One thing that jumps out (but probably not a big factor if it scans with one version but not the other) is that Site 2 is missing a freq (the first one on the license). And, of course, is missing some LCNs.
Ensure that the applicable service types are enabled, as well (something that is part of a profile, not the FL, so can't see in an hpe).
What were you scanning to make the log? Preferably it would be the least needed to exhibit the issue (i.e. one site only).
Site 1 has the most traffic by far. Site 2 is pretty quiet. I added the freq back in to site 2. LCN finder and System Status always stop after finding 5 LCNs or Freqs. So I have to chunk the freqs into groups of 5 with the control freq. Then later on combine the results back into the sites. Site 1 is busy, it hits 5 after several seconds. Site 2 takes a bit longer, but never finds more than 5 LCNs/Freqs.
I tweaked the services types on a couple of the talkgroups, thanks, I missed the basics there for a moment. The first two TGs are the busiest, and the service type was correct on those.
I think I was scanning just site 1 for the log. It's possible I was scanning both sites and the single VHF freq if the log isn't making sense or it has too much in it.
I can record a new log tomorrow and put 1.04.01 back onto one of the scanners if you need it. I could probably run a log on 1.03.05 of the same if that would help. Would you want a log of system status or LCN finder?
I can supply a log from an Icom IC-R30, it logs all transmissions, freq, mode, TG, RAN, etc. I have it scanning the Site 1 and Site 2 freqs, it doesn't know anything about trunking.
It's hard for me to tinker while at work, but if I can set everything up before I go in that would help. Tell me what you want.