Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Guessing...on both of them...since those are the next two frequencies down in order from 12.
Edit: Nevermind all of that. I just realized I left 234.6 out of the equation. Completely forget anything I said about Blue 10 and 11. A senior moment. Glad you questioned that Chuck.
And I just looked at an old list I had filed away which indicates 234.6 is Blue 10 - which would still possibly make 235.9 Blue 11. In any was all just guesses and not worth a tinker's damn.

2010: Air Force 2 landing at Andrews with Tower. «118.4»
2012: REACH 331T calling McGuire CP on «319.4» (Originally scheduled for Andrews)
2013: BOXER 41 (201st ALS, Andrews) on squadron freq «314.25»
2019: REACH 331T gives arrival message to McGuire CP....20 minutes out....dropping off one crew member and then heading to Andrews. «319.4»
2048: REACH 920 calling Andrews CP «378.1» He then tries «141.55» but has a lousy transmitter there. Goes back to «378.1» Finally makes contact on «378.1» at 2054 and ID's as a heavy C-5. 125,000 pounds of cargo to download. (Loadmasters at ADW are not smiling.)
2049: REACH 3119 calling Dover CP «349.4» Makes contact at 2054 for arrival message.
2051: REACH 990 arrival msg to Andrews «141.55» IDs as a C-17.

2107: REACH 331T with arrival message to Andrews «141.55» tail 33127....bunch of pax to offload.
2119: Sounded like FORCE 55 giving departure message to SAM Command of 0114Z on «141.55»
Was watching the Red Sox hit a 3-run home run to tie the game and barely listening to the scanner...sorry.
2125: JOSA 631 (C-21 40074) with arrival message to Andrews «141.55»
2136: REACH 923 calling SAM Command on «378.1» x2 no joy.
2137: SAM 0397 gives arrival message to SAM Command «141.55» expected blocks at 0205Z.
2139: REACH 923 calls again on both «378.1/141.55» with same joy.
2140: And Andrews Command Post calling SAM 0397 several times with no joy. «141.55» Proving it goes both ways.
2145: REACH 923 makes contact on «141.55» to give arrival msg...15-20 minutes out, A-1, 15 pax, 3 rolling stock and needs crew bus for 3...tail 95-0104 which makes him a C-17.
2147: REACH 923 tells Andrews he also needs Customs and Ag to meet the plane. «141.55»
2153: SAM 0397 landing runway 19L with ADW Tower «118.4»
2159: ____ 24 with Leesburg Radio on FSS freq «255.4» to announce entering an SR route for the next 15 minutes at 230 knots.. (Too weak to copy details.)

2212: HAGAR 22 (C-5 Dover) to Dover CP on «349.4» with arrival msg...will complete training in about 25 minutes and is A-2 with minor writeups.
2232: REACH 332T to Andrews CP with arrival msg...20 minutes out, tail 80056, A-2, has 3 rolling stock and 13 duty pax to offload, needs fleet service, parking.

(And so I go to dinner about 10:30 (yeah late) and hear all kinds of aircraft sounding off from down here in the dungeon. Missed them all.)

Chuck: Guess we let that other group know 331T's destination. :) Both your message and mine came through to me at the same time. Didn't know you had sent yours.

Ref REACH 920: Yes, he sounded off freq but said he was transmitting on 141.55. The ground controller told him he had a bad sounding transmitter also and sent him to 378.1 so it wasn't just us. Also learned from that aircraft that the ground controller for 141.55 and 378.1 were two different people - so it's two different people that are asleep when they can't make contact on either.

Ref 331T: I took the original message to indicate an emergency of some type was the reason to divert to McGuire. Or maybe I wanted that to be the reason rather than just another O-6 that didn't want the bother of going from Andrews to McGuire by his own means. You can bet they didn't do it for an E-3.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
2028 <118.4> Marine 2 departs Andrews, requests freq switch to ??
Reach 920 sounds like he's calling off freq, like Hoover was doing the other evening.

Ref the 331T flight, don't you wish you could have an airplane divert to get you home on time?
I once drove a semi truck weighing 78,000 lbs onto a C-17, and so that was easy to unload. I hope for their sake its a couple of big pieces and not a million pallets..

2106<141.55> and here's our friend Reach 331T inbound K ADW. Tail -= 03-3127 C-17A, Mcguire Based..
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Re: FORCE 55.

