FCC Position on Streaming
The FCC does not consider it illegal. Their standard reply is as follows:
"FCC rules do not prohibit redistributing over the Internet those communications licensed under FCC rules Part 90, such as the communications of local government, law enforcement, civil defense, private land mobile, or public safety communications, including police, EMS, fire and the like.
Licensees under FCC rules Part 90 concerned about the intercept and divulgence of their communications may encrypt or "scramble" these communications, except for station identification. Part 90.735(d) requires station identification to be transmitted by unencrypted voice. Station ID may also be by digital transmission of the station call sign, including by Morse code. A licensee that identifies its station in this manner must provide the Commission, on request, information (such as digital codes and algorithms) sufficient to decipher the data transmission to ascertain the call sign transmitted.
Rules are located in Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations; Part 90 is available online at
FCC: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
Hope this information proves helpful.
Saundra Drayton
Federal Communications Commission"