SDS100 Prerelease Discussion

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
My comment was not necessarily for my own interest, but would be the best Side By Side comparison I could think of and would be helpful for the masses.

I would think of the SDS100 works as good as it is claimed to work that Uniden would want to do exactly what I suggested to show how the SDS100 performs up against the competition in tough simulcast environments.

The Ohio MARCS video of the SDS100 looks like it handles the system well, but without another standard scanner monitoring the same system it is hard to tell for sure if the location has severe simulcast problems.

I understand what you'd like to see, but those on this thread are either

1) Will buy as soon as available.
2) Will buy later when they see what other's findings are.
3) Don't have the cash on hand and use #2 as excuse.

I've been around these forums and have seen all of these scenarios. Now we have You Tube videos to further the demonstrations. There are some out here who don't need a P25 simulcast scanner and are good with what they have. Time will only tell.


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
I understand what you'd like to see, but those on this thread are either

1) Will buy as soon as available.
2) Will buy later when they see what other's findings are.
3) Don't have the cash on hand and use #2 as excuse.

I've been around these forums and have seen all of these scenarios. Now we have You Tube videos to further the demonstrations. There are some out here who don't need a P25 simulcast scanner and are good with what they have. Time will only tell.

You said it at the end of your post but I would add a 4) to the list...

4) Don't have simulcast issues so they won't be in a rush to buy.

This is where I fall. I don't have the issues and I'm not one to just buy the new flashy toy just because it's out. Has nothing to do with money, though I'm sure that's the main factor for many.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
You said it at the end of your post but I would add a 4) to the list...

4) Don't have simulcast issues so they won't be in a rush to buy.

This is where I fall. I don't have the issues and I'm not one to just buy the new flashy toy just because it's out. Has nothing to do with money, though I'm sure that's the main factor for many.

Very good point. The need may not be there, and most will buy later (like I did with the hp series). I'm just hoping Uniden supplies the foil tape this time! (I'm


Jan 22, 2003
McLean, VA
I understand what you'd like to see, but those on this thread are either

1) Will buy as soon as available.
2) Will buy later when they see what other's findings are.
3) Don't have the cash on hand and use #2 as excuse.

I've been around these forums and have seen all of these scenarios. Now we have You Tube videos to further the demonstrations. There are some out here who don't need a P25 simulcast scanner and are good with what they have. Time will only tell.

So I take it what I have suggested is not needed because you say so??

I think there are many that are sitting on the fence or would like to see a really good and well thought out A-B side by side comparison in a challenging environment.

If the product performs head and shoulders above the existing products, it will sell itself if it performs well in a well documented side by side comparison to Uniden owners and people that own the competition or even commercial radios.

I am sure #2 in the list would what many will hear but I think a A-B comparison is what would sell more people than word of mouth or basic desire to have the newest product.

Unfortunately I do not have a SDS100 otherwise unless I was told I could not perform this type of test, I would do exactly what I suggest even for my own curiosity.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 16, 2010
Wauconda, IL
Add a 5) to that list... users that do have simulcast issues, but the system of interest is 90% encrypted... so it would be useless to have perfect decode of encryption.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
So I take it what I have suggested is not needed because you say so??

I think there are many that are sitting on the fence or would like to see a really good and well thought out A-B side by side comparison in a challenging environment.

If the product performs head and shoulders above the existing products, it will sell itself if it performs well in a well documented side by side comparison to Uniden owners and people that own the competition or even commercial radios.

I am sure #2 in the list would what many will hear but I think a A-B comparison is what would sell more people than word of mouth or basic desire to have the newest product.

Unfortunately I do not have a SDS100 otherwise unless I was told I could not perform this type of test, I would do exactly what I suggest even for my own curiosity.

If you haven't done so already, subscribe to some of the you tubers and see if you can find what you're looking for. I also suspect they're not done with performance videos. I know there's one showing a 436 and SDS100 side-by-side on the same system you might enjoy.


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
As werinshades's been done. There are such videos already up and more to come. Why are those not satisfactory?


Active Member
Jul 25, 2003
So I take it what I have suggested is not needed because you say so??

Oh boy, here we go!

Here is the the radio works on other people's systems is of no value to you. The only thing of value is how the radio works on your system. The only way to know that is to buy one, try it and return it if unsuccessful.

