Walmart Scanner Codes

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Jul 12, 2010
Southwest Missouri
Yes, my XTN XV2600 works nice for annoying the hell out of them. My friend even gave fake codes over his and confused them quite nicely! Now that I've gotten into ham radio, I've moved on from this kind of stuff, unless there is just the right situation.
My Baofeng will operate on the MURS channels as well, but in high power mode it's in violation of the 2 watt limit. (not that you'd likely get caught, but I tend to err on the side of caution)


Member - RR DB AdminMo/Ks
Database Admin
Dec 26, 2000
In the middle of the USA
Here in the KC Metro area some of the Walmarts are using this freq plan.
CH 1 154.5700 CSQ
CH 2 154.6000 CSQ
CH 3 151.8200 DCS 131 <<< LP has been heard here a lot.
CH 4 151.8800 DCS 131
CH 5 151.9400 DCS 131
CH 6 151.5700 DCS 131
CH 7 151.6000 DCS 131



May 31, 2005
LehighValley/Poconos Pa
Would be nice if walmart wouldn't be so cheap and actually license them self on business frequency but guess its easier for them to just use MURS instead and deal with people messing with them. Open Game i say..


Aug 26, 2013
@Steveradio: honestly, for as long as I've worked at Walmart no one has ever messed with us. I carry a Walkie almost every day. Now we do get radio interference sometimes like we could switch over to channel one while being in a certain spot outside and could hear the Taco Bell (that was right across the street) worker taking orders. It was pretty funny. I didn't try talking to them.

Another scenario was we had two truck drivers talking back and forth on our channel/frequency and EVERYONE could hear it (and I don't even wanna go into what they where talking about. LOL) so our Manager got mad and told them to get off our frequency. LMAO! Idk what we would do if someone started messing with us, probably start looking for them in the parking lot or store.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 3, 2004
wolcott ct
wal mart in Waterbury ct uses 154.5700 which is licensed to oxford ct fire dept ch 3 i go to walmart and listen in


Jun 13, 2012
The land of broken calculators.
Malicious interference is not the same as channel sharing. MURS is not for your exclusive use nor is it exclusively for personal use.
Those of you who are hams ought to be ashamed. I can't believe they let this thread go this long.


Jul 28, 2008
Exactly on target RC! We wonder why so many public safety and businesses look seriously into obtaining encrypted radio equipment. It's because of goof balls that have nothing else better to do than try to disrupt a business operations. This is what gives scanner folks a bad reputation. Listen by all means but if you have a desire on talk on the airwaves, either become a ham and PLAY BY THE RULES, get an FRS or CB radio, or make a cell phone call and talk until you're blue in the face. But please grow up and stop the willful interference.


Feb 10, 2005
Northern Alabama
Exactly on target RC! We wonder why so many public safety and businesses look seriously into obtaining encrypted radio equipment. It's because of goof balls that have nothing else better to do than try to disrupt a business operations. This is what gives scanner folks a bad reputation. Listen by all means but if you have a desire on talk on the airwaves, either become a ham and PLAY BY THE RULES, get an FRS or CB radio, or make a cell phone call and talk until you're blue in the face. But please grow up and stop the willful interference.

One thing to consider though, most Wal-Mart's use MURS, which is a license free, free to all radio service. If Wal-Mart doesn't want to contend with interference then they should spend the money on a coordinated and licensed frequency.

I don't condone malicious interference, but look a few posts up. A few truck drivers were legally using the frequency as they were passing through town and were causing issues with Wal-Mart using the same channel. Or the post that says when they go outside the store they can hear Taco Bell across the street. Again, a legal use of the channel.

I don't think anyone should maliciously interfere with Wal-Mart on MURS, but if you happen to be using the same MURS channel when you drive by a Wal-Mart and cause interference, I don't call that malicious. I call that a fact of using a shared, license free radio service with only 5 available channels. Interference is bound to happen.

This topic has come up many times over the years on RR, and it ultimately comes down to the fact that MURS does not belong to Wal-Mart and they have no right to tell others to get off of "their" channel. Wal-Mart needs to either share the band or start using a coordinated business frequency. This thread is so many years old and the same arguments keep coming up every time the thread is resurrected.

P.S. The title of this thread made me giggle, I remember a few uneducated friends calling them "scanner codes" instead of "frequencies."


Jul 28, 2008
You do make valid point on license free radios so in some ways it's WALMART's problem but I guess each store is allowed to deal with that on a local level.
It's sad that we have to live our lives and conduct business with the lowest common denominator structure in place but such as life. The kids that run around disrespecting everyone and everything at some point grow up to be adults that behave the same way but this time, they have the electronic tools.


Jul 12, 2010
Southwest Missouri
The fact is, licensed or not, it doesn't stop much, at least around here. It seems EVERYONE is on GMRS and biz freq's with no license, businesses, road crews, kids, parents, oddballs, trolls,... Sadly, the FCC is too under funded and under staffed to deal with the minor stuff like this (yeah I said it!)

Now, if you mess with public safety, you WILL get busted, as they have their own teams that will search for and likely find you!
Yes, I am a licensed ham, and yes I respect and abide by the rules, as I take my license seriously.
Also, if you mess with hams, we'll RDF your butt and report you.

