Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Last few minutes of the 1000 hour and am hearing a couple of VA-ANG F-16 flights on their way home - TBOLT with Norfolk TRACON 370.125 and then 360.6 and on tac 141.825. The other flight was heard only on the 370.125 freq and no callsign to go with it. There is also an AXEMAN flight of A-10s from MD-ANG active on tac 142.3 and some refueling activity in AR-636 on 238.9. Warren Grove Range is also active on 283.1 - it's the AXEMAN flight.

1104: OPEC 77 calling McGuire CP «319.4» Several calls, no joy. (Still calling at 1117 and using different radios. He has probably called 20 times.)
1106: REACH 999 calling McGuire CP «319.4»
1119: TEAM 31 to TEAM 33 on AR-636 Primary. «238.9»
1122: Tac «143.6» active with Andrews F-16s. Also with TRACON «348.725» and then over to ZDC-Calvert «281.4». Callsign SCARY, flight of two. Climbing to 15000.
1125: DRAGO 51 flight on ZDC-Calvert «281.4»
1126: SCARY looking for handoff to Pax. «281.4»
1128: SCARY gets the handoff and go to Pax Approach «305.2» to get entrance to the area and are handed to BayWatch on «270.8» where they state they'll work for the next 30 minutes. They want to put R-4005 north and south on request for 20 minutes from now.
1128: AXEMAN flight with ACY Approach «327.125»
1131: DRAGO 51 with TRACON «335.5» Says he'll be doing an Arlington flyby on 279.575.
1134: AXEMAN flight returning to MTN...10 minutes out...flight of three - all Code 1. «347.2»
1135: DRAGO 51 now working the «279.575» flyby freq.
1140: DRAGO 51 back with TRACON «335.5» descending from 5 down to 3000. (This guy doesn't know how to pronounce DRAGO. Should be DRAY-goh. He's saying the first syllable like the word DRAG.)
1146: DRAGO 51 looks like flyby time at Arlington will be 1155. «279.525/335.5»
1148: DRAGO 51 flight down to 2000 feet. «335.5»
1150: DRAGO 51 coordinating with DRAGO 2 at Arlington. «279.575»...departing IP at 1151.
1152: DRAGO 51 tells DRAGO 2 that he's held up at 2000 feet due to other traffic. «279.575»
1153: DRAGO 51 cleared to 1000 feet. «279.575» (That was close...almost had to make his run way higher than normal.)
1156: Have had a flight of two aircraft heading for Andrews on TRACON «322.3» since 1150 and just handed off to ADW Tower «349.0» Can't make out the callsign. Landing at 1159. (TULSA is the callsign per Tony's log above. Thanks Tony.)
1157: DRAGO 51 finished flyby and changes to TRACON «335.5» again for instrux. Cleared back up to 5000.
DRAGO 51 is a B-52 per reported sighting.
(On the phone and missed the B-52 departure from the area.)

1222: SCARY flight of two F-16s still at Pax doing ground attack in R-4005 and working with a simulated airborne controller NACHO 11. «143.6»
1238: SCARY flight with mission results to SOF on «139.9» (V-1) SCARY 1 is Code 1, 2 is Code 2 for targeting pod...they're 15 minutes out.
1242: SCARY flight with Pax on «281.8» to be cleared to ATC.
1243: SCARY handed to TRACON «335.5» (U-19) for approach to Andrews. Field in sight at 1244.
1245: SCARY handed to Andrews Tower «349.0» (U-4) where they check in for an approach and then a full stop.
1248: ROMAN 45 (F/A-18 VFA-106 Oceana NAS) calling "Any Radio" on FSS «255.4» (Probably wanted to announce a low level route flight which they've been doing recently. Heard this first call and that was it.)
1250: SCARY flight report gear down, etc. «349.0»

