From what I gather the new Pasadena site is essentially a stand-alone system, with other ICIS users not having the ability to roam on it. (as they are not P25 TDMA)
As such Pasadena system TGs likely are unique only to it.
Additionally for everyones information, following discussion with fellow Db Admins, we will be creating a second ICIS system in the Db, for the Pasadena and any future P25 TDMA sites.
For users that download directly from the website, we must show two separate systems, the legacy MOT Type-II, and a second P25 TDMA one in order for things to function correctly.
Before we go and make changes based upon misunderstandings, let's talk about these systems in a broad sense. There is nothing that prevents SmartZone and P25 systems from being tied together. The radios can roam, but it won’t be automatic. The user will have to change the channel. Automatic roaming only works when systems are of the same type with the same parameters. ICIS already has cells that will not auto roam with neighboring cells.
As I stated in post #538 (, what is listed in the database under “DEC” is not the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal ID but the Trunktracker version (decimal * 16). When programmed for SmartNet/Zone systems, Trunktracker scanners use the Trunktracker ID. When programmed for P25 systems, they use the “real” decimal ID.
Using Verdugo Fire as an example, the RR database shows Red 1 on “33616 DEC” and “835 HEX.” If you take 33616 and divide it by 16, the quotient will be decimal equivalent of $835. The quotient looks familiar, doesn’t it?
When talking about P25 phase 2 (TDMA), one needs to keep this in mind: Nearly all public safety agencies have been purchasing Motorola XTS series portables and XTL series mobiles over the last few years. These radios are not capable of operating in the phase 2 mode. New radios must be purchased to make that change (APX series from Motorola, but many manufacturers make equipment). If the agency hasn’t made a large radio purchase lately, there will be no TDMA.
As I look back at the forum, I see the second database entry has been created. For ease of reading the database, there should be three columns: Trunktracker (for SmartNet/Zone), Decimal (for P25), and Hexadecimal (I never understood why. For techs programming radios?). That approach won’t work for the download function, but unless there is a good description on the P25 ICIS listing and the three column approach on the original, listing two separate systems makes people think the two are different when they are, in reality (or quite possibly, sense I’m speaking in a broad sense), the same.