Walmart needs to realize that it's a shared frequency, and not "theirs" "ours" or any one person's/company's, but for us all to use. When there's interference on one channel, switch to another, simple as that!


Dec 15, 2000
Steveradio wrote:
"Would be nice if walmart wouldn't be so cheap and actually license them self on business frequency but guess its easier for them to just use MURS instead and deal with people messing with them. Open Game i say.."

After looking at the condition of some of their radios, especially the antennae (holding the radio by the long handle?), I can understand why they opt tor the less expensive brands.


Database Admin
Jun 5, 2002
Hubert, NC
Just remember, it is still illegal for anyone to "mess with" Walmart or any other business. License-by-rule has a meaning. Just because you don't need a license does not mean that you can interfere with any other station. That's a big problem with CB. People tend to just talk over other stations because they believe that since no license is required, that nobody has exclusive rights to the frequency. But, if someone is using a frequency, then their operation should not be interfered with until their operation is complete. That is what a monitor button is for. You push the monitor button to open the squelch so you can listen for any other station. If nothing is heard, it is safe to transmit; If you hear someone, you don't.


Jul 12, 2010
Southwest Missouri
Just like Ham radio, wait for the frequency to be clear before using it. (Unless of course you have an emergency, in which case MURS wouldn't be a good option)
Walmart needs to realize as well, that the same applies to them, and they need to not jump on other user's transmissions, claiming it's "their" frequency. But I digress, this is Walmart after all!


Dec 19, 2002
Clinton County, PA
We had the same issues when I worked at Wal-Mart and the local Search Team as well as the School was on the 154.600 MHz. Very interesting through the week when the school thought they had priority over the channel, as well as Wal-Mart.


Aug 26, 2013
We had the same issues when I worked at Wal-Mart and the local Search Team as well as the School was on the 154.600 MHz. Very interesting through the week when the school thought they had priority over the channel, as well as Wal-Mart.

Why didn't the Walmart and the school be on different channels? Lol. Why was the school talking on the radio during the weekends?
Sep 1, 2013
Walmart Freqs

I'm an overnight support manager for wal-mart and a HAM, i wont reveal anything here as to my ident. But Wal-Mart uses a bunch of XTN, CPM (Radius 2 VHF on the newer ones), and old school XV2600 Moto Radios. They are all MURS radios. Mostly they are 2 ch models. Channel 1 is 154.570 or MURS 4 and channel 2 is 154.600 or MURS 5. (on the XV its Freq 3 and 4 programmed on Ch 1 and Ch 2)

I often use my Wouxun HAM radio (i can also dual watch the local repeater to talk to fellow hams on break) instead of the crappy store walkies as it can actually receive and transmit unlike the refurbished-refurbished world war 2 hand me downs we have.

Let me dispel a few things here, first most stores DO NOT use a PL code.... only heavy RF spectrum metro stores do when next to other MURS users, typically factories as most fast food went to the 460 business band or the 900 ism band a long time ago. The more out of the way stores run open MURS 4 (154.570) and some open ham radios can freely transmit on them (please limit to the legal 2 watts please).

Now, the EARPIECE thing.... thats not to live out CSM 007 fantasies, its been required by home office because some jerk off in the south got a hold (or had a radio capable) of a store walkie, and asked for a manger to (and this is a quote) "help a welfare momma n****r with her purchases" and it went out over the store. Since then its mandated to use ear pieces, however they never give us any..and the radios are so crappy they have to be a max volume to make out anything that's said. This is mostly because of operator error.... apparently holding them sideways looks cooler and they don't realize its a 20 DB signal lose from horizontal polarity to vertical that most associate have on their waists.

Now if you real radio ops out there wanna have fun, most big box stores are operating illegally on GMRS unlike wal-mart using MURS (which is unlicensed and legal for business) like Khols, Target and sometimes Kmart. They just store use the off the shelf GMRS 2 ways.

However, you can hear interesting stuff on the WSUCK Wal-mart radio.... like people pissing in the plants or Huff-Daddy 18 year old huffing canned air in the bathroom (both have happened in my store).

Enjoy the info.... will monitor the thread.


Jul 12, 2010
Southwest Missouri
That's some funny stuff. My Baofeng will work on MURS too, but was told it's illegal because of a type 95 acceptance thing, but I wouldn't worry about getting caught, as it's a minor deal, and if your radio is working right you should be fine. (probably catch hell for posting that, but it's true!)
Yes, in my area EVERYONE uses GMRS with no license, road crews, stores, mall cops, kids, parents, sporting events. You hear interesting stuff on it as well and can have fun too. Part of the problem is the ridiculous fee of $85 to use it, hopefully they'll do away with that nonsense and make it reasonable like under $20! (Or free).


Oct 27, 2007
Boston NY
the walmart in springville ny uses 154.600 for their coms, i had my radio set to that one night and the cashier heard one of the csm's make a call as i was checking out she quick looked over her shoulder to see if someone was behind her. Then had a very confused look on her face when she found no one there, i said it was my radio she heard and she asked how i could be on "their" radio.
so i told her it was a multi use radio frequency and was shared with other people and didn't belong to them and she just said "oh" and turned to start checking out the person behind me.
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