Darn, I forgot!
The laws of physics don't apply in Georgia.
Never mind!:roll::roll:
However, for those outside Georgia, where normal laws of physics apply, here are some references.
http://www.adcommeng.com/9_Narrowbanding.pdf Page 4
so instead of trolling on a Georgia forum, how about answering the question. The so-called physics you posted have not proven true in all cases, in fact, have been quite the opposite on those systems here I named. I am sure others who are more familiar with the MTTA PassPort system can comment on it's coverage compared to the legacy wideband conventional system it replaced. It actually has about 30 percent MORE coverage than what it replaced according to the users I have spoken with. None of the systems named who recently narrowbanded their VHF analog systems have experienced the loss of coverage you claim is the "DANGER WILL ROBINSON" sign you have been peddling on RR, so I am curious what systems you are personally involved with that have? It seems that this is more hot air being blown up our butts by vendors, consultants and engineers who have a vested interest in selling us more costly, complex and profitable (for the vendors) digital systems, than merely reconfiguring existing current hardware to work on the narrow bandwidth.
I would love for you to post the call signs, locations and specifics on analog systems, trunked or conventional licensed in the USA below 512MHz, that are sucking wind since they narrowbanded. I'd love to see some links of media reports of these systems failing, and narrowbanding blamed for said failure.
I know you won't because it simply isn't the case. There isn't a "working group" to "solve the issues" of narrowband not working on the fireground like there is with P25 now is there? There aren't dozens and dozens of media reports of these newly narowbanded systems failing or having glitches that result in "close calls" like there have with P25. It is simply more HOT AIR.
Fact is all you can point to is more spin, brought to you by people who want to sell you NEW equipment, rather than help you maintain and improve what you have. Show me some real data on real systems or STFU.
and thanks again for proving how ignorant you are making comments about Georgians. We'll keep that in mind when you come and visit. "Ya'll come back now ya hear"
Here we go again...
I am sure you'll call the NYPD radio folks "damn yankees" because they aren't buying into your P25 bandwagon and are actually thinking forward and sensible by wanting to hold off for something really advanced like LTE versus pissing money away to replace a perfectly good system that serves it's users well every day in the second largest city in America. I know you got it all figured out.
The NYPD's problem is more logistic than anything, any change to the system is going to be a MAJOR undertaking, and not even your whiz-bang ASTROnomically priced P25 trunked system of the week can overcome the hurdles.