SDR# TETRA Demodulator Trunk Tracking Demonstration


Mar 4, 2015
ok, that has made a difference. I'm getting network traffic and the VC is turning to a channel. Only issue is I'm not getting any audio output. From Trunk Tracker call log it looks like the calls are unencrypted


  • enc.jpg
    80.8 KB · Views: 1,741


Nov 22, 2016
I can't see anything that stands out as to why you are not getting voice.

In VC SDR# do the Timelslot 1-4 radio buttons change to match call. (Call in timeslot with red text)

Does the TETRA Demodulator work with sound without "TETRA Trunk Tracker" running?

Setup SDR#:
It's assumed your installation of SDR# (with TETRA Demodulator) and dongles are already working.
If not, do this first.

The "Encrypt:Clear" may not indicate the call is not encrypted. I think this may mean PDUs are sent "Clear" (not encrypted). I don't get encrypted calls here so I'm not 100%.


Mar 23, 2014
You got the BW set wrong so to get audio a change you not set the sample rate to 48000 as minimum in SDR# config?
Romoved the V in the audio filter?


Nov 22, 2016

Looking at you images again, I can see a few things that don't add up.

1. Your CC frequency 858.09000 and your VC frequency is 858.08750. (2.5Khz difference)
CC is not a valid frequency. VC is.
My guess is your PPM adjustments are different for your 2 dongles and that they may not be set correctly. You need to correct this.

2. Your VC SDR# TETRA Demodulator window is not even decoding anything. Indicated by the MCC,MNC,LA all been 0.

This maybe a result of incorrect PPM or weak signal. Is the BW set to 30,000 in both SDR#s (CC,VC)?

What is the Offset for that network?
This value is shown in TETRA Demodulator "Network Info" > Current > Offset
  • 0 = 0 KHz
  • 1= +6.25
  • 2 = -6.25
  • 3 = +12.5KHz

This needs to be set correctly in TETRA Trunk Tracker.

In TETRA Trunk Tracker a call is occurring on carrier 2323.
By my calculations it should by on one of the following frequencies: (which VC is)
  • 858.07500 ( 0 Khz offset)
  • 858.06875 (+ 6.25 Khz offset)
  • 858.08125 (- 6.25 Khz offset)
  • 858.08750 (+12.5 Khz offset) <----- your SDR# VC

It seems your SDR# VC is not getting a good enough signal but your CC is, as noted by TETRA Trunk Tracker logging call activity.


Nov 22, 2016
2nd Public Release

This is the second release of this program. (TETRA Trunk Tracker v0.99.5)
And 1st release for (TETRA Trunk Tracker v0.99.5s - Simple)

Two versions are available:
  • Normal (Uses 2 SDR# and 2 Dongles)
  • Simple (Uses 1 SDR# and 1 Dongles with some features not available)

NOTE: This version uses a custom compiled version of 'Net Remote' [Supplied]
It does not save Network enable/disabled state avoiding startup conflicts.

Backup your "Tetra-trunk-tracker.dat" settings file
Then delete "Tetra-trunk-tracker.dat" as it has changed and old one will cause error on load.

Some work as gone into trying to make TETRA Trunk Tracker easier to run once the initial setup has been done. This can also have the side effect of make more problems too.

A MCC (Country Code) label file is included for your convenience "TETRA_mcc.txt".

Some of the new features:
  • Call recording (All or select GSSIs)
  • GSSI Hold function
  • Improved G/SSI Editor
  • Group call and Individual call handling. [Individual call are processed as GSSI 0]
  • Encrypted PDUs are ignored. (This can be done in TETRA Demodulator plug-in anyway)
  • LOGs,CVS and Recorded call files are created and stored in Daily folders.

Call recording is extremely simplistic. see "03_Features_Usage.txt" for limits.

It has only been tested on Windows 7 - Professional SP1 (32 bit), English

You MUST have a PC that is capable of running SDR# x 2 with the TETRA plug-in. (Not overloaded CPU usage.)

