I have a question. in Clinton, there is a County owned site; 2-23. I have noticed that some talkgroups are for some reason, excluded from that site. Is this common for non ISICS sites?
One example was the other day, when an incident just outside City limits, was linked to IA TAC2. Hearing it sent to that TG, I heard nothing on the Clinton site, so tuned to DeWitt, and indeed there it was. That was not the first time where other sites were broadcasting IA TAC2, and not Clinton. I would assume if affiliation were the only reason for a TG being active on a site, that might have satisfied my curiosity.
But it appears IA TAC2 (ect.) is broadcast even when the actual units in an incident, were far outside the normal range of a tower. I also considered that ISP units do scan many TG's, but was not sure if that would show as an affiliation per se.