Hams do it with more power and more frequency.
ya know i started off on CB. i didn't leave CB because of the Ignorance or the silliness. i left because i wanted to further my radio experiences. and on CB you're limited to 40 channels and only AM or Sideband. i saw Amateur Radio as a furthering in radio, being able to work on 144 MHZ or 440MHZ or 6meters.. then i was grandfathered into HF. The Activities you can have and Modes you can use further out weigh the option of staying on CB. CB radio is great if you want to act like a fool. but i do find Amateur radio to be Far more Civil and far more friendly.
Cb is about like HF, being as you have to count on good conditions to get a good contact. HF you have to have good atmospherics for good skip
Hams do it with more frequency and more power.
Putting down real HAM operators - just because they are geriatric and telling them to go someplace else where they can talk about their ach'es and pains and take their Geritol and stuff like that.
If that guy was in my neck of the woods - I would have to go over to his house and stick a nail through his Coax.
If he talked to one of my family members like he did to that outsider - I would nail his doors shut and burn his radio shack to the ground.