Sticky Thread For MilAir VII (2012)

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Apr 21, 2003
Burbank, CA
Heads up...not sure what the callsigns are

NEWBURGH, N.Y. — The first of 17 Air Force cargo planes carrying scores of utility repair vehicles to storm-ravaged areas is scheduled to arrive at an upstate New York airport.

New York National Guard officials say the first plane is expected to arrive at 4 p.m. Thursday at Stewart Air National Guard Base in Newburgh, 60 miles north of New York City.

Guard officials say aircraft and crews from 12 active duty, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve bases across the U.S. are flying to March Air Reserve Base in Southern California, where they'll pick up passengers and hundreds of tons of equipment and supplies to support relief efforts in New York and New Jersey.

The cargo includes 69 vehicles from Southern California Edison being transported on five C-5s and 12 C-17s.


Jan 5, 2004
OMAHA7 inbound for Manassas. 124.65
Should be N785MC Beech A200C

NIGHTHAWK22 with PCT, only hearing PCT on 124.65. Apparently it's near Gordonsville and told to switch to 132.85.

1821- BOXER11 with PCT 126.1. Inbound for Martinsburg.
1824- PAT961 leaving the area. ZDC 133.55
1825- DECOY99 also heading into Martinsburg. 126.1

1853- KING50 126.1 > 125.8 Not sure is mil or not. Into Dulles.
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Jan 5, 2004
BOXER11 on the way to Andrews from Martinsburg.

VADER02 EA-6B heading to Andrews. 118.675
To 335.5

2012- Heard a MUSSELL flight say 'Execute mouthwash' on 292.2 and just now it flew over heading towards Mt Weather.
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Jan 5, 2004
I just post what I hear as I hear it. I'm not paying any real attention to my scanners, they're just going in the background while I watch TV or whatever.

2159- DC42 inbound to Andrews. 128.35
2202- EVAC312 C-130 to Griffin CP 15 min out, need fleet service. 378.1
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Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Logs 1 Nov

ACY-Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Andrews AFB MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Langley AFB VA (KLFI)
MTN-Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS- Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX-NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI-Joint Base-McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EDT))

((Some acft idents from local Mode-S collection))

0750- Army 1778 (C-37 # 04-1778, OSACOM ADW)-depart ADW then w/ZDC Calvert (133.9)
0859- Marine 374 (UC-35 # 166374 MAW-4 ADW)-depart ADW,
0904- Reach 640T (C-17A #99-0166 62AW McChord AFB WA [KTCM]-depart ADW.
0916- Energy 51 (BE-200 N6451D Dep't of Energy ADW)-depart ADW. Returns to ADW at 1445.
1005- Scan 62 (BAC-1-11 N162W NGTF)-working w/GK (118.125) for entry into W386 for test work.
1010- Reach 634T (C-130J # 07-46312 )-depart ADW
1015- BRS 241 (id as heavy, accent voice-poss Brazilian Air Force)-depart ADW
1115- Blackjack 1 (HH-65C, CGAS Wash)-patterns at ADW.
1118- Raven 1 (A-10C, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-w/Raven Ops (275.7) for wx update.
1153- SAM 304 (poss C-37 # 99-0404 99th AS ADW)-land at ADW.
1422- Spad 21 flt (4 X F-22s, 94th FS LFI)-in W386 (269.9) in ACM training.
1429- Ravage 1 flt (2 X F-16s, 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-w/ZDC Calvert (281.4)
1437- Angry 1 flt (2 X F-16s, 121st FS DC ANG ADW)-w/BW (355.8)
1515- Marine 714 (UC-35 #166714 VMR-1 MCAS Cherry Point N C [KNKT]and at ADW.
1519- Battle 26 (C-21A #84-0124 CT ANG | 103FW | 118FS Bradley IAP CT)-depart ADW.
1525- Salty Dog 121 (F-18F #166449 VX-23 PAX)-w/chase acft on test disrete (264.55)
1529- Blade 07 (UH-72A #07-2007 Felker AAF VA)-w/PAX approach (120.05)
1554- Reach 630T (C-17A #02-1104 62AW McChord AFB WA [KTCM]-w/Griffin CP (378.1) w/inbound msg.
1559- Army 052 (UC-35 # 00-1052 OSACOM ADW)-depart ADW.
1639- Blackjack 1 (HH-65C CGAS Wash)-w/Huntress (139.7) requesting permission to enter restricted area P56A.
1647- CG 102 (C-37 CGAS Wash)-land at DCA
1902- Backy 43 (KC-135R # 62-3557 77th ARS SEYMOUR JOHNSON AFB, NC )-check into AR636 (118.125 & 238.9) for AAR training w/Jedi 23 (C-17A 305TH AMW, KWRI).
1913- Navy 100 (C-37 #166377 VR-1 ADW)-land at ADW
1933- Blackjack 1 & 2 (HH-65Cs, CGAS Wash)-intercept training on discrete (157.05)
1941- Navy 124 (VR-1 ADW)-depart ADW.
1947- Omaha 31 (ident as US Customs P-3B "Slick" #N431SK/BuNo 153431)-on Customs discrete (350.025) w/unid station advising they are just south of DC & going back to Corpus Christi TX and want flight following.

