Thanks, Ill plug a few into my G5 and see what I can identify
Alert 1 incident this morning heard CFR on OPS DISP given above and unlabled TG 47394.
Thanks, Ill plug a few into my G5 and see what I can identify
VIPER has been P25 for years. It is up to the individual counties. As to whether will be Primary, or not.
Wake County was Motorola Smartzone Type II for some time. While, The Town of Cary: Cary/Wake P25 Trunking System, Cary, North Carolina - Scanner Frequencies. Was Motorola Type II Smartnet. So, P25 is an upgrade for both.
How? I keep updating mine but to no avail. I created all new favorite groups but I still get no audio. Would appreciate any assistance.Success! After using the Sentinel software, I am back up and scanning. Thanks for all of the help.
First, I have the Uniden BCD536HP scanner. Not sure what scanner you have. I updated the firmware and then the Master Database(HPDB). Then, wrote HPDB to the scanner and deleted the old Favorites List during the "write". The updated HPDB contains most if not all of these latest changes. Specifically, click (i.e. expand) the USA in the HPDB and then expand North Carolina. Next, expand Wake. You should see Nationwide, Statewide, and County Systems listed under Wake. Then, expand Cary/Wake P25. You should see Cary Fire, Cary Mutual, Cary Police, etc.. Yes, Cary Police is listed and seems correct even though they are encrypted now.How? I keep updating mine but to no avail. I created all new favorite groups but I still get no audio. Would appreciate any assistance.
Did you check your computer audio settings?How? I keep updating mine but to no avail. I created all new favorite groups but I still get no audio. Would appreciate any assistance.
RDU OPS 2 47388
RDU A TO F 47381 TO 47386
UNKNOWN RDU 47380, 47389, 47391 TO 47395, 47499 (Please post here if you figure these out)
Radio IDs for RDU are in the 1849000 to 1849999 range.
So, did RDU so get changed to the new system, and thus all freqs and TGs need reprogramming? < Is that a duh, question?
Anyone know what is with the Busy Signals? I used to hear it on the previous system, hearing it on the new one now.
What is it?
For starters, have you entered the system from this page: Cary/Wake P25 Trunking System, Cary, North Carolina - Scanner FrequenciesIm following along and want to help identify changes. I have a SDS100 and live in Wake Forest, how can i assist ?
New to the digital stuff.
I also live in Wake Forest, I use a Unication G5 Pager/Scanner. Have you been able to filter to receive just Wake Forest Fire and EMS assigned to Wake Forest? I would like to be able to do that on my radio, but think I need more information on how to do that, any suggestions?Im following along and want to help identify changes. I have a SDS100 and live in Wake Forest, how can i assist ?
New to the digital stuff.
I also live in Wake Forest, I use a Unication G5 Pager/Scanner. Have you been able to filter to receive just Wake Forest Fire and EMS assigned to Wake Forest? I would like to be able to do that on my radio, but think I need more information on how to do that, any suggestions?