I dislike the "how long should I hold it down?" power switch, but Uniden is not the only offender.
I dislike the "how long should I hold it down?" power switch, but Uniden is not the only offender.
I dislike the "how long should I hold it down?" power switch, but Uniden is not the only offender.
What is it like a 5 second delay like a computer?
My HP has never crashed.
You've never got the "SD card error, please remove for one minute" I guess your one of the lucky ones.
You've never got the "SD card error, please remove for one minute" I guess your one of the lucky ones.
You've never got the "SD card error, please remove for one minute" I guess your one of the lucky ones.
I use a non-standard (32gb) card in my HPs (all three of them). The only time I've ever had the "SD card error" message was when I had a cheap, non-quality card in the device, and certain temperature conditions (usually significantly cold weather, i.e. being left in the car during sub-freezing temps) existed. My suspicion is that the card was outside the tolerances required by the specifications and not making contact with the card socket any more. Since I switched to good quality (SanDisk Ultra) class 10 cards, I have never had the error come up again.
Yea I was thinking that switching SD cards, sometimes between battery operation and AC operation this error pops up for me. Is there any harm in switching the SD card? Would I lose the database or is that stored somewhere else?
You've never got the "SD card error, please remove for one minute" I guess your one of the lucky ones.
Good points but SDR won't replace real scanners. Not convenient using a laptop, iPad or Kindle for scanning while driving. That is a different market the SDR stuff.
I wouldn't rule SDR out just yet. There's already an Android SDR software package out there, and the Rasberry PI is catching up fast to where it would need to be to run SDR effectively. I would not be surprised to see a community designed "open source" portable SDR becoming a true reality in the next year or two. When that day comes, companies like Uniden are really going to need to step up their game. Why would I buy a $500 radio when I can by a Raspberry PI and two SDR dongles for less than $100?
You DO make an excellent point. Things are getting smaller and smaller each day.
PS - I have an older Droid X smartphone - are you saying I could sort of "make" my phone into a scanner right now? I still feel like a moron when it comes to SDR so please understand where these more-than-likely silly questions are coming from :lol:
psssstttt...I think it was sarcasm...