On Jan 30, 2020 16:03:31 CST I bought a Whistler WS1040 in hopes of figuring out how to retrieve local bus radio transmissions. Ended up selling the whistler and buying a UNIDEN BCD325P2 with a $60 DMR Update key. Bought a 180 day subscription from RR for trunked systems. Turned out the info I needed wasn't on RR. Lucky for me and asking the right question to find the right answers a stranger pointed me in the right direction on the correct frequencies and system to use.
Now, I get all transmissions from the airspy mini even though the scanner receives about 90% of them. I think the new whip on the way will fix that. Shooting darts in the dark is no way in finding answers. The recommendation on the NooElec RaTLSnake M5 from slicer was a big help. Using HDSDR once I deciphered the software everything started to make sense once I could see all the frequencies in a clear visual.
Today all the dumptruck drivers and taxi drivers are coming in clear as a bell. Thanks for the help it made all the difference.
Oh, I noticed when the freq change my original 12.5 BW changes back to 7.6 and with the 12.5 its clearer. Any way to prevent reverting to 7.6?
I have in the fmpa batch 12.5 but once the signal switches it stays 7.6 onward.
Cap+, 463, "Freedom Towers"
Cap+, 463, 1, "WNYY415"
; Freedom Towers
Cap+, 463, 1, 5, 460.675, 460.675, 0.0, 0
Cap+, 463, 1, 3, 461.525, 461.525, 0.0, 0
Cap+, 463, 1, 1, 463.225, 463.225, 0.0, 0
FMPA -rc -i1 -b12.5 -_3 -v100 -L13 -M11 -V6 -o20001 -f461.525
DSDPlus -r1 -e -T -E -Pwav -i20001 >>1R-log.txt
; Airspy serial number list
2.5 ; sampling rate (2.5 Msps)
1024 ; spectrum window width
32 ; FFT size (16k, 32k, 64k)
10 ; spectrum update rate in Hz
-5000 6250 7500 12500 15000 25000 100000 ; step size table; units = Hz; negate default
. ; DSD+ path
.\FreqList.csv ; primary frequency list CSV path\filename
.\FreqList2.csv ; auxiliary frequency list CSV path\filename
miles and bearing ; miles or kilometers
20.9 ; search distance