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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TinEar said:
006: AirEvac 55140 calling Andrews again on 378.1. Just wants to make sure they know he's a C-17 arriving with an Army O-6 (full bull) on board.

Pay no mind to the wounded guys in the back, we got a COLONEL on board....:roll:


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Tin wrote:2006: AirEvac 55140 calling Andrews again on 378.1.

Nice catch on that March AFB 452 AMW C-17,don't get too many of them
out East here!

0342 early this am had a STAN 40 with Andrews CP landing 0400 am local.
STAN 40 later heard departing Andrews 0542 req heads up to Offutt home base
eta home 1145z.
Background sounded like C-21 pax type.

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1314Z 238.100 Giant Killer - SLAM 1 (F-16C/D 149TH FS VA ANG) - FL230. @ 1318Z "TANGO, SLAM 1 established, request discrete frequency. Push 391.2.
1337Z 351.900 ZDC-Gordonsville - MAPLE 44 (F-16C/D 134th FS, VT ANG) - FL280 QSYed from 307.025.
1338Z 391.200 Giant Killer Ops - SLAMs now up on this freq. "Confirm north group? and south Group? possible?" "Target south group". A few players in the mix here, no further IDs yet.
1340Z 290.425 ZDC-Franklin - ROMAN 21 (F-18C VFA-106, NAS Oceana) - checking in alt unreadable.
1342Z 284.700 ZDC-Montebello - NODAK 37 (F-16A/B 178th FS, ND ANG) - FL270.

1415Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 330T () - deps ADW.
1415Z 284.700 ZDC-Montebello - FAST 61 (F-16C/D 138th FS NY ANG) - FL260 QSY to 351.9 @ 1421Z.
1422Z 335.500 Potomac APP - MACE 91 () - checking in. I have two F-16 sq. listed here, one from IN ANG at Fort Wayne, the other from the SC ANG at McEntire ANGB. Any ideas which one this might be? Cleared 19R full approach. Out of 4000' to 2500' vectors for the ILS 19R. Requests initial for Andrews.

Back again after a busy time at work:

1718Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 832 (C-12) - deps rwy 14 QSY 118.95.

1835Z 391.200 Giant Killer Ops - "target practice" activity heard here again, with callsigns sounding like TBOLT 1, 2, 4. Reception here is difficult at the moment, so most xmsns are not fully readable.
1837Z 351.200 LIBERATOR CP Andrews - DC 41 - arr msg and fuel request.
1851Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - NAVY RY 819 (C-40A JRB Fort Worth) - arr msg to ADW, req. parking and "we have four dignitaries on board, so can we have the VIP treatment when we get there?" :cool:
1854Z 238.100 Giant Killer - ??? 1 - four ship RTB Richmond. Missed callsign but might have been BASH, so TBOLT above was either misheard or a separate flight.

2005Z 307.025 ZDC-Potomac - MAPLE 15 (F-16C/D 134th FS, VT ANG) - FL270 QSYed from 284.7.
2030Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 374 (UC-35D 166374) - deps ADW dir LDN QSY 120.65.
2042Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 1944 (C-37A (97)-1944) - deps ADW dir GVE to FL210 QSY 121.675.

2130Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 21863 (C-37B 02-1863) - deps ADW.
2134Z 235.625 ZDC-Blackstone - MAPLE 69 (F-16C/D 134th FS, VT ANG) - xmsn garbled only caught callsign.
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Jan 5, 2004
I've heard some random stuff since getting home today.
First was ?????-60 Heavy with Norfolk TRACON looking to intercept the V286 route, referenced STEIN. Thought I heard mention of a tanker.

And now a LOBOS flight with ZDC-Tar River 354.1. Fading out though.


Jan 5, 2004
324.6 Don't know where I got it, but I had it programmed.
Now active with an as of yet unidentifed tanker at FL260. They will be deviating for weather enroute to the IP. Parallel point time is expected to be at 2340. Refueling altitude will be FL270.

AR204 is the closest one that uses that freq as the primary.

1936- Someone on 364.2 calling Huntress. Haven't heard a reply. The callsign was too weak to hear but the end sounded like -73. This reminds me, last night same freq someone was calling Huntress and Oakridge, whoever that is.

