SDR# TETRA Demodulator Trunk Tracking Demonstration


Dec 15, 2014
Then I have to ask. What about if every tetra base station have 3-4 freqency with 1 MCCH that will give
11-15 slots and one MCCH then TTT can only watch this 1 tetra base station with 1 SDR in single mode.
In Dual mode with 2 SDR you can still only track 1 Tetra Base Station becouse of LA.
All base station has there own LA. To trunck track this in single mode then it has to have minimum 1 SDR for every Tetra Base station.

But in TNM it is possbile with 1 SDR to track 2 or even 3 tetra base station. Or do I not understand this correct ?


Nov 22, 2016
Then I have to ask. What about if every tetra base station have 3-4 freqency with 1 MCCH that will give
11-15 slots and one MCCH then TTT can only watch this 1 tetra base station with 1 SDR in single mode.
In Dual mode with 2 SDR you can still only track 1 Tetra Base Station becouse of LA.
Yes that's right, TTT only monitors 1 network LA at a time. Like a MS does.

All base station has there own LA. To trunck track this in single mode then it has to have minimum 1 SDR for every Tetra Base station.
Yes can do in single mode. Call activity is not monitored while not on main carrier.

But in TNM it is possbile with 1 SDR to track 2 or even 3 tetra base station. Or do I not understand this correct ?
TNM (in Master/Slave mode) can monitor call activity on multiple LAs at once. These LAs can belong to different networks if like.
TNM (in Single mode) works like TTT in single mode but can monitor more than one LA so long as the LAs are in dongle bandwidth while monitoring MCCH.

FYI for anyone. An example of 2 networks and basic operation.

Possible network set-up:
Below in example, Network A and Network B are two different companies/providers running a TETRA service on a band (say 390 MHz).
Each LA resides on it's own frequency in that band.

When a MS is in a area serviced by a provider, it connects to that LA if it is subscribed to that network.
The MS may be limited to an area or have access to all LAs in network, You have to pay extra for wide coverage I would guess.
MS will ignore LAs it's not subscribed too.

When connected to LA, MS listens to the MCCH on that LA for call control. It does not listen to any other LA for call control.
When a MS is following calls, it only uses the carriers assigned to that LA.

A MS on the move can move from one area to another. When this happens it will look to see if there is a LA that services that and if re-selection is needed will then switch to that LA and use it's MCCH for call control. This can happen mid-call.

Network (MNC) A: (Has 4 LAs to provide coverage over larger area)
NOTE: More carriers per LA can handle more traffic at once.

- LA:1 (Has 8 carriers. This area can have a larger MS population)
      - Main carrier (has MCCH - TS1)
      - trafic carrier
      - trafic carrier           Total 32 slots - 1 MCCH and 31 traffic slots
      - trafic carrier
      - trafic carrier
      - trafic carrier
      - trafic carrier
      - trafic carrier

- LA:2 (Has 4 carriers. This area can has a less MS population activity)
      - Main carrier (has MCCH - TS1)
      - trafic carrier
      - trafic carrier           Total 16 slots - 1 MCCH and 15 traffic slots
      - trafic carrier

- LA:3 (Has 3 carriers. This area can has even less MS population activity)
      - Main carrier (has MCCH - TS1)
      - trafic carrier
      - trafic carrier           Total 12 slots - 1 MCCH and 11 traffic slots

- LA:4 (Has 2 carriers. This area can has small MS population activity)
      - Main carrier (has MCCH - TS1)
      - trafic carrier
      - trafic carrier           Total 12 slots - 1 MCCH and 11 traffic slots

Network (MNC) B: (Only has 2 LAs to provide coverage over smaller area)
- LA:1 (Has 2 carriers. This area has small MS population activity)
      - Main carrier (has MCCH - TS1)
      - trafic carrier           Total 8 slots - 1 MCCH and 7 traffic slots

- LA:2 (Has 2 carriers. This area has small MS MS population activity)
      - Main carrier (has MCCH - TS1)
      - trafic carrier           Total 32 slots - 1 MCCH and 7 traffic slots

Traffic from Network A does not occur on Network B (But the standards do indicate that it can be set-up, I don't think this exists in the wild.)
Not all talking MS have to be on the same LA. A call originating on the LA we are listening to does not have to send call set-up PSUs (D_Setup) if the receiving MS is not on this LA. TTT/TNM do not set-up these calls (because no D_Setup is seen). This is describe in link I posted earier.

