Yes, Thankies ScanFan....
Stephen, The city of Dallas TRS is a 3 site simualcast Motorola Type-II which serves The city of Dallas Services Minus Police and Fire Primary Op's. DFD has Fire Ground Ch. 12 465.6375 on a re-broadcast when the Battalion Commander thinks it neccessary to make it operational.
DPD have 7 TG-ID's only two of which are permanant, Love Field Police and Citywide (9088) the other 5 TG's are temps for ICP and/or Narcotics, but ICP uses them the most. Which, ICP may be getting axed soon.
The rest of the TRS is ANCON, STREETS, AVIATION, CODE, and other areas.
Dallas Water Utilities Still operate most of there voice Communications on 451Mhz. DPD has 12 + 12 UHF Conventional Repeaters. DFD have 7 UHF Conventional Repeaters and Immediate Access to any other city service on UHF by touch, as well as the 4 + 4 Simplex Frequencies.
DSO Operate VHF Hi with 9 Channels, 7 of which are Repeaters and have the Dallas Co. Fire/Rescue System (another 2 Repeaters)
I am missing how Dallas Has No Repeaters!?? this is the MOST Repeater Infested City in North Texas.
Sure if you would like to look at Ft. Worth Police which share with Med-Star, Ft. Worth Fire, Tarrant Co. Sheriff, Tarrant Co. Fire and a few Cities, then Yes, They have more "Repeaters" and "Channels"
In addition Dallas has Access to NPSPAC 800 which are being repeated by darn near everyone now. and many agency Patches, the FBI and other Government agencies have DPD Radio's.
The coverage is great too for them, Ch's 1-12 all have repeater's at the 7 sites in Dallas. The primary tower being at I-45 and I-30.
Where there problems arise, is this is 1970's Radio Technology at best! But if you do the Math, consider the Square Milage space of Dallas, the Fact they would have patched into Analog and Digital 800 systems by Motorola and M/A-Comm for the other cities, add DSO then calculate the COST of a State-of-the-Art TRUNKED Radio System, and if the Public will pass the Bonds or just approve it. the State of the City of Dallas, the Politics of the DPD. put all of this togeather and First come up with a Cost, then second, looking at the cost, Considering the issues. Would it Pass the Public?
I better Shut up, Gonna Get Everyone all rowled up over nothing. Have a good week Ya'all.