Guessing...on both of them...since those are the next two frequencies down in order from 12.
Edit: Nevermind all of that. I just realized I left 234.6 out of the equation. Completely forget anything I said about Blue 10 and 11. A senior moment. Glad you questioned that Chuck.
And I just looked at an old list I had filed away which indicates 234.6 is Blue 10 - which would still possibly make 235.9 Blue 11. In any case...it was all just guesses and not worth a tinker's damn.
2010: Air Force 2 landing at Andrews with Tower. «118.4»
2012: REACH 331T calling McGuire CP on «319.4» (Originally scheduled for Andrews)
2013: BOXER 41 (201st ALS, Andrews) on squadron freq «314.25»
2019: REACH 331T gives arrival message to McGuire CP....20 minutes out....dropping off one crew member and then heading to Andrews. «319.4»
2048: REACH 920 calling Andrews CP «378.1» He then tries «141.55» but has a lousy transmitter there. Goes back to «378.1» Finally makes contact on «378.1» at 2054 and ID's as a heavy C-5. 125,000 pounds of cargo to download. (Loadmasters at ADW are not smiling.)
2049: REACH 3119 calling Dover CP «349.4» Makes contact at 2054 for arrival message.
2051: REACH 990 arrival msg to Andrews «141.55» IDs as a C-17.
2107: REACH 331T with arrival message to Andrews «141.55» tail 33127....bunch of pax to offload.
2119: Sounded like FORCE 55 giving departure message to SAM Command of 0114Z on «141.55»
Was watching the Red Sox hit a 3-run home run to tie the game and barely listening to the scanner...sorry.
2125: JOSA 631 (C-21 40074) with arrival message to Andrews «141.55»
2136: REACH 923 calling SAM Command on «378.1» x2 no joy.
2137: SAM 0397 gives arrival message to SAM Command «141.55» expected blocks at 0205Z.
2139: REACH 923 calls again on both «378.1/141.55» with same result...no joy.
2140: And Andrews Command Post calling SAM 0397 several times with no joy. «141.55» Proving it goes both ways.
2145: REACH 923 makes contact on «141.55» to give arrival msg...15-20 minutes out, A-1, 15 pax, 3 rolling stock and needs crew bus for 3...tail 95-0104 which makes him a C-17.
2147: REACH 923 tells Andrews he also needs Customs and Ag to meet the plane. «141.55»
2153: SAM 0397 landing runway 19L with ADW Tower «118.4»
2159: ____ 24 with Leesburg Radio on FSS freq «255.4» to announce entering an SR route for the next 15 minutes at 230 knots.. (Too weak to copy details.)
2212: HAGAR 22 (C-5 Dover) to Dover CP on «349.4» with arrival msg...will complete training in about 25 minutes and is A-2 with minor writeups.
2232: REACH 332T to Andrews CP with arrival msg...20 minutes out, tail 80056, A-2, has 3 rolling stock and 13 duty pax to offload, needs fleet service, parking.
(And so I go to dinner about 10:30 (yeah late) and hear all kinds of aircraft sounding off from down here in the dungeon. Missed them all.)
Chuck: Guess we let that other group know 331T's destination. Both your message and mine came through to me at the same time. Didn't know you had sent yours.
Ref REACH 920: Yes, he sounded off freq but said he was transmitting on 141.55. The ground controller told him he had a bad sounding transmitter also and sent him to 378.1 so it wasn't just us. Also learned from that aircraft that the ground controller for 141.55 and 378.1 were two different people - so it's two different people that are asleep when they can't make contact on either.
Ref 331T: I took the original message to indicate an emergency of some type was the reason to divert to McGuire. Or maybe I wanted that to be the reason rather than just another O-6 that didn't want the bother of going from Andrews to McGuire by his own means. You can bet they didn't do it for an E-3.
Edit: Nevermind all of that. I just realized I left 234.6 out of the equation. Completely forget anything I said about Blue 10 and 11. A senior moment. Glad you questioned that Chuck.
And I just looked at an old list I had filed away which indicates 234.6 is Blue 10 - which would still possibly make 235.9 Blue 11. In any case...it was all just guesses and not worth a tinker's damn.
2010: Air Force 2 landing at Andrews with Tower. «118.4»
2012: REACH 331T calling McGuire CP on «319.4» (Originally scheduled for Andrews)
2013: BOXER 41 (201st ALS, Andrews) on squadron freq «314.25»
2019: REACH 331T gives arrival message to McGuire CP....20 minutes out....dropping off one crew member and then heading to Andrews. «319.4»
2048: REACH 920 calling Andrews CP «378.1» He then tries «141.55» but has a lousy transmitter there. Goes back to «378.1» Finally makes contact on «378.1» at 2054 and ID's as a heavy C-5. 125,000 pounds of cargo to download. (Loadmasters at ADW are not smiling.)
2049: REACH 3119 calling Dover CP «349.4» Makes contact at 2054 for arrival message.
2051: REACH 990 arrival msg to Andrews «141.55» IDs as a C-17.
2107: REACH 331T with arrival message to Andrews «141.55» tail 33127....bunch of pax to offload.
2119: Sounded like FORCE 55 giving departure message to SAM Command of 0114Z on «141.55»
Was watching the Red Sox hit a 3-run home run to tie the game and barely listening to the scanner...sorry.
2125: JOSA 631 (C-21 40074) with arrival message to Andrews «141.55»
2136: REACH 923 calling SAM Command on «378.1» x2 no joy.
2137: SAM 0397 gives arrival message to SAM Command «141.55» expected blocks at 0205Z.
2139: REACH 923 calls again on both «378.1/141.55» with same result...no joy.
2140: And Andrews Command Post calling SAM 0397 several times with no joy. «141.55» Proving it goes both ways.
2145: REACH 923 makes contact on «141.55» to give arrival msg...15-20 minutes out, A-1, 15 pax, 3 rolling stock and needs crew bus for 3...tail 95-0104 which makes him a C-17.
2147: REACH 923 tells Andrews he also needs Customs and Ag to meet the plane. «141.55»
2153: SAM 0397 landing runway 19L with ADW Tower «118.4»
2159: ____ 24 with Leesburg Radio on FSS freq «255.4» to announce entering an SR route for the next 15 minutes at 230 knots.. (Too weak to copy details.)
2212: HAGAR 22 (C-5 Dover) to Dover CP on «349.4» with arrival msg...will complete training in about 25 minutes and is A-2 with minor writeups.
2232: REACH 332T to Andrews CP with arrival msg...20 minutes out, tail 80056, A-2, has 3 rolling stock and 13 duty pax to offload, needs fleet service, parking.
(And so I go to dinner about 10:30 (yeah late) and hear all kinds of aircraft sounding off from down here in the dungeon. Missed them all.)
Chuck: Guess we let that other group know 331T's destination. Both your message and mine came through to me at the same time. Didn't know you had sent yours.
Ref REACH 920: Yes, he sounded off freq but said he was transmitting on 141.55. The ground controller told him he had a bad sounding transmitter also and sent him to 378.1 so it wasn't just us. Also learned from that aircraft that the ground controller for 141.55 and 378.1 were two different people - so it's two different people that are asleep when they can't make contact on either.
Ref 331T: I took the original message to indicate an emergency of some type was the reason to divert to McGuire. Or maybe I wanted that to be the reason rather than just another O-6 that didn't want the bother of going from Andrews to McGuire by his own means. You can bet they didn't do it for an E-3.
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