I think it may be important for people to stop thinking of
CRIS as just a 700 MHz P25 trunking system and more for what it is, a Motorola ASTRO 25 M Core. The 700 MHz P25 trunking system is just one sub system (RFSS) of the total M Core. I have attached a PDF detailing the capabilities of the ASTRO 25 Core.
On a somewhat related note, I have also attached a document for a Budget Change Proposal for the replacement of portable radios for the CHP. In the proposal they outline the requirements for new radios/radio systems under the CAPSCOM Strategic Plan. Some takeaways that were interesting to me;
"Standardized voice and data solutions must be deployed across agencies to the extent possible. The new enforcement vehicle modular land-mobile radio systems available today can be integrated with other digital voice communications systems, such as Voice over IP and Radio over IP technologies currently used by the CHP and other local, state, and federal agencies." - I was not aware CHP was using this, this can also be a sub system of the ASTRO 25 M Core.
"The CAPSCOM Strategic Plan provided a vision where California would establish a “System of Systems” architecture and infrastructure. The plan specified the state would prepare to procure shared systems in the next five to ten years (from 2010). This project is strongly aligned with the CAPSCOM Strategic Plan and serves to continue the state's vision of a “System of Systems,” which is currently being installed by the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, Public Safety Communications." - This would be the ASTRO 25 M Core we now know as the CRIS.