As stated, TTT can only listen to one LA (and use it's traffic carriers) at a time.

TNM can listen to all LAs (in example above) if you can receive them and follow their calls. (one call at a time)
TMN can also be set-up to listen to networks/LAs on different bands.

While TNM can monitor multiple LAs it's does not associate cross LA calls. Nothing is sent to make this association between two calls possible.
A lot of logic would be required to try and make this happen just for a group call, private would be a lot harder if not possible. Not worth the effort.

Anyway, enough rambling.

Latest version (v1.0.17.1) can be found here: Release post


Nov 22, 2016
Just an update about TTT + TETRA Demodulator plug-in and SDR# v1717+ (currently v1727 as of post) with the new 'Telerik UI'

Good news is they still work doing their job.
You may have to reset the 'Checkbox detection' values so TTT can use the 'Demodulator' and 'Auto' controls properly.
  • You will know if this is an issue when TTT fails to enable 'Demodulator' and disable 'Auto'.

The only things I've seen are related to the changes in the UI. What I've seen is:
  • Because of the 'Theme' changes with SDR#, the 'Checkbox detection' (in 'C' option for TTT) may need resetting. See documentation on how to do this.
  • Some control label fonts look different to each other. This should all be 'Microsoft Sans Serif' I had to change all side-panel control fonts from "Microsoft Sans Serif" to something else then back again to 'Microsoft Sans Serif' to fix this.
  • The 'Demodulator' control over laps 'DMO' control slightly. This is because of the font issue mentioned above.

These will be sorted in next release.

Latest version (v1.0.17.1) can be found here: Release post


Nov 22, 2016
Spoke to soon, Actually all the dark modes make the plug-in look rubbish and some text is not visible.

Not even some of the SDR# controls look right like Zoom, Contrast, Range, Offset. If window is made smaller the slider is not even visible when set low.

Fixing this issue for 'Dark Modes' kills any sort of backward compatibility for the plug-in with older SDR# versions.

Not a fan of this new look.
Memory usage looks like it's doubled and CPU core peaks to almost MAX just using the scrollbar for the side panel section with some of the themes.
Poor redraw speed (on my lowly PC) is especially bad with these themes:
- Aqua
- Crystal
- Crystal Dark
- High Contrast Black
- Visual Studio 2012
- Windows 8

I don't like when programs change the window style to look like another OS, it looks out of place.

Like I said in previous post "These will be sorted in next release." Well the fix will at least make the text in dark mode visible with exception of the groupbox label, which seems to stay black. see image below.
With some fixed up:

Latest version (v1.0.17.1) can be found here: Release post
Last edited:


Nov 22, 2016
20th Public Release - TETRA Trunk Tracker and TETRA Demodulator plug-in - v1.0.20.0

This package (version) of TETRA Trunk Tracker and TETRA Demodulator plug-in (with codec libtetradec.dll) are only meant to be used
with each other and with no other previous versions. To do so will most likely cause issues.

TETRA Demodulator plug-in has been updated by me. "Tweaked Edition (Unofficial) v1.0.20.0"
This is required to be use with TETRA Trunk Tracker v1.0.20.0. Please read text files in zip for plug-in.

This plug-in version changes/adds and fixes some items:

ADDED: Error trapping for some main programs sections and MAC, MLE, CMCE, MM, SNDCP protocols.

ADDED: Error trap for missing 'libtetradec.dll' or when 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable' is not installed.


CHANGED: The UI required some tweaks to allow it to render better with SDR# v1717+ (Telerik UI).

ADDED: Some more comments to 'Current cell' tab.

ADDED: Some experimental SNDCP Protocol ability.
- *** MUST see 'changelog.txt' for more detail about this. ***

v1.0.17.3 - Debug version

CHANGED: Further improvements to MAC

CHANGED: Further improvements to LLC and MM protocols.

