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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
freqhopping said:
I searched though the AP/1B document and pulled out all the AR stuff that we should be in range of.
__________ Primary Secondary ARTCC
AR203 _____ 238.9 ___ 319.7 ___ Memphis
AR204 _____ 324.6 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston
AR205 _____ 327.6 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston
AR206 Hi ___ 348.9 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston/Cleveland
AR206 Lo ___ 235.1 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston/Cleveland
AR217 _____ 283.9 ___ 282.7 ___ Cleveland
AR218 _____ 352.6 ___ 282.7 ___ Cleveland
AR219 _____ 366.3 ___ 282.7 ___ Cleveland
AR220 _____ 352.6 ___ 282.7 ___ Cleveland
AR315 _____ 295.4 ___ 319.7 ___ Indy
AR328 _____ 235.1 ___ 319.7 ___ Atlanta
AR455 _____ 336.1 ___ 291.9 ___ Indy
AR608 _____ 343.5 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston
AR609 _____ 276.5 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston
AR616A _____ 283.9 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston
AR631 _____ 295.8 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston
AR636 _____ 238.9 ___ 319.7 ___ Giant Killer/Washington

Hmm, seeing as we're going to lose access to the online AP1B and other FLIP material shortly, perhaps it might be a good idea to copy the map with these areas and this chart onto the Wiki in the Delmarva milcom page? It would be the best place for it.

73s Mike


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
ka3jjz said:
Hmm, seeing as we're going to lose access to the online AP1B and other FLIP material shortly, perhaps it might be a good idea to copy the map with these areas and this chart onto the Wiki in the Delmarva milcom page? It would be the best place for it.

73s Mike

How's this?
Please Proofread and make sure that I didn't miss anything, I'm going blind looking at the AP1B and pulling out the freqs....


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
As my printer at home is down with a clogged jet, I'll have to wait until I get to work on Monday. However, it looks excellent - you did a fine job of blowing that image up and keeping the resolution. If I find anything amiss, I'll fix it.

Thanks and well done....73s Mike


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
A few Friday eve logs..

ADOBE 07 KC-10 arrive McGuire 319.400 2335z,45k on the fuel,alpha 2.

SHOGUN 01 self id as C-20H 76th AS Ramstein arrive Andrews tail #90-0300

REACH 330T arrive Andrews with GRIFFIN Ops,offload 4 RS and 17 pax.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1841: GOLD 61 with ZDC-Blue Ridge «133.65». At flight level 230.
This flight was noted by a Michigan listener as a flight of five aircraft heading this way. And here they are.
1843: GOLD 61 says his destination is Dover and asks ZDC if they really should be on the Westminster 5 arrival. «133.65» Leaving 23,000 for 21,000.
1845: GOLD 61 Heavy descending to 19,000 feet. «133.65»
2850: GOLD 61 handed off from ZDC-Blue Ridge to ???? (Just plain missed it. Thought he said 134.62(5). Parked on that freq but hearing nothing. Scanning the VHF ZDC freqs but finding zip. Not hearing anything from the Dover freqs either.)
Radar showing fairly heavy thunderstorms just about to reach Dover.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr Tin nothing heard at Dover except REACH 9058 62nd AW C-17 arriving for upload
and EVERGREEN 1144 contract 747 arriving now.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Mark. Looked like GOLD 61 was strictly a VHF user for the entire flight. I wonder if they got diverted due to the storms in the vicinity of Dover. No telling.

(Ref below): I put a radio on the TRACON freqs just in case but nothing there either. He did question why he'd be given the Westminster 5 arrival but didn't indicate whether he meant the route or the freq. In any case, nothing turned up on 123.825. And that reminds me....we've got 123.825/254.25 TRACON freqs listed under both the BWI and the Dulles areas in the Wiki. It belongs with the Dulles (Shenadoah) area.