1300: DC 32 (KC-135R Andrews) with arrival msg to LIBERATOR on «351.2» 30 minutes out, A-1, 58,000 pounds of fuel in his tanks. Arriving 1330.
1301: DC 31 to LIBERATOR also with arrival msg...A-1, 15K on the fuel, 30 minutes out...arriving 1330. «351.2»
1313: VENUS 02 with ACY Approach «124.6»
1314: TEAM 31 (KC-10 McGuire) with ACY App «124.6»
1314: Couple of KC-10 tankers from McGuire chatting on interplane «139.875» One of them was one of the planes diverted from McGuire last night to Seymour Johnson. He mentioned it was good because they got assigned to work the IRON THUNDER mission today refueling F-22s. Also mentioned that he got to work with an E-8 for the first time. (Not sure where that took place but wish it had been within listening range.)
1321: TEAM 30 Heavy to ACY App descending direct Atlantic City. «124.6»
1331: OPEC 34 (KC-10 McGuire) with ACY Approach «124.6» descending.
1331: DC 31 with ADW Tower «118.4»
1333: SALTY DOG 100 has been working the Pax area for most of the past hour on «310.55»
1339: OPEC 29 (KC-10 McGuire) to ACY Approach «124.6» leaving 6 for 8000...asking for any shortcut into Mcguire that ACY can come up with.
1350: Fighter tac freq «141.6» active. No callsigns used but this is a Shaw F-16 freq for one.
1354: Raven Ops ground controller talking to aircraft on the ground. Might have some A-10s up soon. «347.2»
1354: REACH 0461 calling Dover CP on «349.4» Multiple calls over the next several minutes, no joy.

1400: 91 degrees at BWI Airport..seeing a few showers springing up on radar to the west.
1400: REACH 0461 now trying «134.1» to reach Dover CP. Same result.
1401: REACH 0461 makes contact with Dover and gives arrival msg...15 minutes out, A-3, has 2 pallets weighing 2638 going through, no hazardous material on board, 14 through pax and 1 to offload. Making available 50 seats on the outbound leg. «349.4»
1404: Fighter tac freq «138.75» active with no callsigns used yet. Lots of chat...sounds like a flight through the area.
1408: Same guys from 138.75 with ZNY-Shipbottom «307.8» descending to 12,000. (Probably New England A-10s heading for Warren Grove.)
1410: And Warren Grove Range active «283.1» Missed callsign...suffix 21. Callsign sounds like SCOOTER but I see SOONER is good for the 103 FW CT-ANG Bradley and ROOSTER is good for the 104 FW MA-ANG Barnes - both A-10 units. Flight of two. Let's say it's SOONER.
1411: Fighter tac freq «142.175» active...callsign TBOLT (VA-ANG F-16s)
1417: BICEP 11 (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) to Giant Killer on «255.0» IDs as a flight of four F-16s for W-386, mission V-1903. He's on the wrong freq so is sent to «249.8» where he belongs and repeats that same message. They'll remain at 11,000 feet and higher and will monitor 238.1 if needed. They are using «138.425» for tac.
1422: BICEP flight leader splits the flight into two pairs of two. BICEP 3 and 4 are cleared to V-17 (138.875) and 1 and 2 will stay on 138.425 for chat.
1423: The BICEP flight all switch to «238.1» where they begin their operations. And they are doing some hollering as they begin their ACM activity...almost sounds like traffic from the desert.
It's kind of unusual for fighters to be doing their operational work on Giant Killer's entrance/exit control freq of 238.1.
1429: U/I aircraft talking to SAM Command on «141.55» about the new Griffin callsign. Asks when it changed and says they called SAM Command a couple of days ago and no one corrected them. Says he'll let everyone else in his unit know about it. ID not heard due to all the BICEP chatter from other radios.
1431: BICEP doing simulated DARKSTAR AWACS control activity. «238.1»
1439: Wow!!! These BICEPs are interesting to listen to doing their ACM work. They are hollering and yelling like it's the real thing. Good work and excellent listening. «238.1/138.425/138.875»
1443: SOONER 21 flight off Warren Grove Range and over to ZNY-Shipbotton «307.8»
1443: REACH 0455 with arrival msg to Dover CP «349.4» time in the blocks as fragged minus 30...A-2 for minor problems including both HF radios inop...needs high airstairs to offload pax. Has 6 pax and 15 crew members. Wants a quick turnaround assuming his maintenance problems can be fixed.
1445: BICEP flight low on fuel (joker reported a few minutes ago by a couple of them) and it looks like they're done. «238.1» No indication of refueling yet.
1451: Nope...they're going home....BICEP 11 flight with ZDC-Casino «285.4» direct Atlantic City and descending to 14,000.
1451: BICEP flight leader gathering his flock on «249.8»
1452: BICEP 12 to Command Post on «261.0» to report 11 and 12 are both Code 1.
1454: BICEP flight cleared down to 11,000. «285.4»
1456: BICEP 11/12 with ACY App «385.5» and then «327.125» for approach to the field. (11/12 and 13/14 are separate flights going home.)
1458: BICEP 13 cleared down to 8000 by ZDC-Casino «285.4»

