Seeing a lot of encrypted activity on the undocumented TG 8659 with Radio ID's in the 82300 range. Looks Federal. Any ideas? Seeing this activity off the Martinsburg Site.
It has been active for several years, the first line below gives the total count of transmissions I've copied as 2538 ----
P25, BEE00.170, 8659, 50, Normal, 2538, 2020/07/07 21:03, "NOT IN DB**"
The lines below list the RID's active in those transmissions ---
P25, BEE00.170, 8659, 82365, 50, Normal, 4, 2018/10/19 6:04, ""
P25, BEE00.170, 8659, 82366, 50, Normal, 9, 2018/10/19 7:21, ""
P25, BEE00.170, 8659, 82373, 50, Normal, 40, 2018/10/15 15:39, ""
P25, BEE00.170, 8659, 82374, 50, Normal, 260, 2020/06/29 20:51, ""
P25, BEE00.170, 8659, 82389, 50, Normal, 21, 2019/06/11 15:51, ""
P25, BEE00.170, 8659, 82390, 50, Normal, 43, 2020/01/21 15:54, ""
P25, BEE00.170, 8659, 82391, 50, Normal, 1063, 2020/07/07 21:03, ""
P25, BEE00.170, 8659, 82392, 50, Normal, 472, 2019/06/26 12:51, ""
P25, BEE00.170, 8659, 82393, 50, Normal, 326, 2019/11/15 17:43, ""
P25, BEE00.170, 8659, 82394, 50, Normal, 122, 2020/01/21 15:55, ""
P25, BEE00.170, 8659, 82395, 50, Normal, 326, 2020/07/07 20:58, ""
P25, BEE00.170, 8659, 82398, 50, Normal, 16, 2020/07/07 19:19, ""