It is in alpha stage. This means is may contain errors that may cause issues with the other programs it
works with. i.e. crashing them or itself.

The TETRA plug-in currently been developed by TSSDR is also in early development. Because of this
any changes made in plug-in releases most likely will break this program.

I have created it to suit my needs. And it currently works for me with the TETRA network I monitor.

I make no claim that it will work for other networks.

It provides basic call connection capabilities. It may not process all aspects of the downlink
PDUs (call messages).
  • - D-Setup
  • - D-TX-Ceased
  • - D-TX-Granted
  • - D-Released

As I don't see encrypted calls here, I'm assuming that TETRA Demodulator plug-in automatically does not
play these. If it does, then either lockout the GSSI or send me the PDU messages that may contain an indication
of call been encrypted. Probably in D-Setup messages. I maybe able to add it to the program. This maybe better for
when some SSIs are encrypted and some are not in a GSSI.

Please read the provided files as alot of changes have occurred since last version:
  • TTT_set-up_manual.pdf <------- Start here.
  • 01_Readme.txt
  • 02_Setup_Usage.txt
  • 03_Features_Usage.txt
  • 04_Checkbox_Detection_Usage.txt
If you are not capable of reading these files, I suggest you stop right here. This program and it's
setup is NOT 1 click compatible. I have tried to be as thorough as possible with the documention to
explain usage and features. I believe any questions can be answered by reading these files.
These files most likely are not complete and contain errors and are not laid out as good as they could be.

It only works with the provided TETRA plug-in supplied in zip. (2018-June-06).

It is only meant to be a temporary solution until something better comes along.

Hopefully all goes well for you setting it up.

Download link

MD5 HASH 18ffbbe2282297fb4818c0c1fd459c86

Video showing starting it and it running
Video showing starting it and it running - Simple version


Nov 22, 2016
3rd Public Release

This is the third release of this program. (TETRA Trunk Tracker v0.99.6)
And 2nd release for (TETRA Trunk Tracker v0.99.6s - Simple)

Two versions are available:
  • Normal (Uses 2 SDR# and 2 Dongles)
  • Simple (Uses 1 SDR# and 1 Dongles with some features not available)

Backup your "Tetra-trunk-tracker.dat" settings file.
Then delete "Tetra-trunk-tracker.dat" as it has changed and old one will cause error on load.

Some work as gone into trying to make TETRA Trunk Tracker easier to run once the initial setup has been done.

A MCC (Country Code) label file is included for your convenience "TETRA_mcc.txt".

This version is more of a bug fix:
  • FIXED: Incorrect creation of 2nd Call_Activity_xx-xx-xxxx.csv on day change.
  • FIXED: Option "Delete forced end call". Was not restoring last state on load. (it was saving it)
  • FIXED: Option "Ignore call priority". Was not restoring last state on load. (it was saving it)
  • FIXED: (Simple) Startup issue which would prevent "Checkbox Detection" from functioning before clicking 'Start'
  • FIXED: Priority selection was locked in G/SSI editor.
  • CHANGED: Start button colour to orange (Green looked like nothing need to be done)

New features:
  • ADDED: Option to store and set SDR# CC, VC window position on startup or reset.
  • ADDED/FIX: New SSIs when added are now checked for existing labels against same SSI in different GSSI in network.
  • ADDED: Option "Ignore priorities when recording call"
  • ADDED: When manual call release is used, the current GSSI is placed in a temp 15 second lockout pool.
  • Documentation is now formatted a little better and is a PDF.

It has only been tested on Windows 7 - Professional SP1 (32 bit), English

You MUST have a PC that is capable of running SDR# x 2 with the TETRA plug-in. (Not overloaded CPU usage.)

It is in alpha stage. This means is may contain errors that may cause issues with the other programs it
works with. i.e. crashing them or itself.

The TETRA plug-in currently been developed by TSSDR is also in early development. Because of this
any changes made in plug-in releases most likely will break this program.