The arrival message was on SAM CP/141.55 at 1924. I jotted down 'Spirit 55' and then 'Swift 55,' but the departure message sounded like neither of those. He did pass 00448 as the tail, which comes back to Westover C-5 70-0448. Offloaded an O-7, and other arrival minutia which I didn't quite get.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Hello Mateo and welcome to the thread. It's good to have another "voice" here.

The only callsign I know for Westover C-5s is the good, old, standby RODD....but this wasn't RODD.

Close to 2300...the ground controller for Potomac TRACON 257.2 freq at Reagan is booming in here tonight. This has been happening often recently.

2307: REACH 3119 to SAM Command «141.55» with arrival message...about 25 minutes pax or cargo. All he wants is a parking spot. (Had him going into Dover earlier at 2049.) Ground tells 3119 he doesn't have a parking spot for him right now. Ground is grousing about his arrival.
2315: SAM Command asks REACH 3119 if he took off on time from Dover. Aircraft says he did take off on time. «141.55». Says he was sked to take off at 0315Z and did take off at 0307Z. Ground says he has no place to park him and wants him to return to Dover. 3119 says he's almost there and they'll discuss it on the ground. Ground controller says, "I suggest you return to Dover." The argument is that Andrews is saying that REACH 3119 didn't get to Andrews on time according to his schedule. 3119 says he needs to meet the airevac aircraft. Andrews is insisting he go back to Dover. 3119 is angry to say the least...he says his paperwork and Andrews' paperwork are obviously different but that he took off from Dover when he was supposed to take off. He also says he's not going to wait in the air...he'll wait on the ground. Let's see what happens.
2325: Andrews is allowing REACH 3119 to land. «141.55» and he shows up with Tower on «118.4» for landing. (I'd sure like to hear the conversation on the ground when he gets there.)
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Busy overnite for Heavies.Must be weather and event related.I know from talking
to former C-5 guys that when it gets real hot they sometimes have to go at night
with loads cause of heat related lift capabilities.

A few caught overnite on tape...

REACH 923 C-17 #95-0104 arrive Andrews 0200z
REACH 0535 C-17 arrive McGuire 0500z
REACH 8052 C-17 arrive Dover 0520z
REACH 5001 C-5 depart Dover 0510z
PETRO 21 and 31 KC-10's arrive McGuire.
REACH 990 arrive McGuire 0605z
REACH 0464 C-5 arrive Dover 0715z
WOODEN 01 KC-10 calling McGuire and arriving 0845z.



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Busy today...


1305Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JR 451 (C-20G VR-48) - deps ADW QSY 124.0.
1305Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 1944 (C-37A (97)-1944) - deps ADW dir FLUKY.
1310Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - JOSA 402 (C-21A 84-0118) - 25 mins out R4+2 2 SA 2500 fuel release three seats outbound, parking 3 Row.
1311Z 124.000 Potomac DEP - NAVY JR 451 (C-20G VR-48) - 11600 for 14000 dir HAFNR QSY 121.675.
1318Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 053 (UC-35C 00-1053 OSACOM/PATD Andrews) - deps ADW.
1336Z 351.200 LIBERATOR CP - DC 21 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - a/b 25 after the hour.
1337Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 927 (UC-12B NAS Oceana Norfolk Flt. Det.) - deps rwy 32 QSY 118.95 dir GRUBY QSY 126.4.
1338Z 391.200 Giant Killer Ops - activity up here now - "wanna cancel the hold?" ""'s ready in the east." So far no readable callsigns.
1343Z 391.200 Giant Killer Ops - SLAM 11-12 (F-16C/D 149TH FS VA ANG) - "have bogey group" Also JEDI up "picture east"
1350Z 124.000 Potomac DEP - JOSA 407 (C-21A) - QSY from 118.95 climbing 9000 to 15000.
1353Z 119.300 Potomac APP - VENUS 23 (C-20B 86-0203) - cleared for the ILS app to ADW.
1354Z 391.200 Giant Killer Ops - good operational comms up here from 1350Z. SMASH 23 (F-16C/D 119th FS, NJ ANG) up in the mix as well.

1407Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - VENUS 23 (C-20B 86-0203) - ETA 20 mins. request parking and A2.
1425Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ANVIS 20 - (DHC-6 82-23836 Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate) - requests rwy 32 and gets it.
1440Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 377 (C-37B 166377 "377" visual conf.) - deps ADW QSY 124.0. Nice!!!
1445Z 335.500 Potomac APP - BRAVE 62 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - 4000' for ADW.
1450Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 21864 (C-130E 62-1864 40th AS - vis. conf.) - deps ADW climbing to 8000' and dir CSN.

