Art Sci Publishing maintains a comprehensive list of repeaters for the entire country.
Tones are published in repeater directories so that hams know which tone to program into their transceiver's output frequency (which is the repeater input frequency).
There are several repeater coordination agencies throughout the country that coordinate repeaters for the various regions. Coordination is done so that repeaters on the same frequency are spaced far enough apart geographically so they (ideally) don't interfere with each other. However, when band conditions are optimum (such as during tropospheric ducting) users of distant repeaters may come through the input frequency. Putting a PL tone on the input frequency of the repeater prevents this from happening. If not then a ham might key up two or more repeaters when just wanting to talk on the local one. This, of course, creates additional interference.
Because most tone boards allow toning the output and input frequencies of the repeater, many repeater owners tone the output too. This way, when enhanced band conditions occur, hams (who turn on the PL tone for the repeater output frequency) won't hear distant repeaters or experience their interference.
Personally, I seldom use the tone on the repeater output frequency when I listen. One reason is that sometimes the tone gets turned off by mistake, and I miss transmissions. Another is that I want to know when there is a band opening. Then it's time to start working simplex trying for distant contacts or to get on vhf sideband. As I live close to the 147.075 repeater I monitor it on my 2 meter radio. I monitor all the other local repeaters on my scanner which doesn't have tone capability anyhow. If I hear someone I want to talk to, I just turn off the scanner and tune the 2 meter rig to that frequency.
If I start getting interference from distant repeaters while talking locally, then I turn on the PL tone for the repeater's output frequency.
I tend to get a little long-winded, so I hope this explanation helps and doesn't confuse.
Lee - K3GI