You're absolutely right. The advent of streaming has accelerated (not always been the primary) the excuse for departments to encrypt, but it is usually one of two things that are the real cause. The salesman has used it as a selling point (most radios are capable from the time of sale now) or the department doesn't want people listening.
The two most common claims made when throwing the "E" switch are "our officer's safety is jeopardized by streaming" or "the criminals can hear us on their cell phones" Both are pure BS. There have been departments that threw the switch years ago and if these claims were true, I guarantee that either the department or the company that sold them the equipment would be screaming about the changes from rooftops. No department to date has produced records that indicate that worker's comp claims decreased or that crime rates went down after the introduction of encryption-and these are public records.
I am sympathetic to the need for confidentiality but I also believe in transparency. There is no reason to encrypt day to day traffic, but the department should have the ability to encrypt if the situation dictates on a one channel system or they should have access to encrypted tactical channels if they need them.
The two most common claims made when throwing the "E" switch are "our officer's safety is jeopardized by streaming" or "the criminals can hear us on their cell phones" Both are pure BS. There have been departments that threw the switch years ago and if these claims were true, I guarantee that either the department or the company that sold them the equipment would be screaming about the changes from rooftops. No department to date has produced records that indicate that worker's comp claims decreased or that crime rates went down after the introduction of encryption-and these are public records.
I am sympathetic to the need for confidentiality but I also believe in transparency. There is no reason to encrypt day to day traffic, but the department should have the ability to encrypt if the situation dictates on a one channel system or they should have access to encrypted tactical channels if they need them.