I have created it to suit my needs. And it currently works for me with the TETRA network I monitor.

I make no claim that it will work for other networks.

Please read the provided files for set-up and usage:
  • TTT_set-up_manual.pdf
  • TTT_Features_and_Usage.pdf
I have tried to be as thorough as possible with the documentation to explain usage and features.
I believe any questions can be answered by reading these files.
These files most likely are not complete and contain errors and are not laid out as good as they could be.

It only works with the provided TETRA plug-in supplied in zip. (2018-June-06).
This version uses a custom compiled version of 'Net Remote' supplied in zip

It is only meant to be a temporary solution until something better comes along.

Hopefully all goes well for you setting it up.

Download link

MD5 HASH 6f33fcf9662573b77e177e899793b9f9


Nov 22, 2016
Using DSDPlus LRRP program to show TETRA GPS positions

I have been doing some playing around with the 'D_SDS_Data' PDUs that can carry GPS positions.

The idea is to use 'D_SDS_Data' PDUs to control the program in the DSDPlus package called LRRP.

LRRP shows (via my test program) SSIs on a map when these PDUs are sent.

I have made a short video showing a proof of concept.

I don't see these PDUs where I am and I really don't have a use for this feature, but I thought it may be useful to someone else out there.

I may add this as a feature to TETRA Trunk Tracker if I can get some more logged PDUs.
The only thing is I only have 9 PDUs that I got from an image. I need more of these PDUs for further testing.
If you have logged them, please send to me.

NOTE: As versions of this "TETRA Demodulator" plug-in have changed, the output for D_SDS_Data PDUs may have as well.
If possible, please supply logs from the same version that I have in TETRA Trunk Tracker zip.


Mar 23, 2014
hi, thank you for effort this be great fuction we wait for very long time. The only the problem is, in the original version and first windows version made by CurLYBoy the version uses the MySYS shell, these version show SDS + GPS. The latest version released TSSDR is not show these any more. When able to retrieve the SDS - GPS info from RAW data i/Q is received. That be great and make or move this plugin a very big step forward
TSSDR seem busy or be gone with the wind, so look there be no further updates for Tetra Plugin in short notice.
Someone may able to pick this up and develop the last bits and bits, that be great.
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Nov 22, 2016
The latest version released TSSDR is not show these any more.

Well that's no good then :( Hopefully he comes back to it sometime.

When able to retrieve the SDS - GPS info from RAW data i/Q is received. That be great and make or move this plugin a very big step forward
TSSDR seem busy or be gone with the wind, so look there be no further updates for Tetra Plugin in short notice.
Someone may able to pick this up and develop the last bits and bits, that be great.

The plug-in outputs the bursts via UDP when enabled. I made a program that sniffs these bursts but it requires further processing based on the TETRA standard "Clause 8 includes the specification of encoding, re-ordering and interleaving, and scrambling"
One could reconstruct the data stream that way I think. Unfortunately I think, this is above me.


Mar 23, 2014
The version before the Click link to switch to the CC channel came out, these older versions is still showing the GPS data.
The SDS are gone after made the change in the left toolbar menu and the 5x TABS in network info.
In short, the versions with only the limited NETWORK INFO still having the GPS shown in SDS

In the latest release, maby the SDS GPS is still active, only not print out on the screen :)
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Nov 22, 2016
Unfortunately, I think the earlier versions of 'TETRA Demodulator' plug-in don't provide sufficient information to make TETRA Trunk Tracker to work.


Aug 21, 2016
Unfortunately, I think the earlier versions of 'TETRA Demodulator' plug-in don't provide sufficient information to make TETRA Trunk Tracker to work.

Hi from Brazil,

First, thank you for your work!

In my location I have two TETRA networks, one in 860 MHz and another one in 390 MHz.

The 390 MHz one have GPS positions enabled.

How can I send you logs?


Nov 22, 2016
I've just seen on my set-up that the 64bit version of the Net Remote plug-in does not work.

If you have this problem just use the 32 bit version.