Re Both?: Chuck, I can't give a definitive answer to that other than to repeat what's in my master list from an "official" source. The only place I show 123.825/254.25 in that document is assigned to TRACON Shenandoah area for the BUFFR intersection. And, unofficially, I believe the ground station is only heard transmitting from Dulles according to past posts from those in that area. The ground station does not transmit from the BWI area although I can't swear it doesn't transmit from somewhere around Westminster. It would be nice if someone in that area could check that out for us.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Hmm. The Westminster 5 Arrival is for BWI... SMYRNA 3 is for KDOV...

The 123.825/254.25 TRACON freqs are the Westminster 5 Arrival Freqs, which is an BWI Arrival, so shouldn't they be in Both?

Ahh that makes sense, as the Arrival begins out West, and transitions into BWI, so the freq is probably used for more than just the BWI Arrival out that way. I'll make that change in the Wiki.

Changed, with a parenthetical note....

Doh... I read the other lists and just realized that this is the KC-10 that I heard earlier going into Andrews, I never did catch his callsign, just (mumble)61-Heavy -- So mystery Solved. I just wasn't puting it together until I realized it was a KC-10.

OK, now I"m second guessing my second guessing - Did I actually hear 61 Heavy or was it 980 Heavy? Akkkkk! I should have wrote it down ..

and at 2100, Reach 980 Heavy Just Departed Andrews
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Well...that's certainly a nice catch Chuck. As I was wondering, would they be diverted due to the thunderstorms around Dover at the time of their scheduled arrival? ADW must have been the alternate. Of course I had radios of every freq on the east coast other than our locals. It figures.
I had a REACH 980 that identified as a KC-10 going into Andrews a tad earlier at 1730. He was delivering 3 pax which is an excellent use of an aircraft of that size.

And speak of the at 2059, REACH 980 reports his takeoff from Andrews at 0058Z «141.55»
By the way, the REACH 980 KC-10 was arriving at Andrews about an hour earlier than the GOLD 61 flight hit this area. At 1730, he reported being 20 minutes out from ADW. My first contact with GOLD 61 was at 1841.

2037: Naval refueling freq «123.525» active. No callsigns yet. In fact, it's just chat which makes me wonder if this is Navy or just a couple of commercial pilots that picked a freq for chat.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
A few heard this afternoon while at IAD:

1930Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - ASCOT 4717 (C-130J ZH887) - lands rwy 1R.
1954Z 119.300 Potomac APP - BELGIAN AIR FORCE 618 (A-310 CA-02 from ACARS info - thanks MS/SG) - descending through 2100' for the 19R arrival.

2010Z 119.850 Potomac APP - REACH 332T (C-17A McChord) - dir ELDEE dir ADW.
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Mar 1, 2003
I have the following active this A.M.
143.15 A/A Scarry flight
139.15 A/A Bully Flight
Doing ground attacks down Pax



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
This afternoon on tape 303.000 heard NAVY 6E-274 A/A with NAVY 15404 ,mentions to
him that Appch wants him to contact on 125.520 or 291.620.At 8k feet and decending.
He chooses 125.520



Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
1735 <378.1>Hoover 46 Calling Andrews,
Now Calling on 141.55, but sounds like he's go FM selected...
Finally gets someone at around 1750 on <378.1>, asks for "all cables and barriers to be removed"

1802 <118.4> Hoover-46 with Andrews Tower "for the Option", "We require that all cables and barriers be removed for landing", executes Touch and go, then lands around 1810. Never heard him with TRACON or ZDC...

Ref Below - I'm fairly certain it was Hoover as he called Andrews a million times before they answered. Is that radio still broke or are they just asleep?
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Have had the MOVER callsign a couple of times recently and both times I logged HOOVER before realizing what it really was. Not to say this is what you heard....just that it triggered the memory.

I think they're just asleep Chuck - some of the time - like during slow Sundays. The problem with 378.1 was found and repaired by replacing the GRR-24 receiver. It worked for at least a while. I haven't really heard any problems with it lately. The occasional aircraft, like the one you heard today, has had troubles but it hasn't been consistent the way it was during the problem period. Of course, they could be having a different problem like in the console that is fed by the remoted receiver and transmitter.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr Tin and Chuck I also confirmed HOOVER 46 on that Andrews inbound no doubt.
I have no US listing for that also.
He switched between 141.550 and 141.540 a couple times.
I keep that 141.540 in scanner as seems on purpose get some aircraft in past that use that
back and forth inbound Andrews .Not sure why..I'm thinking they do that cause not sure correct freq.Andrews sometimes answers on both.