2. HF: ((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

05732.0 ROS (USCGC SPENCER WMEC 905 Boston, MA) 1210 USB/ALE sounding.
07527.0 F35 (USCG HU-25C+ #2135 CGAS Cape Cod MA): 1300 USB/ALE sounding.
08912.0 003 (USCG HC-130J #2003 CGAS Elizabeth City NC): 1404 USB/ALE sounding.
08912.0 ICB (USCGC FORWARD WMEC 911 Portsmouth, VA): 1446 USB/ALE sounding.
11494.0 N01 (USCG HC-144A #2301 ATC Mobile AL): 1509 USB/ALE sounding.
11494.0 J39 (USCG MH-60T #6039 CGAS Elizabeth City NC): 1514 USB/ALE sounding. Also on 14582.0 USB at 2026Z.
11494.0 708 (USCG HC-130H7 #1708 CGAS Sacramento CA): 1517 USB/ALE sounding. Also on 14582.0 USB at 2029Z.
11494.0 LNT (CamsLant Chesapeake VA): 1519 USB/ALE calling J02 (USCG MH-60T CGAS Cape Cod MA). Also in voice w/flt status reports "ops normal".At 1846 J02 (not heard) reports position of 4124N (west position not heard).
11494.0 I49 (US Customs CESSNA 550 #N12549): 1520 USB/ALE sounding.
11494.0 J04 (USCG MH-60T #6004 CGAS Cape Cod MA): 1542 USB/ALE sounding.
11494.0 LNT: 1654 USB/ALE calling N10 (USCG HC-144A #2310 CGAS Miami FL).
11494.0 002 (USCG HC-130J # 2002 CGAS Elizabeth City NC): 1736 USB/ALE sounding. Also passes position report 3532N/7514W.
11494.0 J24 (USCG MH-60J #6024 CGAS Clearwater FL): 1756 USB/ALE sounding. Also on 8912.0 USB at 2337Z.
11494.0 J09 (USCG MH-60T #6009, unloc): 1835 USB/ALE sounding.
13312.0 718 (USCG HC-130H7 #1718 CGAS Clearwater FL): 1925 USB/ALE sounding. Also on 8912.0 USB at 2339Z.
13312.0 J27 (USCG MH-60T #6027 ATC Mobile AL): 1930 USB/ALE sounding.
13312.0 D41 (US Customs P-3B "Slick" #N741SK/BuNo 152741, Jacksonville AMB, FL): 1937 USB/ALE sounding.
14582.0 N12 (USCG HC-144A # 2312 ATC Mobile AL): 1954 USB/ALE sounding.
14582.0 PAC (CamsPac Point Reyes CA): 2005 USB/ALE calling K39 (USCG MH-65C #6539 HITRON Jacksonville FL). At 2017 CamsPac confirms 6039 (not heard) position as 1354N/8943W
14582.0 J07 (USCG MH-60T #6007 ATC Mobile AL): 2008 USB/ALE sounding.
08912.0 Z13 (USCG Sector Key West, FL): 2352 USB/ALE calling 718.

Ron (
Baltimore MD (390747N 763711W)
VHF/UHF: BC-895XLT/RS Pro-2045
Diamond D-130J discone
HF: Icom R75
45-ft PAR EF-SWL


Jan 5, 2004
PIONEER5 P-8 167955 with Pax App 120.05

1710- Just had some CBP chatter on 350.025. Probably two P-3s. One mentioned heading back to Corpus Christi.

1730- RAVEN27 single A-10 in R4006 on 354.8. When done will RTB to Martin State VFR at 3000ft.
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Sep 10, 2012
New York, NY
Anyone willing to share their FreeSCAN files for Military Air Monitoring? I have some configured but I'd love to see how seasoned monitors have theirs set up.

Thank you.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Logs, 2 Nov

ACY-Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Andrews AFB MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Langley AFB VA (KLFI)
MTN-Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS- Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX-NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI-Joint Base-McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EST))

((Some acft idents from local Mode-S collection))