1505Z 335.500 Potomac APP - BRAVE 61 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - exiting the hold @ OTT 4000' for 3000' dir ADW field in sight.
1520Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - JOSA 402 (C-21A 84-0118) - t/off time ADW 1514Z.
1521Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 402 (C-21A 84-0118) - deps ADW dir AML.
1528Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 428 () - deps ADW to FL210 and QSY 121.675.
1541Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 7595 (KC-135E 57-2595 117th ARS KS ANG) - arr msg. req. parking/fuel - pax info. 11 Row parking.
1556Z 119.300 Potomac APP - REACH 7595 (KC-135E 57-2595 117th ARS KS ANG) - 4000 for 3000 on the app.
1557Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 605 (C-21A) - clg here no joy. Gets them @ 1559Z with a t/off ADW of 1555Z.

1603Z 335.500 Potomac APP - SCARY 1 (F-16C/D 113TH FW, 121st FS DC ANG) - req. initial dir ADW 6000' push 4 @ 1606Z.

1701Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 374 (UC-35D 166374 MASD) - deps ADW to 9000' dir LDN QSY 121.675.
1705Z 351.200 LIBERATOR CP Andrews - DC 21 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - i/b 30 mins. out A1 45 on the gas req. parking and airstairs.
1705Z 351.200 LIBERATOR CP Andrews - DC 22 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - i/b 30 mins. out A1 32000 fuel req. parking.
1743Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 692 (C-20D 163692 VR-1) - deps ADW dir GINYA QSY 118.675.

1817Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - ARMY 22565 (DHC-6 76-22565 Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate) - fuel on req.
1820Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 474 (UC-35D 166474 MASD) - off ADW to 5000'.

2000Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - AUSSIE 707 (pres. BBJ) - ETA ADW 2015Z fuel required 14000 US gal.
2004Z 257.200 Potomac DEP - ANGRY flight dep ADW - Got the word to QSY to 254.25. No error, thanks Tin for reminding of this freq.
2013Z 257.200 Potomac DEP - BULLY 1 (F-16C/D 113TH FW, 121st FS DC ANG) - now up here departing ADW.
2043Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - JOSA 919 (C-21A 84-0092) - arr msg to ADW 20 mins. out with pax and parking.
2048Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - working REACH 3115 (C-17A 03-3115 183rd AS MS ANG) on the ground Andrews.
2048Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - PACER 01 (C-21A) - clg GRIFFIN CP no joy.
2048Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - AIREVAC 56711 (C-130H 95-6711 167th AS WV ANG Charleston - note Scramble has this down as 130th AS which is incorrect; ex-167th a/c have not yet been absorbed into the 130th) - clg SAM CP no joy. Finally gets a hold of them @ 2058Z, last stop of the day, zero pax zero cargo.
2051Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1270 (C-12T 85-1270) - deps rwy 32 and conducts practice apps.

2106Z 335.500 Potomac APP - BULLY (flight of two) @ 4000' and is cleared to land 1L.
2107Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 927 (UC-12B NAS Oceana Norfolk Flt. Det.) - departs rwy 32 and gets 118.95 for departure - no life forms home there, so comes back to TWR and gets 120.7 before TWR realizes what he's done and tries to pass the correct freq...927 is gone but returns shortly and finally gets 124.0 and 5000' where he goes and then is given dir GRUBY.
2122Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - PACER 01 (C-21A 84-0089) - arr msg. Controller stated something to the effect of "Do not move around the airfield..." Very difficult to hear his side...
I think what he actually said was "lightning around the field" as he's just cancelled a lightning advisory at 2133Z...:cool:
2123Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - JOSA 609 (C-21A 84-0142) - arr msg 25 mins. out Code 1 3000 on the fuel, returning to Scott and 3 Row parking.
2128Z 349.000 Andrews AFB TWR - BULLY flight - six miles out BULLY 1 will be full stop, BULLY 2 will be low app "we are holding hands".
2138Z 124.000 Potomac DEP - PAT 1270 (C-12T 85-1270) - finishes shooting apps. and heads dir Brooke (BRV) to 4000' QSY 124.65.
2153Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 01053 (UC-35C 00-1053 OSACOM/PATD Andrews) - deps ADW.