1500: BICEP 13/14 check in with ACY Approach «385.5» heading down to 8000.
1500: BICEP 11/12 descending and requesting straight in approach to the runway at ACY. «327.125» Push 4
1501: BICEP 11/12 on U-4 «239.0» for landing.
1501: BICEP 13/14 with ACY Approach «327.125»for approach to runway.
1505: BICEP 11/12 gear down for landing «239.0»
1505: BICEP 13/14 to U-4 «239.0» for high key approach.
1512: BICEP 13/14 just finally preparing to land «239.0»

Continued below...reaching character limit.

I just recently added the Atlantic City Approach VHF freq 124.6 to my scan rotation. I'd suggest it for anyone in this area. Just about anything headed for McGuire uses it. I had no idea it would be so loud and clear in this area since we're talking about aircraft between 6 and 10,000 feet at +/- 150 miles distance. Guess it's the water that amplifies the signals.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1514: SCARY 1 flight (F-16 Andrews) airborne on tac 143.6 and with TRACON 348.725 heading for Pax. Flight of two.
1517: SCARY 1 flight to U-7 with ZDC-Calvert «281.4» at 15000 feet.
1521: SCARY flight handed off to Pax Advisory «305.2» where they check in at 15000 and are handed off to Baywatch on 270.8»
1522: SCARY 1 flight to BayWatch on «270.8» to start their work.
1523: SCARY 1 flight on tac «143.6» to do their ground attack work...modifying their plan due to malfunctioning targeting pod (again).
1528: Northrup-Grumman test flight freq «123.225» active for the past 15 minutes or so.
1538: Had an A-10 flight from MTN sneak out and are now coming home ready to land «297.2» Must be the flight I mentioned earlier in the log. It's a flight of four aircraft. No tac heard so they must have used the low band again as they have a lot recently.
1553: BOLAR 73 (C-5 Dover) reports off the ground at 1950Z to Dover CP. «349.4»

1608: SCARY flight still at Pax doing their ground attack work. «143.6»
1609: TUFF 10 (B-52, Barksdale AFB) (femop) with HUNTRESS on «364.2» flying at 27,000 feet, 9 miles southwest of ????? and looking for a Modes and Codes check.
1615: Another F-16 flight from Andrews is up on tac 139.15 but I can't follow them...must leave.

And that's it for me....back later.

Have to pop back in here to post a note about that 139.15 F-16 pair. They are just coming home from somewhere to the north. It's callsign ANGRY. Picked them up with ZNY-Lancaster 239.05. From there they were handed to 285.65 where I just heard the end of their check in. However, that freq is not currently known for ZNY which it undoubtedly was. From there, the next handoff was to ZNY-Modena 335.6. From there to Potomac TRACON (BWI) 307.9 and then to Potomac TRACON (Reagan) 269.0.

Now...there is also a BULLY flight on the way back that I just picked up on that 285.65 (1626) calling New York Center so now there is no doubt. They are handed to ZNY-Modena 335.6 as was the ANGRY flight. Next stop is 307.9 so they're following just a few minutes behind the ANGRY flight.
I'd bet both these ANGRY and BULLY flights also went up to Fort Drum (R-5201) for work. This is probably the BULLY flight logged last night going up there and the ANGRY flight I mentioned that probably had done the same earlier in the day.

Both flights had a stop with TRACON at 270.275 (no one alive there) and then over to 335.5 for approach to Andrews. Mentioned ANGRY used tac 139.15 and think the BULLY flight is on 139.45 but I'm having trouble copying that freq. Sounds like FM or even encrypted at times.

Also have the SCARY flight just about ready to land with Tower on 349.0 at 1627.