0825- Reach 481-w/ZDC Cape Charles (132.55)
0837- TBolt 31 flt (F-22s, 149th FS VA ANG LFI)-on W396 discrete (254.2) for ACM training.
0842- Army 301 (UC-35 # 01-0301 OSACOM ADW)-depart ADW.
1000- Boxer 20 (C-38 #94-1570, 201st AS DC ANG ADW)-depart ADW
1027- DeeCee 91 (KC-135R #57-1479, 756th ARS ADW)-depart ADW.
1035- Marine 767 (UC-35 # 166767, MAW-4 ADW)-depart ADW. Returns to ADW at 1600.
1038- DeeCee 51 (KC-135R #59-1469, 756th ARS ADW)-depart ADW.
1058- Titus 99 (C-130T VR-53 ADW)-depart ADW
1059- Army 1778 (C-37 #04-1778 OSACOM ADW)-depart ADW. Returns to ADW at 1605.
1104- Tester 08 (T-38C # 68-0925 NTPS PAX)-w/Tester 01 (F-18, NTPS PAX) as chase/observer acft in flt test evaluation (256.5).
1123- Acft 275 (unid, PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1129- Scan 62 (BAC-1-11 N162W NGTF)-w/ZDC Calvert (133.9) for entry into PAX areas.Also w/BW (270.8) & on NGTF discrete (123.225)
1130- Omaha 69 (unid US Customs)-w/ZDC Calvert (133.9)
1202- Rider 91 (C-17A #06-6168, 435th AMW/3rd AS DOV)-depart ADW then w/ZDC Montebello (121.675). At 1616 w/ZDC Calvert (133.9) on return to DOV.
1208- Jenna 357 (poss Cessna 182T N986DK FBI Manassas VA)-w/PTC (118.95)--advises PTC they are curtailing msn due to wx and returning to Manassas.
1235- Jenna 120 (poss Cessna 560 N557PG FBI Manassas VA)-land at Manassas.
1442- Tester 10 (T-38C # 15-8198 NTPS PAX)-w/NTPS Ops (123.2) reporting left fuel indicator malfunction.
1451- Tester 16 (T-38C # 63-8185 NTPS PAX)-w/BW (270.8)
1452- Colt 1 (A-10C, 104th FS MD ANG MTN)-w/104th SOF (275.7) requesting visual check of landing gear during field overflight to check thet they are down and locked.
1454- Baton 55 (EC-130J #01-1935, 193rd SOG PA ANG Harrisburg)-w/Baton Ops (395.1)
1544- Pioneer 5 (P-8 Poseidon #167955 VSX-1 PAX)-wZDC Calvert (133.9)
1606- SPAR 308 (C-21A # 84-0095 457th AS ADW)- land at ADW.
1620- SPAR 341 (C-21A # 84-0129 457th AS ADW)-land at ADW
1821- SAM 44 (C-32A # 99-0003 1st AS ADW)-land at ADW.

Ron (
Baltimore MD (390747N 763711W)
VHF/UHF: BC-895XLT/RS Pro-2045
Diamond D-130J discone
HF: Icom R75
45-ft PAR EF-SWL


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
do you guys have a master list you use? MIDDLE ATLANTIC AREA i like that site but its old and idk how uptodate those freq's still are


Here's my updated list of Mid-Atlantic Milair freqs I use:

AAF Army Air Field
AFB Air Force Base
ANG Air National Guard
ArNG Army National Guard
ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center
FACSFAC Fleet Area Control & Surveillance Facility
RCAG Remote Communications Air/Ground
TRACON Terminal Radar Approach Control

118.125 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W386 check in/out
118.400 Andrews AFB Tower
118,675 Potomac TRACON
118.950 Potomac TRACON
119.100 Ronald Reagan National Airport (KDCA) tower.
119.275 NAS Patuxent River Area Advisory Control " Bay Watch "
119.425 Salisbury MD (KSBY) tower (used by PAX aircraft)
119.300 Potomac TRACON
119.850 Potomac TRACON
120.050 NAS Patuxent River Approach/Departure
121.000 NAS Patuxent River Approach/Departure
121.300 Martin State Airport (KMTN) Tower
121.500 VHF guard
121.675 Washington ARTCC Montebello
121.950 US Naval Academy ground control for special activities.
123.100 Civil Air Patrol
123.200 NAS Patuxent River NTPS
123.225 Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore
123.400 FAA Operations Reagan National & Atlantic City International Airport-also alternate freq for Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore
123.525 NAS Patuxent River MD AAR discrete
123.700 NAS Patuxent River tower
124.000 Potomac TRACON Arlington National Cemetary Fly-by control
124.550 Potomac TRACON
125.650 Potomac TRACON
126.550 Potomac TRACON
125.900 Dover AFB Arrival
126.150 Phillips AAF Aberdeen Proving Grounds (APG) Aberdeen MD
126.200 Weide AAF Aberdeen Proving Grounds (APG) Aberdeen MD
126.200 NAS Patuxent River Webster OLF
126.300 Davison AAF Tower
126.350 Dover AFB Tower
126.550 Potomac TRACON
127.950 NAS Patuxent River Approach/Departure
128.350 Potomac TRACON
132.425 Dover AFB Approach/Departure
132.550 Washington ARTCC Snow Hill RCAG Cape Charles sector
133.900 Washington ARTCC Calvert
134.100 Dover AFB and McGuire AFB Command Post
134.350 Washington Area Helo Control (DCA)
135.025 NAS Patuxent River GCA
135.525 Washington ARTCC DC area/Guard Dog CAP
135.725 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W107 check in/out

