Last week 4-28-16 I picked up a Pro-2050 at a PawnShop for $30, had a blown backlight that I replaced/modded, check my video out.
On Monday 5-17-16 found a Midland WR-100 same weather alert radio at a Goodwill store were everything is in lots and you have to dig around to find things. Found it with a plug in the wall power supply. Worked well in the store. Gave 79 cents for it. Cleaned the battery contacts and it works great on 3 AA batteries. Everything is sold by weight. http://www.atomicmall.com/cpic/x/16...a-digital-weather-all-hazards-alert-radio.jpg
I bought one of them brand new and found 2 of them at local goodwill stores. The latter 2 failed pretty quickly and the original failed shortly there after. Don't be surprised if that one does not hold up for long. My original held up for 5 years.
Hope the batteries are good, the box is sealed quite tight. I had to hacksaw off the bottom to replace the nicads and so I lost the charger contacts but they charge alright from the 12volt connector on the top. But it was free so nothing to lose. Works well. The handbook is on the bendix-king website as a pdf - just google.Bendix King KX-99 aircraft radio for $5.
. Nice! Awsome deal!Panasonic Toughbook CF-31(Mk2) i5 that "didn't work" at a Ham swap today. $50. Plugged in with the proper adapter, and was greeted with the Windows 7 Welcome. Swapped an SSD I had laying around in, added some RAM and working fine.