CHANGED: 'Burst type' tab

CHANGED: 'Current cell' tab

CHANGED: 'Neighbour cell' tab

v1.0.17.2 - Debug version

CHANGED: MM Protocol (MS Registrations)
- Added elements to some of the MM PDUs for output. (to show GSSI)


FIXED: On some occasions the MNI value of '0' would be seen in mid function which caused an error:
       'UpdateCallInfoALT exception: isGroup - removeDup - group exist?'
- This seems only to occur when used with TTT in single mode.

see 'changelog.txt' for full list and details.

If SDR# is crashing when 'Demodulator' is enabled, it's because you have not set-up the plug-in correctly.
You MUST do this 1st. This is NOT TETRA Trunk Trackers fault.

You generally need to get these installed:
"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 (Offline Installer)"
"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 (Offline Installer)"
"Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable" and install both 32/64 bit versions (if you use 64 bit OS)

This TETRA Trunk Tracker version changes/adds and fixes some items:

Rolled up version for public release

FIXED: TTT would crash when trying to set window positions for CC/VC/Network Info.
- This was a result of a change in v1.0.16.2

v1.0.17.4 - Not a public release

CHANGED: The 'SYSINFO' handling code a little more.

v1.0.17.3 - Not a public release

CHANGED: Some error trapping code.

CHANGED: The 'SYSINFO' handling code a little more.
- More to do with the 'Section 6' error seen in v1.0.17.2

v1.0.17.2 - Not a public release

FIXED: In single mode the label for option 'Create Call Activity CVS - NO CALLS' was not correctly
        shown (if enabled) until after 'Start' was clicked.

FIXED: In single mode and when using the option 'Create Call Activity CVS - NO CALLS'

ADDED: A seen call set-up daily counter.

FIXED: Error in 'Section 6' #380 was seen when receiving a 'SYSINFO'

ADDED: A 'Now Playing' (metadata) file for use with Icecast+BUTT.

see 'changelog.txt' for full list and details.

Has been tested on Windows 7 - Basic (64 bit)
Has been tested on Windows 7 - Professional SP1 (32 bit), English
Has been tested on Windows 10 - Professional (64 bit)

I have created it to suit my needs. And it currently works for me with the TETRA network I monitor.

I make no claim that it will work for other networks.

Please read the provided files for set-up and usage:

  • TTT_set-up_manual.pdf
  • TTT_Features_and_Usage.pdf

I have tried to be as thorough as possible with the documentation to explain usage and features.
I believe any questions can be answered by reading these files.
These files most likely are not complete and contain errors and are not laid out as good as they could be.

The TETRA plug-in is now been mainly tested with SDR# 1700 on Windows 7 Professional 32 bit with no issues seen.
The TETRA plug-in with SDR# 1700 on Windows 7-10 64 bit PCs is untested by me and is known.

It only works with the provided TETRA plug-in supplied in zip. (2019-October-18).
This version uses a custom compiled version of 'Net Remote' supplied in zip

It is only meant to be a temporary solution until something better comes along.

Note: This link now is to a folder that stores the download, which means the link to the location of the files will stay the same but the files in it can vary.

MD5 HASH 4e3d54610dbe3560bfcb0691c8124b5c


Apr 23, 2019

Reporting repetitive errors after update:

Completely fresh install with no old config files
SDR# v.
TTT 1.0.20

Getting these errors every 5mins or so:




  • 20191019_011902_SDRSharp.png
    179.6 KB · Views: 1,153
  • TETRA_error_LLC_2019-10-19_01-15-44.4040_burst.txt
    534 bytes · Views: 31
  • TETRA_error_LLC_2019-10-19_00-40-57.9285_burst.txt
    391 bytes · Views: 15
Last edited:


Nov 22, 2016

Reporting repetitive errors after update:

Completely fresh install with no old config files
SDR# v.
TTT 1.0.20

Getting these errors every 5mins or so:

Hello, thanks for the report, good to see the error trapping added is working.
I have sent you a PM with a fix to try.

If all is well I will make available here.

Latest version (v1.0.20.0) can be found here: Release post


Nov 22, 2016
21th Public Release - TETRA Trunk Tracker and TETRA Demodulator plug-in - v1.0.20.2

Thanks to hassanila97 for helping with testing and providing some IQ samples to help reveal some other issues.