I searched though the AP/1B document and pulled out all the AR stuff that we should be in range of.
__________ Primary Secondary ARTCC
AR203 _____ 238.9 ___ 319.7 ___ Memphis
AR204 _____ 324.6 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston
AR205 _____ 327.6 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston
AR206 Hi ___ 348.9 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston/Cleveland
AR206 Lo ___ 235.1 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston/Cleveland
AR217 _____ 283.9 ___ 282.7 ___ Cleveland
AR218 _____ 352.6 ___ 282.7 ___ Cleveland
AR219 _____ 366.3 ___ 282.7 ___ Cleveland
AR220 _____ 352.6 ___ 282.7 ___ Cleveland
AR315 _____ 295.4 ___ 319.7 ___ Indy
AR328 _____ 235.1 ___ 319.7 ___ Atlanta
AR455 _____ 336.1 ___ 291.9 ___ Indy
AR608 _____ 343.5 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston
AR609 _____ 276.5 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston
AR616A _____ 283.9 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston
AR631 _____ 295.8 ___ 282.7 ___ Boston
AR636 _____ 238.9 ___ 319.7 ___ Giant Killer/Washington

And some others we've heard:
Used during the CAP 303.0000
Refuel Discrete 311.0000
STEEL 301.6000
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I kinda have my doubts about hearing most of that listing, except the GK/Washington listing. It's just too far out - particularly the Boston freqs. What is your reasoning here?

364.2 is a NORAD nationwide allocation; so it doesn't follow that just because it's listed in the AP1B bulletin that it can't be used in our area. They can pull whatever freq they want from a pool - even 324.6 might be there, too.

73s Mike
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
2040 <238.9> Opec 48 calling Bondy 73 on AR Primary
<238.1> Opec 48 Checking with Giant Killer on Status of Receiver, Bondy 73, then calling Bondy 73 on this freq..

Figures, Tin finds the Crab interplane freq, probably just in time for them to move all the C-130s somewhere else!

BTW - They're call 385.9 "U-1", so to the wiki.....

Crab ops Calling 55 on 148.925.... Sounds like FM modulated now...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
From the last part of the 1900 hour and all through the 2000 hour so far, there are two C-130J aircraft from the MD-ANG at Warfield ANGB active. They are CRAB 53 and CRAB 55. They are flying a 30 minute racetrack pattern and making some kind of drops at Phillips AAF. The frequencies in use are kind of interesting....

First there is Phillips AAF Tower of course on 126.15. The two C-130J aircraft are using the Crab Ops 385.9 freq for interplane which they refer to as U-1 - and most interesting - they've got another air-to-air freq of 148.925 being used between the two aircraft. I heard CRAB 53 (female) mention having a problem with "48.92" which gave me three possible choices for the full freq. First one I tried was the 148.925 freq and, sure enough, there they were. They are also using this freq to talk to a drop controller on the ground. They identify the callsign for the drop controller as "AEGIS." One of their checkpoints along the route is TAFFI (39-32-36.640N/076-37-39.390W)
At 2119, CRAB 53 mentions that he's heading over to Ridgley Airpark (KRJD) over on the Eastern Shore.
And at 2147, CRAB 55 goes over to Martin State Tower on 121.3 for landing...or at least an approach.

2216: CRAB 53 to Crab Ops on 143.8 to report 10 minutes out, A-1 (Their freq usage has been all over the place tonight. Crab Ops did reply to him on this freq.)
2218: CRAB 53 reports low approach to runway 22 to Phillips AAF Tower 126.15
2221: DC 44 (KC-135R Andrews) (femop) with arrival message to LIBERATOR on 351.2...A-2, 30 minutes out, 30K on the fuel.
2221: OPEC 48 to Atlantic City Approach on 124.6 for approach to McGuire at 7000 feet.
2225: DC 43 also coming arrival message to LIBERATOR on 351.2...20 minutes out, A-2, (sounded like 4K on the fuel but that's very low).
2228: DC 43 with ADW Approach «119.3» descending.
2229: DC 44...same
2232: CRAB 53 with Martin Tower 121.3 heading for runway 15.
2233: DC 44 over to ADW Tower for landing «118.4»
2234: DC 43 does the same...reports full stop landing upcoming. «118.4»
2242: DC 45 Heavy with ACY Approach 124.6 doing an approach to runway 4.
2249: REACH 7041 to Andrews Metro 344.6 asking for Charleston weather.