2214Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - SAM 0467 () - ETA destination 0230Z. Heard on 124.0 at the same time.
2220Z 124.000 Potomac DEP - PAT 1270 (C-12T 85-1270) - level at 5000, returning to DAA, requesting the PAR app to 14.
2227Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - JOSA 817 (C-21A 84-0078) - arr msg to ADW 25 mins out A1.
2240Z 124.000 Potomac DEP - EVAC 33115 (C-17A 03-3115 183rd AS MS ANG) - departing ADW also heard t/off msg on 141.55. QSY 121.05.
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Mar 1, 2003
A-10's Axeman on 142.3

Hot enough for eveybody...
I have axeman sounds like flight of 2 on 142.3 A/A
Really BOOMING IN up here in Baltimore!!!


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
CitationJet said:
2048Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - AIREVAC 56711 (C-130H 95-6711 167th AS WV ANG Charleston - note Scramble has this down as 130th AS which is incorrect; ex-167th a/c have not yet been absorbed into the 130th) - clg SAM CP no joy. Finally gets a hold of them @ 2058Z, last stop of the day, zero pax zero cargo.

Hey Tony, if they don't belong to the 130th and they're ex-167th, who do they belong to ?:)


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
With the look of the storms on radar, I don't think we'll have too much MilAir listening tonight. The southern PA fire channels are sure hopping with activity as a result of storms up that way. Chester County Dispatch 160.185 and 159.735 are super active.

Did have a REACH 3082 with HUNTRESS on 364.2 at 1935. Said he was over Sea Isle NJ at 7000 feet, squawking 7041 and wanted a Mode 4 check.
Also have a DC tanker or two recovering at Andrews in this last half of the 1900 hour.

Got to at least try out my new 996 today with the preprogrammed freqs. I'm both impressed and unimpressed. It has a really nice clarity to the sound on both analog and digital trunks with a lot of punch in the audio. However, I can tell already it's not as sensitive as my 785 flock. The 785 was hearing things the 996 couldn't. Once I learn how to program the thing (or buy the ARC996 program) I'll get all my MilAir loaded into it and give it a real test.

I spoke too soon....

1956: BULLY 1, flight of two F-16s from Andrews heading to Syracuse and R-5201. With TRACON 257.2, tac 143.15 and now with ZDC-Swann 360.7. Swann built a flight plan for them to work in R-5201 (Ft. Drum) for 30 minutes and then they'll recover in Syracuse.
2005: ZDC-Swann gives BULLY 1 flight clearance direct RBV, direct Syracuse radial 050/45, delay in R-5201 and then recover at Syracuse and cleared to 27,000 feet.
RBV=Robbinsville NJ VORTAC Lat/Long: 40-12-08.599N / 074-29-42.048W
2006: BULLY 1 flight handed off to ZDC-Woodstown 125.45 or 363.0...they pick 363.0...climbing to 27000
2009: BULLY 1 flight handed off to ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 where they check in at FL 270. 5 calls, no joy. Back to 363.0 they go to report their problem. They eventually get handed off to 290.2, ZNY-Yardley
2015: BULLY 1 flight checks in with ZNY-Yardley 290.2 at FL 270. 5 calls no joy.
2019: Eventually they make contact...and are handed off to ZNY-East Texas 350.3 where they check in at 270 and request lower due to wx...they get FL 250. Over on tac the two pilots are talking about the munitions they'll use at the range.
2022: BULLY flight cleared down to FL 240. «350.3» And down to FL 230 a minute later.
2024: BULLY 1 handed off to ZNY-Huguenot 285.5 where they check in at FL 230.
They're starting to get weaker and thunderstorms are arriving overhead so I'm shutting down.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: 167th AS


Not a good "thinking and typing" day was it? :cool:)

No ex with the 167th, they're all still marked as such...

You had me LOL with this one!

Best regards,


n3bxv said:
Hey Tony, if they don't belong to the 130th and they're ex-167th, who do they belong to ?:)


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
CitationJet said:

Not a good "thinking and typing" day was it? :cool:)
No ex with the 167th, they're all still marked as such...
You had me LOL with this one!
Best regards,

It struck me as funny too! From reading the 167th's "Newspaper" it seems like all the C-130s were supposed to have been gone in Feb. I wonder if they just haven't repainted the Aircraft yet?

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Had Aussie 707 he spelled OSY-707 arrive Andrews 2015z,req 14k US gallons,
no doubt from the land down under..

Past 18 hours have had 5 visiting tankers into McGuire on 319.400
WOODEN 01,91,41,71 and 61.
Believe they are Travis California tankers,KC-10's or KC-135's or mix of both.
WOODEN 71 says he is inbound from Mirimar.
Haven't heard any report of chicks with them...

