SDR# TETRA Demodulator Trunk Tracking Demonstration


Sep 27, 2018
TTT only follows traffic on a single LA not multiple LAs.

I know. Maybe I expressed myself badly. I didn't question that (although if it ever happens it will be great!)']here.[/URL]
And when the 'TTT Mode Enable' is disabled and 'Auto' is enabled, then 'Auto' works as it should.[/B]' and copy and replace the two files into the above install.


I'm seeing calls follow to other carriers for both single and dual modes.
Not sure why it's not working for you.

I will test for more hours and in different LAs.



Mar 23, 2014
I use 10x RTLSDR for monitor only the MCCH, 4x Airspy-mini for the traffic channels, 6x noelec-smart-v4 dongels, for the traffic and 6x vertical antennas, 4 antenna couplers, 4 UHF yagi all on 15 meter high tower, running on 3x PC, iam spending more as anyone else here in this forum , the hardware is not my problem :)

Its a brand new private not encr system, not very busy, released 1 or 2 years ago.
DATA channel (MCCH) is also use as the voice channel, and these only "sort of trunk" over that one MCCH using the 4 slots in full DUPLEX and this never change. There are total 23x of these MCCH combination channels, and function this way.
With the AUTO set to ON i be able to fallow the 23 MCCH duplex channels slots, very well.
Converstation go like 1e :
"Hello here i am over, beep status message SSI: D_SDS_Data Party_SSI:Type:UDT-4 Length:96 Protocol:Simple_text_msg TextCodingScheme:Latin_1 TEXT:'$ã6' "
the 2e party answer
"Hello i be here over, beep status message SSI: D_SDS_Data Party_SS Type:UDT-4 Length:64 Protocol:Simple_text_msg TextCodingScheme:Latin_1 TEXT:'& @A'

but both using the same 1 or 2 MCCH and different slots <<<< ==== HERE I NEED THE AUTO MODE FOR to scan for active slot

like in the new TTT is totally not working for this network, TTT fallow nothing and one total mess up, become useless piece of program
The best is to turn ON the functionality s in the program again, and let the user all over the world manage the functions, the user know what is working the best for his own local situation.
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Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
Channels are always duplex, usually the system receives at a frequency 10MHz lower at the same time it transmits 10MHz higher in a 400MHz system.

If mobile users needs to talk to each other in full duplex and they are on the same LA site they will use one slot each during the whole call. If they use semiduplex, that they do not need to talk at the same time as they listen, they use the same slot.

There's a mode in tetra where the control channel can become a voice channel for that slot when the other slots are fully occupied with calls. When the slots get lesser use the control channel returns. No tetra system admin will use this mode as it creates so much negative aspects when a mobile loose its control channel that it makes much more sense to add a second frequency to the site and increase the capacity. I guess that it could be one admin crazy enough to allow this, but it should only be done to a system that only has one site and one frequency.

There's also a mode when you need a very high data capacity, perhaps sending a high res picture, that can be configured to use several slots for the data channel, up to all four slots. You configure this on the sub data channels and not on the main control channel as you do not want the site to loose its control channel.



Nov 22, 2016
Most of what Ubbe is saying is correct. Although he's usage of simplex duplex, I'm not sure if he is referring to the air interface with that explanation.

For calls:
Simplex can be used for group or private call. This is when one MS talks at a time and the call uses one timeslot.
Duplex can only be a private call. This is when both MS can hear and talk at same time (like a telephone). This uses two timeslots for the call and from what I see are usually on the same carrier, but it can be different carriers for each timeslot.

In some extremly busy systems, with a lot of frequencies on one LA site, a single control channel will be overloaded by too many mobiles and then you can create several control channel slots on other frequencies to spread out the load on different basestation controllers in the same site LA.

TTT can only decode data from one control channel at a time.

In addition the the mandatory MCCH on the main carrier (which all LAs have), there can be up to three SCCH on the main carrier for this very reason. (to spread the MS population over X number control channels)

The plug-in (with TTT) will handle any call control PDUs from these additional control channels (SCCH) that are on the main carrier.

If a network is creating control channels on timeslots other than the main carrier, then the plug-in + TTT can't handle that because it can only monitor one carrier (with control data) at a time.

