Example: The City of Kalamazoo has a public safety department. Police talkgroups are encrypted, fire talkgroups are not, but the patrol cars have the fire talkgroup programmed in them. So an officer forgets to switch off the encryption when they go to transmit on the fire TG, (or the radio is programmed to transmit secure on all their talkgroups) and you can't hear them, but you can hear the dispatcher and the fire rigs, because they're in the clear. Since all the radios have the encryption key loaded in them, they can all hear each other. So the fire TG can be listed as "De".and the lower case e means partial encription and who knows what that means ?
Another example is when State Police are dispatched by the county central dispatch on an encrypted TG, you'll hear the troopers but you won't hear dispatch or the deputies.