SDS100/SDS200: SDS100, Provoice, DMR, Menu, Questions.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 19, 2020
Elizabethtown Ky
Go read post 32 again. Read what I quoted you saying, and read my reply. Pound gap sheriff uses 151.955

You really need to look up exactly where these freqs are used and understand some are common between trunked systems and conventional channels used by different agencies that have nothing to do with each other .
The freqs 462.60000 is showing up as IDAS and NXDN like right now i heard traffic on it and then i hear static whats up with that. GMRS


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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
But why do they play the same traffic if they are different . 155.9550 is NXDN and it will show common business 155.9550 as NXDN when it's not in the databse and it will show wise county 155.9550 which is NXDN .

Lets break that down.

155.9550 is NXDN and it will show common business 155.9550 as NXDN when it's not in the databse
If its not in the database, then where does it show as common business?

and it will show wise county 155.9550 which is NXDN .

155.9550 in the database for state of VA shows this. Not to say others are not licensed for this freq. That database is made from user submissions. If no one stumbles across a freq and submits it, it will not show in the database.

Freq OutFreq InToneCallsignDescriptionCategoryAgency/CountyState
155.955Not used - Replaced by ACFR talkgroupsAlbemarle County
Albemarle County
155.955141.3 PLKWT748Rescue SquadBland County
Bland County
155.955153.90567.0 PLWPLQ622Cana VFD DispatchCana Rescue Squad Inc
Carroll County
155.955153.90582.5 PLWPAX832Fire/EMS DispatchEssex, County of
Essex County
155.955153.845192.8 PLWPYJ289Fire 1/2/3Greene, County of
Greene County
155.955153.845173.8 PLKZI263Fire/EMS Operations (Ch. 2)Louisa, County of
Louisa County
155.955131.8 PLWNJR887ServicesBlackstone, Town of
Nottoway County
155.955159.030CC 1
TG 3
SL 1
WNCA503SecurityJohnston Memorial Hospital

also 151.9550 is showing up under Itinerant Businesses as nxdn but it's not in the database as NXDN but when i search for it with zip code mode it stops on that freqs under itinerant businesses.

in the link you provided, 151.9550 does not appear as nxdn.

151.955BMCSQSLB STX Ops4South Texas Wellsite Ops (Ch 4) (mixed mobile and handheld)FMNBusiness
151.955KA84521MHallib TX 7Ch. 7FMNBusiness

Since you were originally speaking of 155.9550, that does not appear at all on the link you posted.

the freqs 462.60000 is showing up as IDAS and NXDN
Where does it show as IDAS or NXDN?


Premium Subscriber
Sep 19, 2020
Elizabethtown Ky
Lets break that down.

If its not in the database, then where does it show as common business?

155.9550 in the database for state of VA shows this. Not to say others are not licensed for this freq. That database is made from user submissions. If no one stumbles across a freq and submits it, it will not show in the database.

Freq OutFreq InToneCallsignDescriptionCategoryAgency/CountyState
155.955Not used - Replaced by ACFR talkgroupsAlbemarle County
Albemarle County
155.955141.3 PLKWT748Rescue SquadBland County
Bland County
155.955153.90567.0 PLWPLQ622Cana VFD DispatchCana Rescue Squad Inc
Carroll County
155.955153.90582.5 PLWPAX832Fire/EMS DispatchEssex, County of
Essex County
155.955153.845192.8 PLWPYJ289Fire 1/2/3Greene, County of
Greene County
155.955153.845173.8 PLKZI263Fire/EMS Operations (Ch. 2)Louisa, County of
Louisa County
155.955131.8 PLWNJR887ServicesBlackstone, Town of
Nottoway County
155.955159.030CC 1
TG 3
SL 1
WNCA503SecurityJohnston Memorial Hospital

in the link you provided, 151.9550 does not appear as nxdn.

151.955BMCSQSLB STX Ops4South Texas Wellsite Ops (Ch 4) (mixed mobile and handheld)FMNBusiness
151.955KA84521MHallib TX 7Ch. 7FMNBusiness

Since you were originally speaking of 155.9550, that does not appear at all on the link you posted.

