will RON and needs parking.
2016: JOSA 978 in the pattern at ADW with Approach 119.3
2017: AirEvac 55140 to ADW Tower 118.4 for landing.

(Ref Below): You read my mind Chuck. I was thinking that very thing and had to bite my tongue...uhhh...fingers.
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