Nov 3, 2005
Had a flight of two transitioning through the area starting at about 10:00AM. Callsign was RUSTIC 28 and was a flight of two. First heard them with Cleveland Center freqs of 291.65, 307.15, and 363.075. The last two freqs they switched to were ZDC 285.60 and ZDC 319.0. The last switch must have been about 10:25. The last I heard they were at 24,000 feet. Did anyone else pick them up? Any idea where these guys are from?



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1433Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 55144 (C-17A 05-5144 729th AS AFRC March) - deps ADW climbing to 8000'.
1448Z 351.200 LIBERATOR CP Andrews - DC 94 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC Andrews) - enquiring about ramp freeze. Also on 118.95 departing...
1455Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 906 (C-17A vis. conf) - deps ADW.

1505Z 391.200 Giant Killer Ops - activity up on this freq. now.
1516Z 391.200 Giant Killer Ops - one of the callsigns might be NACHO 21.
1523Z 307.025 ZDC-Potomac - HAWK 01 (F-16C/J 55th FS Shaw?) - QSYed from 323.225 @ FL260. QSY 284.7 @ 1535Z.
1536Z 284.700 ZDC-Montebello - HAWK 01 (F-16C/J 55th FS Shaw?) - FL260 and direct South Boston (SBV).
1536Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 692 (C-20D 163692 VR-48) - deps ADW.

1635Z 139.400 Davison AAF Metro - PAT 7104 (UC-35A 97-0104) - requests current outside air temp.

1700Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 8009 (UC-35A 98-0009) - visual to rwy 32 and lands.

1803Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 787 (C-12) - lands rwy 32.
1812Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 350T () - five mins. out parking 11 Row.
1818Z 351.200 LIBERATOR CP Andrews - DC 11 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC Andrews) - 25 mins. out A1 28 on the fuel.
1822Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 481 (UC-12B NAS Oceana Norfolk Flt. Det.) - lands rwy 32.
1831Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 0589 (C-12) - deps rwy 32 QSY 118.95 dest. is Fort Bragg/Simmons AAF.
1837Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - ARMY 1944 (C-37A (97)-1944 OSACOM/PAT) - i/b landing 1L parking 10D.
1852Z 245.200 Davison AAF CLNC - NAVY 7C 481 (UC-12B NAS Oceana Norfolk Flt. Det.) - clnc to PHF.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Haven't had a day this quiet since the last major snowstorm hit this area. However, just happened (at 1346) to run across 260.9 and am hearing TANKER 11 with HUNTRESS. Not sure where a CAP is being run but it's not in this area - at least I don't think so. Also heard OPEC 13 (KC-10) with Atlantic City on 124.6 a few minutes ago heading home to McGuire.

1349: TANKER 11 asking HUNTRESS for flight level 280. «260.9»
There are no published TFRs that would indicate a CAP today anywhere in the country.
1352: COSMIC 45 and 46 (F-16, NJ-ANG Atlantic City) airborne from Atlantic City «327.125» at 7000 feet and climbing.
1353: COSMIC 45/46 handed off to ZDC-Casino «285.4» and are looking for a handoff to HUNTRESS. Heading for PNE (Northeast Philadelphia Airport) Currently over Sea Isle at 12,000 feet.
1354: COSMIC pair of F-16s working tac «138.2» and seem to also be working HUNTRESS on this freq.
1357: COSMIC 45/46 level at 17000...earlier mentioned CAP block is 250-270. «285.4»
1358: COSMIC 45 trying to contact HUNTRESS on «138.2». Flight leader sends wingman to notify HUNTRESS on primary freq they're being delayed in reaching the CAP.

