FYI, (news website in East Ohio) usually has some pretty good articles on what local public safety agencies are doing, with regard to radio comms. The news stories are only available online via a subscripton though so I'm not going to bother providing links.
I did read the follow, however, that the following are on MARCS or would be soon:
Orville PD
Wooster PD
Ashland PD
Wooster FD (and perhaps other FDs in Wayne)
I also read that Holmes Co Sheriff will be switching to MARCS. They are taking advantage of a deal for radios left over from the RNC. They change radio systems more often than most people change their underwear. Holmes Co Sheriff is currently on a Connect Plus DMR system (4 sites) run by Futronics. And they just made the move to that within the past couple of years, after having been using conventional DMR repeaters on VHF prior to that.
I also read that Millersburg PD is researching the feasibility of switching to MARCS (they are lonely, with Holmes preparing to make the move to MARCS) and feeling left out, apparently.
I also read that a new MARCS tower is going to be erected in Marshallville (Wayne Co) to provide additional coverage for all of the agencies in Wayne Co that are switching over. Additionally, an article also stated that the state of Ohio would be leasing space on a tower in New Pittsburg, OH (Wayne Co) as well -- another MARCS site? So that's the possiblity of seeing two additional MARCS sites in Wayne Co.
Apparently the following will also be receiving MARCS radios (if they don't have them already -- the article was from June 2016) -- Rittman, Doylestown, Chippewa and Milton townships and the Town & Country Fire District.
In an April 2016 article, it was stated that Mount Eaton, Dalton, Creston, Marshallville, Shreve and West Salem are attempting to get grants for radios.
All of this was read on