2302: BOLAR 71 (C-5 Dover) calling Dover Command Post «349.4»
2305: BOLAR 71 makes contact, reports A-2 with minors, arriving 2330, parking in Xray row, needs crew bus. «349.4» Loadmaster is going to do some loading training when they get on the ground and the aircraft loadmaster will assist in offloading the plane before that begins.

(Ref Above) Chuck, I've also been hearing OPEC 48 trying to contact Langley Metro on 239.8....and at 2048 on 238.1 OPEC 48 asks, "Giant Killer, what freq are you working BONDY on?" Can't hear the reply so can't say what he was given. And at 2050, BONDY 73 and OPEC 48 met up on 139.875.

freqhopping said:
This reminds me, last night same freq someone was calling Huntress and Oakridge, whoever that is.
I think that was STRIKESTAR (E-8C JSTARS back end) who has been mainly operating in the New England area the past couple of days. I also heard him give one call to HUNTRESS. By the way, that 303.0 freq is a McGuire tanker squadron freq, I believe for the 108th ARW - similar to our 351.2 at Andrews. I've heard ROCCO KC-135s use it many times.
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Jan 5, 2004
ka3jjz said:
I kinda have my doubts about hearing most of that listing, except the GK/Washington listing. It's just too far out - particularly the Boston freqs. What is your reasoning here?

73s Mike

You won't necessarily hear them in the act of refueling, but you may hear them discussing their planned rendezvous while enroute. Like above.

My mentioning of 364.2 has nothing to do with AR, it just happened to be active also. However, the AP/1B does indicate that in certain routes that frequency may be used by planes to coordinate a rendezvous.

Ref. above: Must've been BONDY-73 I heard on 364.2. :)

2138- MUSSELL-06 cleared to land at Mt. Weather at the pilot's discretion.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Observation of WX effect on local Mil Maryland radio...

I notice during warm muggy conditions that VHF for the most part is fine especially in evenings but UHF reception all around seems weaker and harder to read clearly... UHF seems to be much better in cold clear WX.

CRAB 53 loud and clear departing Phillips on VHF 126.150,can even hear the towerside.



Jul 10, 2004
Bloomingdale, NJ
Just a quick note here from New Jersey. Caught "BELGIUM AIR FORCE 632" today at 12:28pm calling SAM Command Post on 141.550. Mentioned cargo and gear on board looking for a parking space. Heavy European accent.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Finally able to post after getting over the shock of seeing the Da2000EX land right over my head on the way in to work this morning...:cool:

1315Z 238.100 Giant Killer - SLAM 01 () - flight of four, checking in @ FL240 - "next 30 mins.", and then asked if TEAM 53 (KC-10A 2/32nd ARS McGuire), one or two tankers, are coming?
1320Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - N943JB (Da2000EX) - lands rwy 14.

1530Z 335.500 Potomac APP - BRAVE 64 (F-16C/D 121ST FS DC ANG) - checking in at 18000' for 13000' requesting the TACAN to 1L @ ADW.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

jerseymilair said:
Just a quick note here from New Jersey. Caught "BELGIUM AIR FORCE 632" today at 12:28pm calling SAM Command Post on 141.550. Mentioned cargo and gear on board looking for a parking space. Heavy European accent.

Hi Steve,

BAF632 was a C-130 routing as follows according to Red1:

CYYT 07-13-2006 14:47 KADW 07-13-2006 14:47 Timed Out

Best regards,



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Back again after an appt and a trip up to IAD...


1545Z 257.200 Potomac DEP - MACE 91 (F-16C 157th FS, SC ANG McEntire ANGB) - betting on one of these guys due routing; deps ADW dir HAFNR QSY 284.7
1550Z 284.700 ZDC-Montebello - MACE 91 (F-16C 157th FS, SC ANG McEntire ANGB) - FL200 for FL240 QSY 351.9.
1551Z 335.500 Potomac APP - BRAVE 63 (F-16 121ST FS DC ANG Andrews) - @ 13000' cleared down to 3000' for the ILS 1L @ ADW.
1558Z 351.900 ZDC-Gordonsville - MACE 91 (F-16C 157th FS, SC ANG McEntire ANGB) - checking in @ FL240.