Simplex are when two mobiles talk to each other outside of the trunked system and no basestation or LA can be involved in that.
There are mobile gateways available that monitor simplex communications and patch them to a talkgroup in the tetra system.
This is DMO

I use 10x RTLSDR for monitor only the MCCH, 4x Airspy-mini for the traffic channels, 6x noelec-smart-v4 dongels, for the traffic and 6x vertical antennas, 4 antenna couplers, 4 UHF yagi all on 15 meter high tower, running on 3x PC, iam spending more as anyone else here in this forum , the hardware is not my problem :)

Its a brand new private not encr system, not very busy, released 1 or 2 years ago.
DATA channel (MCCH) is also use as the voice channel, and these only "sort of trunk" over that one MCCH using the 4 slots in full DUPLEX and this never change. There are total 23x of these MCCH combination channels, and function this way.
With the AUTO set to ON i be able to fallow the 23 MCCH duplex channels slots, very well.
Converstation go like 1e :
"Hello here i am over, beep status message SSI: D_SDS_Data Party_SSI:Type:UDT-4 Length:96 Protocol:Simple_text_msg TextCodingScheme:Latin_1 TEXT:'$ã6' "
the 2e party answer
"Hello i be here over, beep status message SSI: D_SDS_Data Party_SS Type:UDT-4 Length:64 Protocol:Simple_text_msg TextCodingScheme:Latin_1 TEXT:'& @A'

but both using the same 1 or 2 MCCH and different slots <<<< ==== HERE I NEED THE AUTO MODE FOR to scan for active slot

like in the new TTT is totally not working for this network, TTT fallow nothing and one total mess up, become useless piece of program
The best is to turn ON the functionality s in the program again, and let the user all over the world manage the functions, the user know what is working the best for his own local situation.
Maybe if you supplied IQ sample(s) of this type of activity I could try and add some sort of handling for the calls that occur on it.
IQ samples are like pictures an help way beyond words can.

You keep telling me all these things but act cagey when I try and get information/samples about it.

If what you see only occurs on one carrier, then why bother using TTT. Just use the plug-in with the 'Auto' on as I keep tell you.
Using 'Auto' with TTT takes control away from it, there is no point using it this way.

Latest version (v1.6.3.4) can be found here: Release post
- Please download 'TTT_1.6.3.4_release.7z' and install.
- Also download 'TTT_hotfix_v1.' and copy and replace the two files into the above install.


Mar 23, 2014
I use tetra from day 1 in short terms, the network is new and not busy but there are 23 individual cells spread over a large area and this network the voice channel is also the MCCH data channel, this is why i need the AUTO mode :) TSSDR made a version that work fantastic, TTT the olders version untill 1.0.20 is working wonderfull, no problems with fallowing.
Only the latest New TTT release where remove the AUTO that moment TTT is no longer usefull on all network configuration in my area.
Before run in cirkels, i keep use older version and you all move forward with the new one :)
Case closed.


Nov 22, 2016
i keep use older version and you all move forward with the new one :)
Case closed.
This is exactly what I'm talking about with you.

You refuse to contribute IQ samples or vital information to get something sorted out and rely on other people to do the work. Unreal.

You claim to be a beta tester but won't submit anything.
This is about the quality I get:
not working

Latest version (v1.6.3.4) can be found here: Release post
- Please download 'TTT_1.6.3.4_release.7z' and install.
- Also download 'TTT_hotfix_v1.' and copy and replace the two files into the above install.


Mar 23, 2014
Last week i send PM, i never get reply on.
Yes you 100% right and sorry as beta tester from day one, i cant help any further so its better i leave the community and you move on.
Just final idea,
use airspyserver to locate and monitor the network in real time to make your i/Q samples?
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Nov 22, 2016
Yes you 100% right and sorry as beta tester from day one, i cant help any further so its better i leave the community and you all move on.
So rather than help with your problem, your going to take your bat and ball and go home.:rolleyes:

Just final idea,
use airspyserver to locate and monitor the network realtime.
You expect me to wade through countless servers and frequencies to maybe find one that has a network like the one your having problems with when you could just create an IQ sample(s) with the traffic activity and submit it.
Why won't you submit any IQ samples? I don't share them and I don't release the network/user details from them.