And comparisons are also useless. Who cares how the SDS100 compares to a 436, 536, Unication, etc, etc, etc.? The only thing that matters is how well the SDS100 performs.


More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
Comparisons are not useless. If the SDS100 consistently achieves error-free decode in simulcast settings where the 436 is silent or heavily garbled, then it's reasonable to suppose that it will perform better than a 436 in most situations where a 436 is having simulcast trouble.


RF is RF
Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2011
The Natural State
Comparisons are not useless. If the SDS100 consistently achieves error-free decode in simulcast settings where the 436 is silent or heavily garbled, then it's reasonable to suppose that it will perform better than a 436 in most situations where a 436 is having simulcast trouble.

Yep. This should be easy for folks to understand, too.

I guess some won't believe it until they have one in hand and see/hear it themselves. But I can sort of understand that, I guess.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2009
Central Jersey
There are some people who seem to want to complain no matter what they are shown. So, we might as well have a good time!

Just ignore the Unihaters. They will never be convinced. Just rest in the knowledge that the vast (silent) majority are being helped by the videos.

From my experience using the x36HP scanners, I could only say that I'm delighted with the performance on P25 Simulcast. Yes, it's not perfect but In this day of digital technology it's pretty good!

I will purchase the SDS100. I think it will fill the gaps of the x36HP lineup. The videos by Jason Houk convinced me this scanner will be in my shack.


Dec 19, 2002
Perfect Scanner

I've been involved in the scanning hobby since 1973, my first scanner being a crystal controlled bearcat. Since that time I've reserved myself to the fact that in the minds of the general scanning community there will never be a "perfect" scanner. No matter how many features a scanner has it never seems to be enough for some. My case in point, the SDS100. It hasn't even been released yet and already a host of posters are already criticizing it without even having tried it themselves. It makes me wonder what all these subject matter experts do for a living that make them an expert on a product they've never laid their hands on yet. I personally can't wait for the release and will be making a purchase day one of availability. I've owned nothing but Uniden products since the 780XLT and I've had very few problems with them, and when there is a problem Uniden is quick to step up and rectify the problem. I currently own the 436 and the 536 and won't be parting with either to make room for the SDS100. If you don't like, don't buy it and move on. . All your b****ing and crying about what it doesn't have won't change anything not to mention the fact that no other scanner has the things you expect either, so what's your point?


Jan 9, 2010
Comparisons are not useless. If the SDS100 consistently achieves error-free decode in simulcast settings where the 436 is silent or heavily garbled, then it's reasonable to suppose that it will perform better than a 436 in most situations where a 436 is having simulcast trouble.

Colorado Springs, Colorado went to simulcast recently and that made my family’s bcd396t completely worthless in monitoring it. For my personal 436 “main” radio; this system reduced its reception ability to monitor the simulcast system significantly. Lots of missed calls because I’m on a hill where multiple towers come in very strong. So for me it’s a win win regardless of the price factor to at least try the SDS100 so I can pass down the 436 to my family so they can at least sill monitor ColoSpgs sometimes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Premium Subscriber
May 15, 2003
Chester County, PA
SDS-100 Buyer

I'll be a day one buyer also for sure. Looks like nice work Uniden and an awesome display.

I've been involved in the scanning hobby since 1973, my first scanner being a crystal controlled bearcat. Since that time I've reserved myself to the fact that in the minds of the general scanning community there will never be a "perfect" scanner. No matter how many features a scanner has it never seems to be enough for some. My case in point, the SDS100. It hasn't even been released yet and already a host of posters are already criticizing it without even having tried it themselves. It makes me wonder what all these subject matter experts do for a living that make them an expert on a product they've never laid their hands on yet. I personally can't wait for the release and will be making a purchase day one of availability. I've owned nothing but Uniden products since the 780XLT and I've had very few problems with them, and when there is a problem Uniden is quick to step up and rectify the problem. I currently own the 436 and the 536 and won't be parting with either to make room for the SDS100. If you don't like, don't buy it and move on. . All your b****ing and crying about what it doesn't have won't change anything not to mention the fact that no other scanner has the things you expect either, so what's your point?


May 30, 2004
Westfield, Indiana
Wow, the number of naysayers is amazing. I guess there is always the alternative, Whistler, which has yet to produce a radio that isn't a regurgitated GRE product. No thanks, I will certainly purchase the SDS100!
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