Where does it show as IDAS or NXDN?
Right here it is as NXDN 151.9550. and 151.6700 and 151.9550 plays the same traffic on dsdplus . but the link i provided was what i was trying to show in the link 151.9550 does not show as nxdn but the sds100 will stop on the channel in the link i provided and play nxdn but that channel has caused me alot of confusion .and the confusion is 151.6700 and 151.9550 plays the same traffic in dsdplus it plays the same traffic on my sds100 and i have other similar channels that do the same thing .

For one example i add scott and search and rescue to my fav lists and when i'm scanning it will stop on scott county play the traffic then go on and stop on search and rescue and play the same traffic like if i have dsdplus set to 151.9550 and the scanner stops on search and rescue i hear the same traffic come up as scott on search and rescue. it's all confusing but this is my problem. i'm having the same stuff showing up on different channels.

I'm sorry for all this confusion i know it can be frustrating when trying to explain something to someone and i appreciate every one of you guys who help me because if it was not for you i wouldn't be where i am now on understanding so much!. so thanks


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Premium Subscriber
Sep 19, 2020
Elizabethtown Ky
Lets break that down.

If its not in the database, then where does it show as common business?

155.9550 in the database for state of VA shows this. Not to say others are not licensed for this freq. That database is made from user submissions. If no one stumbles across a freq and submits it, it will not show in the database.

Freq OutFreq InToneCallsignDescriptionCategoryAgency/CountyState
155.955Not used - Replaced by ACFR talkgroupsAlbemarle County
Albemarle County
155.955141.3 PLKWT748Rescue SquadBland County
Bland County
155.955153.90567.0 PLWPLQ622Cana VFD DispatchCana Rescue Squad Inc
Carroll County
155.955153.90582.5 PLWPAX832Fire/EMS DispatchEssex, County of
Essex County
155.955153.845192.8 PLWPYJ289Fire 1/2/3Greene, County of
Greene County
155.955153.845173.8 PLKZI263Fire/EMS Operations (Ch. 2)Louisa, County of
Louisa County
155.955131.8 PLWNJR887ServicesBlackstone, Town of
Nottoway County
155.955159.030CC 1
TG 3
SL 1
WNCA503SecurityJohnston Memorial Hospital

in the link you provided, 151.9550 does not appear as nxdn.

151.955BMCSQSLB STX Ops4South Texas Wellsite Ops (Ch 4) (mixed mobile and handheld)FMNBusiness
151.955KA84521MHallib TX 7Ch. 7FMNBusiness

Since you were originally speaking of 155.9550, that does not appear at all on the link you posted.

Where does it show as IDAS or NXDN?


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
Right here it is as NXDN 151.9550. and 151.6700 and 151.9550 plays the same traffic on dsdplus . but the link i provided was what i was trying to show in the link 151.9550 does not show as nxdn but the sds100 will stop on the channel in the link i provided and play nxdn but that channel has caused me alot of confusion .and the confusion is 151.6700 and 151.9550 plays the same traffic in dsdplus it plays the same traffic on my sds100 and i have other similar channels that do the same thing .

These 2 freqs are both on the same trunked system. Different sites but same system so if same traffic is heard its because they are both on the same system

Both freqs are used on First Energy which is a P25 system.


I honestly do not believe the database in your area is as accurate as it should be. When you find something like that, its best to run the freq in the FCC database.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 19, 2020
Elizabethtown Ky
These 2 freqs are both on the same trunked system. Different sites but same system so if same traffic is heard its because they are both on the same system

Both freqs are used on First Energy which is a P25 system.


I honestly do not believe the database in your area is as accurate as it should be. When you find something like that, its best to run the freq in the FCC database.
I always run the freqs in the database i use the database every day. and i don't know where u are seeing firstenergy i have nothing related to that. where are u seeing first energy at?

i have identified several sites with unknown tones buchanan and russel county . i will submitt those to the database .