Could be for large upcoming Naval/Marine aircraft move or Summer drill exercise.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2150: BOLAR 70 (C-5 Dover) talking with HUNTRESS on 254.2. Sounds like he was just sent there for a radio check by HUNTRESS.
2158: Tanker interplane 143.825 active. Probably TEAM KC-10s from McGuire.

2200: BOLAR 70 now calling on Metro freq 344.6
2201: OPEC 39 calling U/I station on 311.0 to say he's arriving there after being diverted from McGuire and IDs as a KC-10...wants airstairs and transportation to billeting. (Calling STEEL maybe per Chuck's msg below--if so, he's going to Pittsubrgh) (Callsign may be 29 instead of 39)
2207: BOLAR 70 now with Dover 349.4...apparently he's holding due to wx and says if he can't get in there in the next hour he'll go to Norfolk.
2211: BOLAR 70 isn't going to miss a with Langley Metro on 239.8 talking about his possible divert from Dover...sked into Dover at 0400Z.
2213: BOLAR 70 to Dover CP 349.4 to say there's a clear alley into Dover at the moment so he's going to try to get in there.
2246: OPEC 28 calling OPEC 25 on interplane 143.825. (And that probably makes the OPEC heard above 29 rather than 39 since they generally stay within the same series of numbers.)

Mark, that's pretty interesting with those WOODEN tankers. Will have to monitor McGuire more closely to see what develops.
Dave (DPD1) if you're reading, can you confirm that callsign's location, whether at Mirimar or elsewhere, and aircraft types since that's your neck of the woods?
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
2200 <311.0>A "Kilo Charlie One Zero", weather divert from Mcguire with ?Steel Control? requesting Air Stairs and?? (Steel is a maybe!)
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr Tin WOODEN's could be Summer 2 week drills maybe working with Navy/Air Force out
here in local warning areas.
WOODEN 01 first in this early am no doubt Wing Commander.
WOODEN 61 had 40k on the fuel.
Lets see if any more arrive soon and if offshore areas come alive.

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Sep 21, 2002
Northern Virginia
ZDC Freqs

I received a request from TinEar to confirm some new ZDC UHF freqs. Sorry for the delay but here you go.

... Alan, let me know your impressions on the new BC996, I'm thinking about getting one but love my BC780 and 785s.

235.625 Blackstone Sector ZDC20
290.425 Franklin Sector ZDC33
307.025 Potomac Sector ZDC04
323.225 Hopewell Sector ZDC16

Hope this helps.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Helps??? Thanks Jim. I sure appreciate that information and it removes all the question marks we've had over the past few months. It's a tremendous help. Oh, and if anyone wonders if Jim's information is good, I'll tell you that you can take it to the bank. It's good.

And then there's the 292.15 ZNY new freq. :)

Once I get a little more familiar with the 996 and get it loaded with all my MilAir and conventional public safety freqs, I'll have a better idea of how to compare it to my five 785s that comprise the bulk of my listening post. I've honestly never found a radio yet that can outperform my 785s. I've put them all on this same antenna and none could hear what the 785 does. I'm anxious to get the 996 into the mix. As I mentioned though, the 996 has some really nice audio punch to it that has been missing from radios for the past 20 years. I'll send you a PM with my impressions once I've had some time at the controls.


2314: JOSA 924 (Home Station C-21 40074) with arrival message to Andrews on 378.1. A-2 and has aboard an A-5, R-5, A-6 plus 2 Duty Pax and 0 Space A pax.
2330-35: Have a U/I aircraft testing the "Sparkle" red/green laser system around the D.C. area. No callsigns heard for either aircraft or ground station but it's on 260.9.
About 2345 heard an aircraft landing at Andrews with Tower on 118.4 that sounded like the same aircraft. Missed the callsign while listening to something else on the public safety radio.

0004: SAM 0458 landing Andrews. 118.4

Midnight: Hearing activity on the Potomac TRACON 279.575 freq that is normally used by DRAGO flights for memorial flybys. It's ground station traffic that sounds like a simulcast of the VHF side of a pair. However, I'm not hearing the same traffic on 124.0 which should be mated with it. It's not quite loud enough to pick out specific aircraft and checkpoints to be able to identify it. If someone close to DC can check it out, it'd be appreciated.
Found it...the 279.575 freq is matched with 119.85. It must be the consolidated control for late night operations. So it's Potomac TRACON for the Mount Vernon area (Reagan National). Ground station on the UHF side is getting louder and louder. Can't hear him at all on the VHF side of the pair. Hearing the aircraft on 119.85 and the ground station answering them on 279.575.