136.275 FBI Manassas VA & -poss Dep't of Homeland Security (AM Mode)
136.375 US Customs (AM Mode)
136.525 US Customs (AM Mode)
138.075 Sierra Nevada Corp test discrete (FM Mode)
139.000 104th FS MD ANG Martin State Airport "Raven Ops" (AM Mode)
139.150 Andrews AFB 121st FS DC ANG (AM mode)
139.150 Joint Air Defense Operations Center (JADOC) Bolling AFB Wash DC-Sparkle System
139.300 Andrews AFB Pilot to Dispatcher (AM mode)
139.400 Davidson AAF Operations (AM mode)
139.450 Andrews AFB 121FS DC ANG (AM mode)
139.700 NORAD Eastern Air Defense Sector Huntress (AM mode)
139.875 McGuire Tanker Interplane (AM mode)
139.850 Sierra Nevada Corp test discrete (FM Mode)
139.900 Andrews AFB MD 121st FS SOF (AM Mode)
140.100 Atlantic City International Airport 119th FS NJ ANG (AM mode)
140.200 Atlantic City International Airport 119th FS NJ ANG (AM mode)
140.175 Atlantic City International Airport 119th FS NJ ANG (AM mode)
140.700 Atlantic City International Airport 119th FS NJ ANG (AM mode)
141.550 Andrews AFB Command Post "Griffin" (AM mode)
141.575 Maryland Civil Air Patrol (FM Mode)
141.700 Andrews AFB 89AW/1HS Operations (AM mode)
141.750 Langley AFB Dispatch (AM mode)
142.750 Andrews AFB MD SAM OPS, 99th AS (AM Mode)
143.150 Andrews AFB 121FS DC ANG (AM mode)
143.600 Andrews AFB 121FS DC ANG (AM mode)
143.700 Maryland Civil Air Patrol Secondary CONUS Repeater (FM Mode)--Martin State Airport
143.825 McGuire tanker interplane (AM Mode)
143.900 Maryland Civil Air Patrol (FM Mode)
148.125 Maryland Civil Air Patrol (FM Mode) Primary CONUS Repeater-Martin State Airport
148.150 Maryland Civil Air Patrol (FM Mode)
149.150 Associated w/US Army Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD) at Davison AAF VA (FM Mode)
149.275 Maryland Civil Air Patrol Air #1- Martin State Airport Baltimore (FM Mode)
150.5625 Maryland Civil Air Patrol Air #2- Martin State Airport Baltimore (FM Mode)
157.050 US Coast Guard Air Station Wash DC (KDCA)-also used as A-A for CGAS Wash HH-65Cs & US Coast Guard Sector Baltimore (FM Mode)
157.075 US Coast Guard channel 81A-US Coast Guard Sector Baltimore.(FM Mode)
157.125 US Coast Guard channel 82A-US Coast Guard Sector Baltimore. (FM Mode)
157.150 US Coast Guard channel 23A--HH-65Cs at CGAS Wash (KDCA) & US Coast Guard Sector Baltimore (FM-Mode-Analog & Encrypted)
162.325 US Coast Guard channel CG 111-US Coast Guard Sector Baltimore. (FM Mode)-encrypted