This package (version) of TETRA Trunk Tracker and TETRA Demodulator plug-in (with codec libtetradec.dll) are only meant to be used
with each other and with no other previous versions. To do so will most likely cause issues.

TETRA Demodulator plug-in has been updated by me. "Tweaked Edition (Unofficial) v1.0.20.2"
This is required to be use with TETRA Trunk Tracker v1.0.20.0. Please read text files in zip for plug-in.

This plug-in version changes/adds and fixes some items:

FIXED: The initial colour for labels 'Voice' 'Diagram' when a dark theme was started with, was not
        updating with the right colour. (Was black)

Fixed: TimeSlot 1 ISSI label colour.
- When a dark theme was used, was not updating with the right colour. (Was black)

CHANGED: The groupbox boarders to remove shadows.
- These shadows seemed to become brighter in dark themes.
  This should make the darker themes look a little better.

CHANGED: The 'Diagram' panel to be boarderless.
- This is to remove the obvious boarder in dark themes.

FIXED: SNDCP was not following correctly because of a constant value used in frequency calculation.

FIXED: SNDCP LLC with same key error.

CHANGED: Can use 'Burst type' tab without it disabling SNDCP if used.

v1.0.20.1 - debug version

FIXED: Error with 3 PDUs in LLC protocol

see 'changelog.txt' for full list and details.

If SDR# is crashing when 'Demodulator' is enabled, it's because you have not set-up the plug-in correctly.
You MUST do this 1st. This is NOT TETRA Trunk Trackers fault.

You generally need to get these installed:
"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 (Offline Installer)"
"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 (Offline Installer)"
"Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable" and install both 32/64 bit versions (if you use 64 bit OS)

This TETRA Trunk Tracker version changes/adds and fixes some items:
No changes to TTT (v1.0.20.0) for this release v1.0.20.2

Has been tested on Windows 7 - Basic (64 bit)
Has been tested on Windows 7 - Professional SP1 (32 bit), English
Has been tested on Windows 10 - Professional (64 bit)

I have created it to suit my needs. And it currently works for me with the TETRA network I monitor.

I make no claim that it will work for other networks.

Please read the provided files for set-up and usage:

  • TTT_set-up_manual.pdf
  • TTT_Features_and_Usage.pdf

I have tried to be as thorough as possible with the documentation to explain usage and features.
I believe any questions can be answered by reading these files.
These files most likely are not complete and contain errors and are not laid out as good as they could be.

The TETRA plug-in is now been mainly tested with SDR# 1700 on Windows 7 Professional 32 bit with no issues seen.
The TETRA plug-in with SDR# 1700 on Windows 7-10 64 bit PCs is untested by me and is known.

It only works with the provided TETRA plug-in supplied in zip. (2019-October-20).
This version uses a custom compiled version of 'Net Remote' supplied in zip

It is only meant to be a temporary solution until something better comes along.

I don't plan fixing the UI every time a SDR# theme breaks the plug-in UI. This will become tried real fast.

I have seen different types of activity when testing with SNDCP.
The only IQ sample I had while coding seem to work fine.
It would follow a data transfer and I would see data, then I would see the end PDU and then it switches back to PDCH (MCCH). Only a few seconds.
On another sample I just received, It would follow a data transfer and I did NOT see anything. After a long wait the end PDU was issued and then it switches back to PDCH (MCCH). This took a few minutes.
I will need to investigate this further sometime.

Note: This link now is to a folder that stores the download, which means the link to the location of the files will stay the same but the files in it can vary.

MD5 HASH ab643502f6cc37a3d8daa0c842d6c389


Oct 3, 2019
Stavanger. Norway
I have some issues getting the Checkbox detection set up running. It worked once the first time, after that I cannot doi work again. I followed the instructions given in det document Set-up ans Usage and nothings happens. I tried at list 10 times but still I do not make it work. I am using SDR version 1.666.