Premium Subscriber
Sep 19, 2020
Elizabethtown Ky


Premium Subscriber
Sep 19, 2020
Elizabethtown Ky
How do i set proscan to show and keep all the hits it gets. like i have it set up and i can't figure out how to make it keep all the recordings it gets. instead it will show the recording in yellow but after it ends it's gone.


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Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Sep 18, 2003
Colorado / Mississippi
Right here it is as NXDN 151.9550. and 151.6700 and 151.9550 plays the same traffic on dsdplus . but the link i provided was what i was trying to show in the link 151.9550 does not show as nxdn but the sds100 will stop on the channel in the link i provided and play nxdn but that channel has caused me alot of confusion .and the confusion is 151.6700 and 151.9550 plays the same traffic in dsdplus it plays the same traffic on my sds100 and i have other similar channels that do the same thing .

For one example i add scott and search and rescue to my fav lists and when i'm scanning it will stop on scott county play the traffic then go on and stop on search and rescue and play the same traffic like if i have dsdplus set to 151.9550 and the scanner stops on search and rescue i hear the same traffic come up as scott on search and rescue. it's all confusing but this is my problem. i'm having the same stuff showing up on different channels.

I'm sorry for all this confusion i know it can be frustrating when trying to explain something to someone and i appreciate every one of you guys who help me because if it was not for you i wouldn't be where i am now on understanding so much!. so thanks
Let's focus only on your questions related to 151.9550 and 151.6700 for now.

Here are usages of these 2 frequencies near Grundy, VA:

151.670WQTC965RM44 RANWise SO HighKnobSheriff (High Knob)NXDN48Law Dispatch
151.955WQTC965RM44 RANWise SO PoundGapSheriff (Pound Gap)NXDN48Law Dispatch

Both of these frequencies are shown as Wise County SO and are listed as NXDN. These locations are about 29miles (Pound Gap) and 37miles (Pound Gap) from Grundy, VA. (Note that the First Electric sites are 140-200 miles away - and are unlikely to be a factor). If you are receiving the same traffic on these two frequencies, it is likely that these two frequencies are patched together to otherwise linked together. It is not unusual for an agency to broadcast the same traffic on multiple conventional frequencies from multiple tower locations to increase their range.

also 151.9550 is showing up under Itinerant Businesses as nxdn but it's not in the database as NXDN but when i search for it with zip code mode it stops on that freqs under itinerant businesses.
Itinerant Businesses are included in the Nationwide portion of the RR database. Their range in the database covers the entire country. The database entry you linked to is Haliburton. It is used as they travel throughout the entire United States.

151.955 KA84521MHallib TX 7Ch. 7FMNBusiness

I would just like to know how to combate this and have it show the right one if i'm searching through with zip code mode and i get a channel that contradicts it'self how do i figure out what to do so i can get it in my fav lists as the correct one.
You may want to disable the Nationwide Itinerate Businesses. Alternatively, you can lockout frequencies in the Nationwide systems that contradict local frequencies.
Set Nationwide Systems (Full Database Only) This setting enables or disables Nationwide Systems in the Full Database, only when the Full Database is enabled.
Scroll to each Nationwide System and press E/yes to enable or disable.
You can always come back later and enable them as you please.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Sep 18, 2003
Colorado / Mississippi
How do i set proscan to show and keep all the hits it gets. like i have it set up and i can't figure out how to make it keep all the recordings it gets. instead it will show the recording in yellow but after it ends it's gone.
The orange background indicates that silence has been detected - and you have Skip Silence selected. The recorder will not record if silence is detected. I suspect your audio settings in Proscan are incorrect.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 19, 2020
Elizabethtown Ky
You can assign an alpha tag to a Unit ID if you want to identify a particular user.
Ok great i understand all of that. i got proscan set up to record everything and it's working but it is not showing or recording conventional channels or analog everything that it has recorded is digital how to i get it to record every little thing that comes up on the scanner? for example 151.7750 is FM but it's not showing up in my recordings. Thanks


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Premium Subscriber
Sep 19, 2020
Elizabethtown Ky
it's weird proscan is recording but there is no sound in the recordings here is my settings.. even the files that is saved don't have sound.


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