1400: TANKER 11 mentions AR frequency will be Blue 10 to HUNTRESS on «260.9» (Blue 10 may just be 228.9. We had Blue 12 identified as 260.9 during a recent CAP, making 235.9 Blue 11 and 228.9 Blue 10.)
1403: COSMIC 45 notifies HUNTRESS that both jets have an IFF problem and are being denied entry into the CAP area (by ATC) as a result. He says they are going to have to abort the mission and return to base where they'll burn off fuel, land and then determine if they can get new jets, takeoff and resume the mission. «260.9»
1404: COSMIC 45 tells ZDC-Casino «285.4» that they're returning to Atlantic City...they'll stay on this freq until out over the water where they'll orbit to burn fuel and then change to Atlantic City Approach.
1404: COSMIC 45 to Command Post on «138.2» to repeat this info. Says Mode 3 and C are not working. He tells Command Post to get with HUNTRESS to determine what's to be done.
1406: COSMIC 45/46 handed to Atlantic City Approach (U-6) «327.125» where he explains the problem again, says they'll be over water circling for about 15 minutes and then will RTB one at a time. He also asks ACY Approach to confirm he's not getting Mode 3 or C from the two jets. He does.
(Must admit...this is a first and it doesn't say much for the maintenance team at the NJ-ANG. I'd bet there are some people steaming about now.)
1412: TANKER 11 still with HUNTRESS on «260.9» (Guess they're holding him until they decide if the COSMIC flight will be replaced by two new jets.)

1418: Have a couple of U/I fighters talking on tac «138.95» Might be the CT-ANG A-10s again that we heard last week.
1419: DC11 KC-135R coming home to Andrews with LIBERATOR on «351.2»
1421: BOLAR 73 (C-5 Dover) calling Dover CP on «349.4» Mentions they were scheduled for a 5 1/2 hour sortie today and want to coordinate for an extra half hour. Say they are heading for Stewart right now. (And the rest of the explanation is lost to noise -- or listener indifference.)
1429: WATERBUG 939 (Force Aircraft Test Squadron, NAS Patuxent River) to Pax River on «270.8» to say they're done and want to head for an approach at Webster (NOLF).
1430: DC 11 landing at Andrews «118.4)
1431: ROMAN 61 (VFA-106 Oceana NAS) calling Any Radio on FSS freq «255.4» IDs as a single F/A-18F and is doing a low level route.
1432: ARMY 1944 arriving Andrews with Approach «119.3» and then Tower «118.4»
1441: TANKER 11 still with HUNTRESS on «260.9»
1443: Navy 7N309 with ACY Approach «124.6» checking in at 8000 feet.
1445: COSMIC 46 calling HUNTRESS on «260.9» (Guess he got a new jet or got repaired and is going to try again. Not sure yet if this is a single jet or whether both are back.)
1447: COSMIC 45 to ZDC-Casino «285.4» (So both are up again.)
1449: COSMIC 45 to ZDC-Casino «285.4» to say he's making a turn and heading for the "Friendship CAP" at PNE.
1451: COSMIC 45/46 gets a Washington Center freq of 121.025 from ZDC-Casino. They asked for VHF freq.
1451: COSMIC 45 and 46 to HUNTRESS to report they've both been cleared to the CAP. «260.9»
1453: HAVE COSMIC 45 talking with ZDC-Coyle on «121.025» about entering the CAP.
1455: COSMIC 45 talking to HUNTRESS about another IFF discrepancy. Says they'll have to get that checked out because both were reset. «260.9» (Sounds like they got some quick maintenance on the ground rather than new jets.)
1456: COSMIC 45 taking altitude 250 and 46 will take 260. «260.9» (Okay, so the CAP is going but an hour later than planned.)