227.125 Washington ARTCC Hagerstown RCAG
228.000 AAR discrete
228.175 Langley AFB 1FW Air-Air
228.450 Langley AFB 1FW Air-Air
228.900 Huntress DC area/Guard Dog CAP
229.400 Weide AAF, Aberdeen Proving Grounds (APG), Aberdeen MD
229.600 Phillips AAF, Aberdeen Proving Grounds (APG), Aberdeen MD
233.700 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W72
234.800 121st FS DC ANG Andrews Ops discrete
236.825 Washington ARTCC Snow Hill RCAG
237.200 Bollen Range/Kiowa MOA, Ft Indiantown GAP PA
238.100 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W386 check in/out
238.900 AR 636 primary
239.050 New York ARTCC Joliet RCAG Lancaster sector
239.800 McGuire AFB/Langley AFB Metro
241.450 NAS Patuxent River MD Echo Control
243.000 UHF Guard
246.800 Army National Guard A-A common
249.650 NAS Patuxent River test discrete
249.800 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W386 check in/out
250.100 Unid discrete at NAS Patuxent River
250.300 NAS Patuxent River Approach/Departure
250.700 NAS Patuxent River VX-23 Operations
250.850 NAS Patuxent River Area Advisory Control " Bay Watch "-rotary wing advisory.
251.200 108th ANG McGuire AFB NJ Command Post Torch Control
251.250 Langley AFB Command Post (Raymond 16)
254.025 NAS Patuxent River MD test discrete
254.200 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" discrete (LFI 14 prime).
254.250 Potomac TRACON
254.300 Washington ARTCC Ship Bottom RCAG Coyle sector
254.525 Martin State Airport MD ANG Tower
255.000 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W107
255.400 Leesburg VA/Millville DE Radio FSS
255.700 US Army helo A-A
256.500 NAS Patuxent River Area Advisory Control " Bay Watch "
257.200 Potomac TRACON
257.700 Washington ARTCC Whaleyville RCAG Salisbury sector
257.750 Potomac TRACON
257.875 Dover AFB DE Approach/Departure
260.900 Huntress DC area/Guard Dog CAP
261.000 119 FS NJ ANG Devil Ops Atlantic City International Airport
262.025 Langley AFB Air-Air 149th FS VA ANG
263.100 Washington ARTCC Azalea sector
264.150 NAS Patuxent River NTPS Operations
264.550 NAS Patuxent River Echo Control
266.600 104th FS MD ANG A-10s Martin State Airport A-A
267.350 Sierra Nevada Corp test discrete-noted in AM & FM Mode (analog & encrypted)
268.800 NAS Chambers VA Operations
268.850 NAS Patuxent River Echo Control
269.000 Potomac TRACON
269.100 New York ARTCC Milton Sector
269.900 Langley AFB Virginia A-A
270.275 Potomac TRACON
270.300 New York ARTCC Big Flat RCAG Lancaster sector
270.350 Washington ARTCC Shenandoah sector
270.800 NAS Patuxent River Area Advisory Control " Bay Watch "-PAX button #9
271.400 104th FS MD ANG A-10s Martin State Airport A-A
271.500 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W72 common
271.600 NAS Norfolk Metro
273.525 Harrisburg PA approach.
273.600 New York ARTCC North Mountain PA RCAG Stoney Fork Sector
273.950 MCB/MCAF Quantico HMX-1 discrete
274.450 AAR discrete
275.200 Northrop-Grumman Test Facility Baltimore-discrete
275.700 Martin State Airport MD ANG Raven Ops (104th FS MD ANG)
276.675 Langley AFB Virginia A-A
277.050 NAS Patuxent River discrete
277.350 Sierra Nevada Corp test discrete (AM & FM Mode)
277.600 NORAD Eastern Air Defense Sector Huntress
279.275 Potomac TRACON Arlington National Cemetary Fly-by control
278.300 New York ARTCC Flint Hill RCAG Pottstown sector
281.400 Washington ARTCC Patuxent River RCAG Calvert sector
281.450 Washington ARTCC Atlantic City RCAG
281.525 Harrisburg Approach/Departure
281.800 NAS Patuxent River Approach/Departure
282.200 Washington ARTCC Bucks Elbow RCAG Casanova sector
282.300 New York ARTCC Matawan sector
282.575 Potomac TRACON
283.100 Warren Grove NJ Range
284.700 Washington ARTCC Bucks Elbow RCAG Montebello sector
285.400 Washington ARTCC Sea Isle RCAG Casino sector
285.600 Washington ARTCC Blue Ridge Sector
285.650 New York ARTCC Lancaster sector
277.050 NAS Patuxent River test discrete
277.350 Possibly Sierra Nevada Corp test discrete-noted FM Mode
288.000 AAR discrete
288.350 Washington ARTCC Gambrill MD RCAG Binns Sector
288.400 NORAD Eastern Air Defense Sector Huntress
290.425 Washington ARTCC Green Bay RCAG Franklin sector
290.475 Potomac TRACON
291.150 NAS Patuxent River Echo Control
291.775 Potomac TRACON
292.200 Andrews AFB MD 89AW/1HS Air-Air
292.800 Andrews AFB MD SAM A-A (clear & encrypted voice)
293.200 104th FS MD ANG A-10s Martin State Airport A-A
293.300 Martin State Airport 135th Command Post Crab Ops
295.400 AAR discrete-NJ ANG F-16s & KWRI KC-135Rs
296.900 Langley AFB A-A
297.200 Martin State Airport Tower
298.900 New York ARTCC Elmira sector
299.200 Cleveland ARTCC Altoona Sector
302.550 NAS Patuxent River Ops
305.200 NAS Patuxent River Area Advisory Control " Bay Watch "
305.700 MCAS Cherry Pt NC Command Post
306.200 New York ARTCC Philipsburg RCAG
307.025 Washington ARTCC Falls Church RCAG Potomac sector
307.200 Potomac TRACON
307.250 Washington ARTCC Dupont Sector
307.900 Potomac TRACON
310.150 VQ-4 Det, NAS Patuxent River MD
310.225 NAS Patuxent River MD possible P-8 Poseidon test discrete
310.550 NAS Patuxent River Area Advisory Control " Bay Watch "
311.000 VQ-4 Det, NAS Patuxent River MD
311.000 PA ANG, 171st ARW "Steel Ops" Pittsburgh PA
312.300 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W386 common (LFI 36 prime)
313.700 NAS Patuxent River MD VX-20 discrete
314.000 NAS Patuxent River Approach/Departure
314.250 Andrews AFB MD 201st AS DC ANG "Boxer" Ops
317.425 Potomac TRACON Departure
319.000 Washington ARTCC Marlinton Sector
319.400 McGuire AFB Command Post "Brickyard"
320.450 NAS Patuxent River MD Echo Control
321.000 108th ANG McGuire AFB NJ Command Post Torch Control
322.400 New York ARTCC Big Flat RGAG
322.550 Washington ARTCC Linden RCAG Linden sector
323.225 Washington ARTCC Hopewell sector
323.300 New York ARTCC Millville RCAG Lancaster sector
327.000 Washington ARTCC Falls Church VA RCAG Brooke sector
327.800 Washington ARTCC Whaleyville VA RCAG Norfolk sector
328.400 Andrews AFB VR-53 Operations
333.300 USAF Common
335.500 Potomac TRACON
335.600 New York ARTCC Modena RCAG
338.250 Potomac TRACON
338.300 New York ARTCC Williamsport sector
339.675 VX-20 NAS Patuxent River flight test discrete
341.100 NAS Patuxent River VSX-1 Ops
341.950 NAS Patuxent River Echo Control
342.000 Dover AFB Metro
343.000 142nd AS DE ANG BASE OPS New Castle County AP
344.600 Andrews AFB Metro
345.000 Coast Guard primary A-A
346.375 ZDC High Altitude RCAG Green Bay VA Wahoo Sector
346.600 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W386 common
348.000 NAS Patuxent River MD Approach/Departure
348.725 Potomac TRACON
349.000 Andrews AFB Tower
349.400 Dover AFB Command Post
349.500 NAS Chambers VA Command Post
349.700 AR 20 secondary
350.000 FACSFAC, Virginia Capes "Giant Killer" W386 common
350.200 Potomac TRACON
350.300 New York ARTCC Matawan RGAG
351.200 Andrews AFB 459ARW/756ARS Command Post "Liberator"
354.000 AAR discrete
354.150 Washington ARTCC Kenton RCAG Kenton sector
354.800 NAS Patuxent River Area Advisory Control " Bay Watch "
355.300 MCAF Quantico VA Base Ops
355.800 NAS Patuxent River Area Advisory Control " Bay Watch "
359.100 Washington ARTCC Gordonsville Sector
360.700 Washington ARTCC Baltimore RCAG Swann sector
360.850 Washington ARTCC Falls Church RCAG Irons sector
362.600 NAS Patuxent River Approach/Departure
363.000 Washington ARTCC Millville RCAG Woodstowne sector
363.075 Cleveland ARTCC Altoona Sector
363.900 Langley AFB VA A-A (39 prime)
364.125 Langley AFB VA 94th FS discrete
364.200 Huntress/AICC
365.700 NAS Patuxent River test discrete
368.800 Andrews AFB MD Naval Air Facility Ops
369.900 NAS Patuxent River Area Advisory Control " Bay Watch "
376.200 Langley AFB Dispatch.
377.200 Washington ARTCC Roanoke VA RCAG Tech Sector.
378.100 Andrews AFB Command Post "Griffin"
381.300 Pope AFB NC Command Post
381.700 NAS Patuxent River Echo Control
382.200 Atlantic City International Airport 119th FS NJ ANG
383.300 NAS Patuxent River Shade Tree Control-Atlantic Test Track
395.100 193rd SOG PA ANG Harrisburg PA-Baton Ops