0030: And it's all yours Mateo. Good to see you here. I've had enough for tonight.
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
2330: -260.9- Didn't ID with a callsign, but is testing out the red-red-green lighting system used to warn wayward aircraft heading for Downtown DC. Every 10 seconds or so, he was calling out the light patterns that he was seeing.
0003: -118.4- SAM0458 arriving ADW 1L
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: 167th AS WV ANG

Hi Chuck,

Yes, the 167th AS C-130Hs are gone from MRB and some are now stationed at CRW. Recent sightings suggest that at least three of the eight (not all as stated above, sorry just looked into it) are still marked as 167th AS but with Charleston WVa bands, so until someone can get down there (like me! :cool: ) to actually confirm the situation, it looks as though you might be correct. The fact that Scramble has been premature in placing 130th AS marks on a/c that have been IDed with 167th AS marks leads me to believe that some of the 167th aircraft will eventually join the 130th AS machines. They usually have their info straight.

By the way, I read a BRAC 2005 update (URL below) yesterday which states that the recommendation to move the eight 130th AS C-130Hs to Pope has been shelved and an eight machine unit will continue to be based out of CRW.

Now having said all that, does anyone have any frequencies for the 130th AS?

Best regards,

Tony [currently planning a trip to CRW]

n3bxv said:
It struck me as funny too! From reading the 167th's "Newspaper" it seems like all the C-130s were supposed to have been gone in Feb. I wonder if they just haven't repainted the Aircraft yet?

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1324Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1265 (C-12T 85-1265) - outside of AMOKY for the GPS to rwy 14.
1349Z 255.400 Leesburg FSS - PAT 20 (UH-60 VA Arng Davison) - in the vicinity of BKV heading to ROA requesting ff.

1414Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY TP-61 () - landing rwy 32, parking A Ramp, sounds like a helo. Will have to get down there in a few mins and see what this is. ...and he's gone, just departed rwy 14 @ 1427Z.
1432Z 391.200 Giant Killer Ops - TBOLT flight up here now.

1515Z 235.625 ZDC-Blackstone - DRAGO 51 () - mostly unreadable but heard callsign and "unlimited basis".
1520Z 124.000 Potomac DEP - REACH 5144 (C-17A 05-5144 729th AS AFRC March) - deps ADW.
1525Z 335.500 Potomac APP - DRAGO 51 () - 9000 for 5000 proceeding to hold S of OTT at this time.
1528Z 279.575 Potomac APP - DRAGO 51 () - up on the freq "how copy". TRACON requests are you up on 335.5?
1530Z 279.575 DRAGO 51 clg DRAGO 2D has him loud and clear.
1534Z 279.575 DRAGO 51 wkg DRAGO 2D - "we copy 1556Z off the yokey (?)"
1540Z 351.200 LIBERATOR CP Andrews - DC 33 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC Andrews) - arr msg 20 mins out and maint. writeups.
1545Z 279.575 "DRAGO 2 DRAGO 51 copies 1555".
1549Z 279.575 DRAGO 2 DRAGO 51: "confirms we are cleared to push for 55 TOT". DRAGO 51 departing IP @ 1550Z.
1551Z 279.575 DRAGO 2 DRAGO 51 is held up at 2 for traffic.
1552Z 279.575 DRAGO 51 @ 1000'.
1553Z 279.575 DRAGO 51: "DRAGO 2 how are we looking?"
1555Z 322.300 Potomac APP - TULSA 1 (F-16C/D 125th FS, OK ANG) - for the initial to ADW. QSY 349.0
1556Z 349.000 Andrews AFB TWR - TULSA 1 (F-16C/D 125th FS, OK ANG) - on a 10 nm initial.
1556Z 335.500 Potomac APP - DRAGO 51 () - out of 4 for 5, missed fp info.

1633Z 377.100 ZDC-Dominion - ROMAN 25 (F-18C VFA-106, NAS Oceana) - FL200 dir GVE QSY 284.7 @ 1638Z.
1642Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - ANVIS 21 (DHC-6 #836) - on the night vision ramp requesting fuel for "Otter 836".
1642Z 335.500 Potomac APP - SCARY 1 () - req 7000 for the SFO approach at ADW. QSY 349.0.
1644Z 349.000 Andrews AFB TWR - SCARY 1 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - after the low app we'll be full stop with SCARY 2.
1659Z 351.200 LIBERATOR CP Andrews - DC 31 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC Andrews) - arr msg 30 mins out A1 15K on the fuel, patt. work before landing, request parking.
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