1503: COSMIC 45/46 established in the CAP, checked their datalinks and are given their first target and immediately given the "skip it" command.
1503: Hearing TANKER 11 on «311.0» Didn't get there on time to hear who he called but it must be his Command Post freq.
1505: COSMIC 45/36 switch to V-16 for chat and come up on «138.2» as expected per preset chart.
1516: COSMIC 45 tells HUNTRESS he's clearing 46 to the tanker at this time «260.9» and does.
1519: COSMIC 46 asks for bogey dope to the tanker «260.9». 45 tells him it's two miles off his left side «138.2»
1520: COSMIC 46 makes contact with TANKER 11 on «260.9» and the tanker asks if he wants to refuel on Blue 10 or stay on this freq. It's this we won't get confirmation that Blue 10 is 228.9 but I'm fairly sure of it anyway.
1523: COSMIC 45 tells 46 to just take 3000 pounds now.«138.2»
1524: TANKER 11 clears COSMIC 46 to contact the boom. «260.9» (COSMIC 46 has called himself COSMIC 42 several times...he's either getting the flight mixed up as 41/42 or he's mixing his 46 with tac callsign 2 as the wingman.)
1529: COSMIC 45 tells 46 to Push V-15 and they come up on «138.425» as expected.
1530: COSMIC 45 now heading for TANKER 11 to refuel...cleared to contact the boom a minute later.
1530: NAVY JR 257 arrival message to Andrews CP on «141.55» landing on the airport side to drop off pax and then going to the Navy side. Parking in 10 row. (His first call was at 1526)
1533: COSMIC 45 completes his refueling and tells the tanker they have more than enough fuel to finish the mission. Guess this will be a one-shift CAP. «260.9»
1535: Looks like the COSMICs will stay with V-15 on «138.425» as their tac freq.
1536: TRACK 1 (and then 01) calling SAM Command on «141.55». Says he's an Andrews based C-21 about 15 minutes out and wants to know about the ramp freeze. He's surprised to hear it's just going into effect rather than going off as he expected. Says he'll slow down then
1546: Air Force 1 with ADW Approach «119.3»
1547: Air Force 1 switches to ADW Tower «118.4» and reports gear down, landing on runway 1L.
1550: Sounds like the CAP is done. «260.9»
1551: COSMIC 45/46 to Base Ops on «261.0» to report they're 20 minutes out and both Code 1. 46 comes back with the ATIS report and says they'll be landing on runway 13.
1553: COSMIC 45/46 report they've rejoined to HUNTRESS «260.9» 45 asks HUNTRESS if he'll get their clearance or should they get it on their own. (I'm sure the tanker is on a ZDC VHF freq but can't find him yet.)
1555: TANKER 11 is cleared to RTB and clears off with HUNTRESS. «260.9»
(I wonder if this CAP had anything to do with the return of Air Force 1 from overseas?)
1557: COSMIC 45 and 46 cleared off by HUNTRESS on «260.9» and are handed off to ZDC-DuPont «132.525» where they check in and heading direct Smyrna.
1558: COSMICs "Push Uniform-1" and come up with Ops on «261.0»

1602: COSMIC 45/46 with ZDC-Kenton «354.15» at 11,000 feet direct Sea Isle. They're also still with V-15 tac «138.425» where 45 talks about radio problems. I agree...his transmitter has very weak modulation and he says his receive is bad.
1604: COSMIC 45/46 flight cleared down to 8000 «354.15» and told to change freq to ACY
1606: COSMIC 45/46 to Atlantic City Approach «327.125», ask for the winds and then say they'd like runway 31 if possible. They're cleared down to 2000 feet and 45 says his wingman will be on his left side.

And that's enough for now. It's time to go take my new Uniden 996 out of the box and start playing and learning how to program the thing.

(Ref below): Thanks Dave. Thought it might be them. Had them through here Friday on their way to Fort Smith, Arkansas. Confirms CT-ANG.
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Nov 3, 2005
TinEar said:
1418: Have a couple of U/I fighters talking on tac «138.95» Might be the CT-ANG A-10s again that we heard last week.

Hey Tin,

I heard these guys going through the area, they were a flight of two using YANKEE callsign.



Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TinEar said:
1400: TANKER 11 mentions AR frequency will be Blue 10 to HUNTRESS on «260.9» (Blue 10 may just be 228.9. We had Blue 12 identified as 260.9 during a recent CAP, making 235.9 Blue 11 and 228.9 Blue 10.)

Are you guessing at 11 or did you hear it? It's not clear to me...

Ref Below- I was having trouble making sense of that! There's a few old lists around that give BLUE 10 as 234.600, and BLUE 11 as 252.000, but they're of questionable age and validity..
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