Jan 5, 2004
PAT0509 into Davison AAF a short time ago. 126.3

MOOSE? -90 with arrival messages for McGuire. 319.4
They've got 3 colonels and 5 chiefs onboard.


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W

Got this from another list:

TOKYO (AP) — For decades, the U.S. Air Force has grown accustomed to such superlatives as unrivaled and unbeatable. These days, some of its key combat aircraft are being described with terms like geriatric, or decrepit.

The aging of the U.S. Air Force, a long-simmering topic in defense circles, made a brief appearance in the presidential debates when Republican nominee Mitt Romney cited it as evidence of the decline of U.S. military readiness. His contention that the Navy is the smallest it's been since 1917 got more attention, thanks to President Barack Obama's quip that the Navy also has fewer "horses and bayonets."

But analysts say the Air Force has a real problem, and it will almost certainly worsen no matter who wins Tuesday's election. It was created in part by a lack of urgency in the post-Cold War era, and by design glitches and cost overruns that have delayed attempts to build next-generation aircraft.

Looming budget cuts limit the force's ability to correct itself, they argue, as China's rise as a world power heightens its need to improve. And though the world's most formidable air force never had much use for bayonets, it's got more than its share of warhorses.



The U.S. probably couldn't have fought the air wars over Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya without the KC-135 Stratotanker, the Air Force's main aerial refueler, which allows fighter jets to remain airborne on long flights.

America has President Eisenhower to thank for that.

The KC-135 came into service during his watch in 1956. The newest of the roughly 400 Stratotankers in service started flying nearly half a century ago, in 1964.

"We are in unknown territory," said Lt. Col. Brian Zoellner, who has been flying the KC-135 for 15 years and is head of operations for 909th Air Refueling Squadron at Kadena Air Base on Japan's southwestern island of Okinawa. "The unknown is at what point does the KC-135 become unusable."

The KC-46A refueling tanker is being developed as a replacement, but probably won't start delivery for another five years. If Congress has its way, some Stratotankers could still be taking off well into the 2040s.

THAT '70s SHOW — THE F-15, F-16 AND A-10

The F-15, America's workhorse warplane since the Vietnam War, was designed to have a service life of about 5,000 flight hours. The Air Force has more than tripled that, to 18,000 hours.