If you know of a spyserver, then supply me the address for it with the frequency it resides on and I'll check it out.

Latest version (v1.6.3.4) can be found here: Release post
- Please download 'TTT_1.6.3.4_release.7z' and install.
- Also download 'TTT_hotfix_v1.' and copy and replace the two files into the above install.


Mar 23, 2014
If what you see only occurs on one carrier, then why bother using TTT.
Like i wrote several times, there are 23x carriers in total of 45x network MCCH, receive over distance area of 30-35 km
Just use the plug-in with the 'Auto' on as I keep tell you.
Yes you keep telling over and over and i thank you for that advice.
If you don't mind for this time i do not fallow-up your advice, and in my situation keep using version 1.0.20 in trunk + auto fallow :)
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Sep 27, 2018
Like i wrote several times, there are 23x carriers in total of 45x network MCCH, receive over distance area of 30-35 km

Yes you keep telling over and over and i thank you for that advice.
If you don't mind for this time i do not fallow-up your advice, and in my situation keep using version 1.0.20 in trunk + auto fallow :)

Bro, send a sample of IQ to Thewraith!


Sep 27, 2018
Not wanting to be boring, but already ...

It would be great if we could keep track of the info in the NET info window while TTT is working as it has always been possible in previous versions!


Nov 22, 2016
The NET INFO window becomes completely inaccessible when TTT is running.
You have a problem because this should be seen as it normally is.

If the position coordinates are some how wrong for 'Position SDR#' then shutdown TTT then backup 'tetra_trunk_tracker.dat'. Delete main 'tetra_trunk_tracker.dat' and restart TTT.
If that fixes problem then send me the backup 'tetra_trunk_tracker.dat' so I can see what the problem is.


Sep 27, 2018
You have a problem because this should be seen as it normally is.

If the position coordinates are some how wrong for 'Position SDR#' then shutdown TTT then backup 'tetra_trunk_tracker.dat'. Delete main 'tetra_trunk_tracker.dat' and restart TTT.
If that fixes problem then send me the backup 'tetra_trunk_tracker.dat' so I can see what the problem is.

Thanks for the tip! After following the guidelines, the NET INFO window is displayed again normally with the TTT in operation!

The SDR CC NET INFO Window is displaying call information. The one currently being heard turns pink and the ones in the other slots but not currently heard are grayed out.

However I found it odd:

1 - SDR CC displays this information and SDR VC does not display call information.

2 - SDR CC Slots correctly display GSSI and ISSI number.
However in SDR VC either these numbers are displayed incorrectly or simply turn red but the numbers are not displayed


Sep 27, 2018
I would like to ask a question.

In this version of TTT, can I normally use it with minimized SDR programs?


Sep 27, 2018
On the complaint I had made earlier about not changing the tuned LA carriers,
I tested and verified that TTT and SDRs are doing the switching work perfectly!
I watched for hours and TTT detected and changed Carrier in VC correctly!

Congratulations on the beautiful program! You are the man! very cool!
Thank you God Tetra!!!


Nov 22, 2016
Thanks for the tip! After following the guidelines, the NET INFO window is displayed again normally with the TTT in operation!
So did you backup 'tetra_trunk_tracker.dat' ?
Can you send to me. (PM if you like)

The SDR CC NET INFO Window is displaying call information. The one currently being heard turns pink and the ones in the other slots but not currently heard are grayed out.

However I found it odd:

1 - SDR CC displays this information and SDR VC does not display call information.

2 - SDR CC Slots correctly display GSSI and ISSI number.
However in SDR VC either these numbers are displayed incorrectly or simply turn red but the numbers are not displayed
What version of TTT and plug-in we talking about here?

1. The CC SDR# is on MCCH so it's there that call set-up information is displayed.

2. SDR# VC never has displayed right. I did make a change and it should be better at setting the GSSI/ISSI values. It seems to work here for me.


Sep 27, 2018
Now that I have made sure that the program is working perfectly and that I am not missing out on any communications, I will continue to use and test this version until possible patches come out or maybe a new version!