Nov 22, 2016
I have some issues getting the Checkbox detection set up running. It worked once the first time, after that I cannot doi work again. I followed the instructions given in det document Set-up ans Usage and nothings happens. I tried at list 10 times but still I do not make it work. I am using SDR version 1.666.
What is the problem you are having with 'Checkbox detection'? How do you know this is a problem.
There is an animated gif in 'docs' folder showing setup called:
When you check/uncheck 'Demodulator' do you see the message indicating the checkbox state?

I just looked and the latest TTT v1.0.20.2 is working OK with SDR#1671, I don't see why it wouldn't with 1666.

I tried with 0.99. version and i works perfectly.
Doing the same steps with the last version does not work, I donot know why.
There is probably a simple thing missed.

What is you OS
What mode is TTT (Single or Dual)
SDR# = v1.0.0.1666

Latest version (v1.0.20.2) can be found here: Release post


Dec 29, 2018
Hi, I currently have several versions of sdrsharp running with TTT v1.0.20.2

My laptop is core2duo, 2gb of ram, windows 7 32bits.

I have sdrsharp 1700 -1702 and 1731.
(with 1732 version I notice that when I am going to finish with sdrsharp it crashes, you have to close finishing task)

Some time ago I tried the Tetranetmonitor with the sdrsharp version 1716 and noticed that the load of the cpu was around 45-60% and Ram consumption over 600-800 mg.

1700 --- 75/85% --- 600/850 mg ram
1702 --- 75/85% --- 600/900 mg ram
1731 --- 60/70% --- 830 - 1.3 mg ram.

The ideal for those of us who go to QRP with our laptops is to find a version of sdrsharp that works well with low resources.

I think the versions with DARK visual effects consume more memory.



Nov 22, 2016
Hi, I currently have several versions of sdrsharp running with TTT v1.0.20.2

My laptop is core2duo, 2gb of ram, windows 7 32bits.

I have sdrsharp 1700 -1702 and 1731.
(with 1732 version I notice that when I am going to finish with sdrsharp it crashes, you have to close finishing task)

Some time ago I tried the Tetranetmonitor with the sdrsharp version 1716 and noticed that the load of the cpu was around 45-60% and Ram consumption over 600-800 mg.

1700 --- 75/85% --- 600/850 mg ram
1702 --- 75/85% --- 600/900 mg ram
1731 --- 60/70% --- 830 - 1.3 mg ram.

The ideal for those of us who go to QRP with our laptops is to find a version of sdrsharp that works well with low resources.

I think the versions with DARK visual effects consume more memory.

With TNM if you use more than one tuner it's going to use more CPU RAM. TNM will alway use more than TTT because of this.
This will be noticed on a Core 2 Duo. (only 2 cores)

Don't know why you see such high RAM usage, I'm only seeing 175-205Mb with 7 tuners running.

Any version of SDR# before 1717 will have better performance.
Above 1717 because of the new 'Telerik UI', the file size of SDR# climbed more than 5 times and RAM usage doubled.
The price of "Bells and Whistles"

Latest version (v1.0.20.2) can be found here: Release post


Oct 3, 2019
Stavanger. Norway
What is the problem you are having with 'Checkbox detection'? How do you know this is a problem.
There is an animated gif in 'docs' folder showing setup called:
When you check/uncheck 'Demodulator' do you see the message indicating the checkbox state?

I just looked and the latest TTT v1.0.20.2 is working OK with SDR#1671, I don't see why it wouldn't with 1666.

There is probably a simple thing missed.

What is you OS
What mode is TTT (Single or Dual)
SDR# = v1.0.0.1666

Latest version (v1.0.20.2) can be found here: Release post

Here is the information

Windows 10 PRO


Feb 27, 2009
Checkbox detection broken here too. Win 10 pro, single, sdr# 1702. It shows 'dem and auto are visible' but both on and off produce same bogus value in TTT.


Nov 22, 2016
Checkbox detection broken here too. Win 10 pro, single, sdr# 1702. It shows 'dem and auto are visible' but both on and off produce same bogus value in TTT.
I need a screenshot of TTT with this 'bogus' value.
Are you using a non Windows theme or just the standard one?
On my test Windows 10, my TTT values are 14869218 for checked and 16777215 for unchecked and all works as expected for both dual and single modes.

Latest version (v1.0.20.2) can be found here: Release post