The F-16, another key fighter, has been in use since 1979. The Air Force began retiring the oldest ones two years ago.

Another '70s-era fighter is the A-10 Thunderbolt, which provides close air support for ground troops. It's now being rewinged because its old ones were riddled with cracks. The General Accounting Office estimates the cost of upgrading and refurbishing the aircraft will be $2.25 billion through 2013.

The Air Force is revamping its fighter fleet with the stealthy F-22 Raptor and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, but production of the F-22 was cut short after its price tag swelled to nearly half a billion dollars a pop. Delays and escalating costs have also dogged the F-35, which is now the most expensive Department of Defense procurement program ever.


The fabled U-2 "Dragon Lady" spy plane is still being used to keep watch over North Korea and other hot spots. The first U-2 flew in 1955, and the legendary Skunk Works aircraft became a household name for its role in the Cuban missile crisis, not to mention the propaganda bonanza the Soviet Union got by shooting one down in 1960 and capturing its CIA pilot, Francis Gary Powers.

Many analysts argue the unmanned Global Hawk could do the job more effectively, but Congress has nixed that idea for now. More than $1.7 billion has been invested in upgrading the U-2.


Iconic, yes. State-of-the-art, no. The venerable B-52, remembered by movie fans for its starring role in the 1964 Cold War comedy "Dr. Strangelove," remains the backbone of the Air Force's strategic bomber force. It dates to 1954 and was already losing its edge by the end of the Vietnam War, but nearly 100 B-52s remain in service.

The Air Force developed the B-1 in the 1970s as the B-52's replacement. President Jimmy Carter killed it, President Ronald Reagan brought it back, and none have been delivered since 1988.

Next up was the stealth B-2 Spirit, which first flew in 1989. Because only 21 were built, they ended up costing a prohibitive $2 billion each. The Air Force is now hoping to upgrade with what it calls the Long Range Strike Bomber, but it's not clear when it will be ready.


To be sure, all of these aircraft have undergone massive overhauls and updates, and most experts agree the U.S. Air Force remains the best-equipped in the world. Its aircraft aren't likely to soon start falling out of the sky, either, thanks to intensive, and expensive, maintenance.

Zoellner, the KC-135 pilot, bristled at the idea his Stratotankers aren't safe. He said they "fly like a champ."

But Loren Thompson, of the Lexington Institute, a conservative think tank, said the graying Air Force is evidence of how Washington has failed to keep its eye on the ball.

"The reason the fleet is so decrepit is because for the first 10 years after the Cold War ended, policymakers thought the United States was in an era of extended peace," he said. "Then it spent the next 10 years fighting an enemy with no air force and no air defenses. So air power was neglected for 20 years, and today the Air Force reflects that fact."

Former Air Force Col. Robert Haffa, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, added that although ground forces were the primary concern in Iraq and Afghanistan, air power will be a key to future security requirements as the United States turns its attention to the Pacific and a strengthening China.

Unlike America's more recent adversaries, China has a credible air force that could conceivably strike U.S. bases in the region, requiring a deterrent force that is based farther away, out of range. America's bases in Japan — and possibly Guam — also are within striking distance of a North Korean missile attack.

"As the nation looks to increased focus in the Pacific, these long-range strike platforms will be especially important," Haffa said. "Planes like the B-52 simply cannot survive."


Jun 23, 2007
Glen Burnie, MD 390747N 763711W
Logs, 5 Nov

ACY-Atlantic City NJ (KACY)
ADW- Andrews AFB MD (KADW)
BW- Bay Watch-NAS PAX Area Advisory Control
DAA- Davison AAF, Ft Belvoir VA (KDAA)
DCA- Reagan National Airport/CGAS Washington, Wash DC (KDCA)
GK- Giantkiller (FACSFAC, Virginia Capes)
LFI- Langley AFB VA (KLFI)
MTN-Martin State Airport, Baltimore (KMTN)
NGTF-Northrop-Grumman Test Facility, Baltimore (KBWI)
NTPS- Naval Test Pilot School, PAX
PAX-NAS Patuxent River MD (KNHK)
PTC- Potomac Area TRACON
WRI-Joint Base-McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst NJ (KWRI)
ZDC- Washington ARTCC

1. VHF/UHF: ((Times are EST))

((Some acft idents from local Mode-S collection))

