ACY- Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Joint Base Andrews MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Langley AFB VA (KLFI)
MTN- Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS-Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX- NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI- Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC
1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EST))
((Some acft idents from local Mode-S collectors))
0800- Musel 11 (UH-1 1st Helo Sqdn, ADW)-land at ADW
0801- Rhody 38 (C-130J # 06-1438 143rd AW/143rd AS RI ANG Quonset PT RI)-w/Griffn CP (378.1) w/inbound msg. Will be doing ERO (Engine Running Offload) on the Navy side.
0807- Reach 371 (C-17 # 00-0178 AFRC 445AW/89AS Wright-Patterson AFB OH)-land at ADW. Depart ADW at 1128.
0809- Giant 555 (id as heavy-DOD contract)-land at ADW.
0815- Navy 326 (UC-12 # 161326 AOD PAX)-depart PAX (121.00)
0825- Venus 92 (C-32A # 98-0002 1st AS ADW)-depart ADW. Then w/ZDC Calvert (133.9)
0945- Evac 556 (KC-135R # 62-3556 756th ARS ADW)-Depart ADW
0950- Raven flt (2 X A-10Cs, #80-0682 & #79-0104 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-depart MTN then on discrete (293.2).
0951- Scan 84 (Dash-8 N984HA NGTF)-working on Northrop discrete (123.225) w/grnd stn callsign Speilberg.
0959- Axeman flt (2 X A-10Cs 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-depart MTN then on discrete (266.6) sorting out acft issues. Also w/ZDC Calvert (281.4) & advises they headed down south to R-5314 (Dare County Range NC).
1003- Pacer 07 (C-21A # 84-0075 457th AS ADW)-depart ADW. Redturns to ADW at 1600.
1008- Bash flt (F-22s 149th FS VA ANG LFI)-check in to W386 (249.8) then ACM training on discrete (262.025).
1010- Reach 1107 (KC-135R # 63-8017 6AMW/927ARW MacDill AFDB FL)-w/ZDC Calvert (133.9)
1013- Musel 4 (UH-1 1st Helo Sqdn ADW)-local acty at ADW. Also w/Musel Control (292.2)
1100- Colonel flt (F-22s 71st/94th FS LFI)-check into W386 (249.8). On W386 common (312.2)
1113- T-Bolt flt (F-22s 149th FS VA ANG LFI)-check into W386 (249.8). On discrete (285.15)
1114- Reach 481 (poss KC-135R # 58-0030 ME ANG 101ARW/132ARS Bangor ME)-depart ADW.
1120- Blackjack 1 & 2 (USCG MH-65Ds #6505 & #6571 CGAS Wash)- on CG discrete (157.05) in intercept training.
1125- Score 51 (unid VX-20 PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1230- Musel 10 (UH-1 1st Helo Sqdn ADW)-land at ADW
1306- Reach 045 (C-17A # 03-3116 MS ANG 172AW/183AS Jackson MS)-land at ADW.
1322- Acft 75 (no call noted)-w/BW (270.8)
1325- Bat 43 (KC-135R # 62-3566 IA ANG 185ARW/174ARS Sioux City IA)-depart ADW.
1340- Marine 767 (UC-35D # 166767 MAW-4 ADW)-depart ADW.
1345- Acft 61 (no call noted)-w/BW (355.8) confirming they have the E-2 in sight.
1400- Colt flt (4 X A-10Cs 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-depart MTN then w/Raven Ops (275.7) working out issue with Colt 4's landing gear. Colt 4 advises he will burn down 1500 lbs fuel then RTB. Colt flt on discrete (293.2). Lands safely at 1435.
1404- Scan 62 (BAC-1-11 N162W NGTF)-w/Northrop Base (123.225) advising they are ready for take off. Scan 62 checks in w/ZDC Cape Charles (132.55).
1423- Scan 60 (T-39 Sabreliner N160W NGTF)-on Northrop discrete (123.225) advising Scan 62 they have departed Baltimore (KBWI). Scan 60 & Scan 62 working a series of runs in the Atlantic Test Track off the Delmarva coast.
1517- Reach 489 (C-17A # 07-7172 60th AMW Travis AFB CA)- depart ADW.
1518- Coast Guard 101 (C-37B #01, Commandant's acft-- CGAS Wash)-depart DCA.
1600- Guard 275 (MD ArNG Weide AAF)-w/ Weide (126.2) & on ArNG discrete (150.55 FM).
2. HF: ((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))
02025.6 0530Z 1616 (Dep't Veterans Affairs) USB/ALE sounding.
02025.6 0640Z 3033 (Dep't Veterans Affairs) USB/ALE sounding.
15867.0 1630Z R26055 (ArNG UH-60A #88-26055) USB/ALE sounding.
15867.0 1710Z Z16 (USCG Sector Mobile, Mobile AL) USB/ALE calling N18 (USCG HC-144A # 2318 ATC Mobile AL)
15867.0 1807Z R26172 (Alabama ArNG UH-60A # 89-26172) USB/ALE sounding.
15867.0 1812Z PAC (CamsPac Point Reyes CA) USB/ALE calling J10 (USCG HH-60T # 6010 CGAS Kodiak AK). In voice ComPac ComCon w/Julliet 10 (not heard) who passes ops & position.
15867.0 1935Z I52 (US Customs Cessna 550 N752CC) USB/ALE sounding.
15867.0 1951Z PAC USB/ALE calling N03 (USCG HC-144A #2303 Cape Cod MA--not heard). In voice ComCon QSL's for ops report & returns to scan.
15867.0 2101Z R26172 USB/ALE calling T1Z131 (1/131st Aviation, Alabama ArNG, Dannelly Field, Montgomery, AL).
Ron (
Baltimore MD (390747N 763711W)
VHF/UHF: BC-895XLT/RS Pro-2045 w/Diamond D-130J discone (in attic)
HF: Icom R75 & Sangean ATS 909 w/45-ft PAR EF-SWL (in attic)