1608Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SPAR 29 (C-37A 01-0029 310th AS MacDill) - deps ADW.
1610Z 351.200 LIBERATOR CP Andrews - DC 52 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC andrews) - arrival msg full stop req. parking status A2, altimeter intermittent.

1738Z 128.425 IAD TWR West - ASCOT 4716 (C-130J ZH887) - deps rwy 30 QSY 126.65.

1817Z 322.300 Potomac APP - CAPITOL 91 (F-16C/D 121ST FS DC ANG) - @ 8000' dir LDN.
1823Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - JOSA 695 (C-21A 84-0105) - arr msg and pax details.
1828Z 391.200 Giant Killer Ops - FURY flight's up and mentions TBOLT, then into target pratice "declare bullseye", etc.
1836Z 391.200 Giant Killer Ops - "Lights on, lights on, JEDI, TBOLT victor."
1841Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - PACER 29 (C-21A 84-1039) - arr msg ETA 10 mins status A2.
1844Z 391.200 Giant Killer Ops - TBOLT 3 (F-18A VMFA-251, MCAS Beaufort) - something about "JEDI 2, declare over bullseye 380000, 31000 track? Is the JEDI c/s still associated with the F-15s at Langley?

1923Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AIR FORCE TWO (C-32A 89th AW/99th AS) - deps ADW QSY 123.825.
1925Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - EVAC 3113 (C-17A 03-3113 183rd AS MS ANG) - clg here no joy.
1927Z 121.900 Davison AAF GRND - PAT 2401 (C-12T 85-1267) - going to hotspot 1 parking for pax dropff, the reposition for fuel.
1929Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - PAT 2401 (C-12T 85-1267) - need fuel top off due idle for maintenance issues with avionics, tail #267.
1940Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 0407 () - deps ADW.

2008Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - PAT 525 (pres. UC-35 Dobbins ARB) - arr msg ETA ADW 20 mins, mentioned return to Atlanta.
2020Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 2401 (C-12T 85-1267) - deps rwy 32 QSY 118.95 dir GRUBY then dir FAYGE? QSY 126.4.
2046Z 335.500 Potomac APP - "HAKAR?", sounds like "HA CAR" or "HOT CAR" 1 - on the app to ADW initial 19 full stop QSYed to 349.0.

A few more to add from the drive home earlier this evening:

2215Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - TAZZ 85 (KC-135R 121st ARG OH ANG) - arr msg to ADW 20 mins out status A1.
2215Z 119.300 Potomac APP - NAVY 7N 309 () - on the app to ADW.
2220Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - MARINE 341 (UC-12B NAF Washington) - 10 mins out with 1 Code on board.
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Jan 5, 2004
Had someone very weak on 270.35. ZDC-Shenandoah. They switched to 284.7 Montebello, came up loud and clear saying FL250 direct Richmond. Later they IDed as HARCAR-01, I'm positive of that. That c/s isn't in any of my lists. ???

1700- HARCAR Flight of two just pushed to 270.275 Potomac Approach. At FL110 inbound to ADW.
1705- on 335.5 7,000 for 2,000
1706- Field in sight
1707- 349.0 ADW Tower

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
freqhopping said:
Had someone very weak on 270.35. ZDC-Shenandoah. They switched to 284.7 Montebello, came up loud and clear saying FL250 direct Richmond. Later they IDed as HARCAR-01, I'm positive of that. That c/s isn't in any of my lists. ???

1700- HARCAR Flight of two just pushed to 270.275 Potomac Approach. At FL110 inbound to ADW.
1705- on 335.5 7,000 for 2,000
1706- Field in sight
1707- 349.0 ADW Tower


Citation Jet said:
2046Z 335.500 Potomac APP - "HAKAR?", sounds like "HA CAR" or "HOT CAR" 1 - on the app to ADW initial 19 full stop QSYed to 349.0.

No idea who HARCAR might be but we've had them coming into Andrews in the past. The most recent time I have logged is April 6th this year. It was a flight of two aircraft that time. I listened to your recording Travis and sure can't argue with HARCAR for the callsign. The only problem is that it's not a word and makes no sense....but it's what they seem to be saying.
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