I looked again. Aug 22, 2097. Not sure by what number off from actual date has to do with anything.
So i sent my 536 into uniden for the clock issue. Got it back yesterday and set the clock. Shut the scanner off and turned back on.. Same issue still! Have to update the clock settings each time still!!! Uniden did NOT fix the issue. I do have a different display on the scanner now too. The backlight is a much different colour (I like it better so thats ok)
But what the hell uniden? Send this to get fixed and its still not fixed?
Run the scanner for a few hours. The clock battery needs to charge before it can keep the setting when the unit is off. A new board won't have a charged battery.
This should be my last post on this topic.
536HP on in my house for 2 days, date and time stayed correct.
Unplug, re-install in truck. Turn on. 10 minutes later date is wrong.
So is it back to the repair shop to fix the same problem that it was sent in for already or time for a replacement radio? Probably not up to me but this needs to be made right with me and future buyers.
Now to figure out who to call.
" ... definetly wouldnt spend 500 more dollars for a new scanner just because date or time was wrong .... "
I lost my scanner in my house for a bit and it's now on it's way,
Ref #7378
It was sent 5 day shipping from Canada.
Just thought I would let you know!
is there any chance to fix the clock issue overseas?
but it is obviously for US only, as it requires ZIP code, etc...
Do you have any personal experience with shiping it back to uniden?
Probably not, unless you advise them of all the faults when you return it.but when I send it in, they will probably fix all issues (clock, dim light, sensitivity...).