0751- DeeCee 91 (KC-135R 756th ARS ADW)-land at ADW.
0806- Reach 649T-depart ADW.
0820- SPAR 461-depart ADW then w/ZDC Cape Charles (132.55)
0824- CG 2135 (USCG HU-25C+ CGAS Cape Cod MA)-w/ZDC Cape Charles (132.55)
0844- Tester 01 (F-18B, NTPS PAX)-depart PAX (250.3)
0938- Marine 374 (UC-35 # 166374 MAW-4 ADW)-patterns at ADW.
0949- TBolt flt (F-22s, 149th FS VA ANG LFI)-w/ZDC Snow Hill (236.825).Also on W386 common (312.3)
1000- Convoy 9125 (US Navy C-9B)-w/ZDC Cape Charles (132.55)
1001- USCGC James Rankin (WLM-555 Baltimore MD)-comms checks w/CG Sector Baltimore (157.15)
1053- Venus 44 (C-37 # 99-0404 99th AS ADW): w/Griffin CP (378.1) w/departure msg. Returns to ADW at 1630.
1057- Nail flt (F-22s, 71st/94th FS LFI)-check into W396 (249.8)--also on discrete (228.45)
1101- Army 1053 (UC-35 # 00-1053 OSACOM ADW)-depart ADW.
1109- LL 428 (P-3C VP-30 NAS Jacksonville FL)-w/ZDC Calvert (133.9)
1110- SAM 417 (99th AS ADW)-depart ADW.
1122- Reach 646T-depart ADW
1224- Reach 659T-depart ADW.
1230- Venus 22 (C-20C # 86-0202 99th AS ADW)-patterns at ADW.
1232- Nighthawk 45 (HMX-1 MCAF Quantico VA)-w/Wash Helo (134.35) for airspace transit.
1239- Reach 619T-land at ADW
1243- CG 6507 (HH-65C, CGAS Wash)-land at DCA. Also w/Pit Boss (CGAS Wash SOF) on CG discrete (157.05)
1347- Venus 30 (C-40 # 01-0040 99th AS ADW)-land at ADW
1355- Nighthawk 6 (HMX-1 MCAF Quantico VA)-land at ADW.
1343- Baton 54 (EC-130J 193rd SOG PA ANG Harrisburg)-w/Baton Ops (395.1) w/acft status report.
1452- SPAR 406-depart ADW.
1521- SPAR 321-depart ADW.
1534- Acft 501 (unid, VX-20 PAX)-w/VX-20 Ops (313.7) w/inbound msg.
1539- Army 261- w/ZDC Calvert (133.9)
1546- Omaha 2 (US Customs)-land at Manassas VA.
1549- Salty Dog 105 (F-18 163093, VX-23 PAX)-w/BW (119.275) advising he has 507 (poss KC-130J, VX-20 PAX) in sight. 507 advises he has his cone extended.

2. HF: ((Times UTC, Freqs KHz))

07527.0 MEM (COTHEN Remote Communications Transmitter, Senatobia, MS): 0403 USB/ALE sounding.
07527.0 T9A (US Customs PIPER PA-42-720R #N9279A, Jacksonville, FL AMB): 0421 USB/ALE sounding.
07527.0 NLP (unid): 0424 USB/ALE sounding.
07527.0 LNT (CamsLant Chesapeake VA): 1230 USB/ALE calling F35 (USCG HU-25C+ #2135 CGAS Cape Cod MA). At 1311 F35 reports they are airborne from NAS Chambers (Norfolk VA) heading for CGAS Atlantic City NJ and establishing radio guard.
07527.0 ROS (USCGC SPENCER WMEC 905 Boston, MA): 1251 USB/ALE sounding. Also on 8912.0 USB.
08912.0 J19 (USCG MH-60J #6019 CGAS Clearwater FL): 1504 USB/ALE sounding.
08912.0 N03 (USCG HC-144A #2303 CGAS Cape Cod MA): 1534 USB/ALE sounding.
08912.0 J12 (USCG MH-60J #6012 CGAS Clearwater FL): 1538 USB/ALE sounding.
08912.0 I31 (US Customs CESSNA 550 #N2531K): 1550 USB/ALE sounding.
08912.0 939ICE (unid US Customs entity): 1622 USB/ALE sounding.
15867.0 CamsLant: 1819 USB w/1503 (HC-130H CGAS Clearwater FL) w/request for flt ops and fuel status.
18584.0 N11 (USCG HC-144A #2311 ATC Mobile AL): 1925 USB/ALE sounding.
18594.0 N08 (USCG HC-144A #2308 CGAS Miami FL): 1957 USB/ALR sounding.
18594.0 J26 (USCG MH-60T #6026 ATC Mobile AL): 2003 USB/ALE sounding.
18594.0 I86 (US Customs CESSNA 550 #N586RE): 2025 USB/ALE sounding.
18594.0 I53 (US Customs CESSNA 550 #N753CC): 2026 USB/ALE sounding.
12212.0 M050IN (National Guard (MI) Lansing, MI): 2042 USB/ALE calling O050HN (National Guard (OH) Columbus, OH).
12212.0 I070AN (National Guard (IA) Camp Dodge, Johnston, IA): 2100 USB/ALE calling N070EN (National Guard (NE) Lincoln, NE).
12212.0 M050IN: 2118 USB/ALE calling I050NN (National Guard (IN) Indianapolis, IN).
12212.0 M050IN: 2124 USB/ALE calling W060IN (National Guard (WI) Madison, WI).

Ron (
Baltimore MD (390747N 763711W)
VHF/UHF: BC-895XLT/RS Pro-2045
Diamond D-130J discone
HF: Icom R75
45-ft PAR EF-SWL
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