So...we have yet another new New York Center freq of 285.65 to go along with 292.15.
285.65 will be the Sector between Lancaster and Modena.

And now I'm really done and gone.
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
Mark, that's pretty interesting with those WOODEN tankers. Will have to monitor McGuire more closely to see what develops.
Dave (DPD1) if you're reading, can you confirm that callsign's location, whether at Mirimar or elsewhere, and aircraft types since that's your neck of the woods?

Wooden is actually a Coronet West call, which is used when moving aircraft over the Pacific. It could be either KC-135 or KC-10, any unit. It's just a guess, but Slip 21 came through Monday to Miramar, which was one division of VMFA-314 returning from their deployment to Japan... It's probably a good chance that those were the tankers that came with them, and were returning to McGuire.

- Custom Scanner, MURS, GMRS, Marine & Ham Antennas -


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Thanks Dave,believe you are correct,probably returning McGuire aircraft.

Tin wrote:

1609: TUFF 10 (B-52, Barksdale AFB) (femop) with HUNTRESS on «364.2» flying at 27,000 feet, 9 miles southwest of ????? and looking for a Modes and Codes check.

Caught that also saying 9 miles Southwest of sounded like Porney or Pornie.
Air Nav web site down for some reason so can't check that out.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yeah, that's sort of what I heard for TUFF 10's position too Mark. Like you, I couldn't get to the NavAids page on Airnav to figure it out.

Dave, thanks for that info. That at least lets me update my callsign database with the WOODEN ID so I'll know the next time it's heard. Anything that happens in the Pacific is just a huge black hole from here.

2017: JEDI 43 (C-17 McGuire) and a tanker on interplane «139.875». They mention changing to 266.4 so will monitor that one to see what develops.
2021: Have JEDI/OPEC (KC-10A McGuire) on «266.4» They didn't use a suffix with either call on this freq. They are using both freqs's OPEC 38 with JEDI 43 and have finally gotten together on 266.4....sort of. Have lost contact again. They are calling this AR Primary and are both heading for the IP.
2024: BATON 51 (EC-130J Harrisburg) with Giant Killer on «255.0»
2025: CRAB 56 (C-130J MD-ANG) with Phillips AAF Tower «126.15» 5 minutes out from making a drop.
2028: OPEC 38 loitering at 22,000 and JEDI 43 coming up to 21000 at this time...close to meeting up. «266.4»
2032: CRAB 56 completes his drop and tells Phillips he'll be back in 30 minutes. Kind of sounds like he's doing the same thing we heard a few nights ago with the CRAB C-130s flying 30 minute racetrack patterns and then doing drops of some kind. «126.15» In the past, they've dropped sandbags or pallets of sandbags
2039: OPEC 38 clears JEDI 43 to contact the refueling boom. «266.4»
2042: OPEC 38 "front end" calls JEDI 43 to say they have to descend to altitude block 20-21000 and that he was starting a descent at 300 feet a minute. «266.4» JEDI 43 is making multiple contacts with the boom...looks like training. (And once they descended, it was just enough to put them out of listening range.)
2056: CRAB 56 on both Crab Ops freq «385.9» and on «148.925»

2100: CRAB 56 completes the drop and says he's going to cycle around on another racetrack and do another drop. «126.15» Also hearing 56 talking to the drop controller on 148.925.
2110: CRAB 56 still yakking to Phillips and trying to talk to the drop controller on 148.925 but it doesn't appear he's getting heard on that freq. He has very little modulation while on that freq but booming while with Phillips on 126.15.
2112: CRAB 56 tells Phillips he'd like to pick up his IFR (clearance) and head for Wilmington. «126.15» And gets it a minute later.
2113: CRAB 56 tells the drop controller he's done for the night. «148.925»

NOTE: Anyone know which AR track the 266.4 freq is primary for? It doesn't belong to any of those tracks that were posted the other day by freqhopping. If no one knows, I'll look it up later when time allows in the FAA data supplements..

(Ref below): I don't think that's it Mateo just because TUFF 10 was blasting at the time I heard him (and Mark is in northern Maryland and heard him) so I don't think he could be that far away. Appreciate the guess though.
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Re: Pornie

How 'bout PURME, located just west of Raleigh?

OK, never mind then. Very pitsy afternoon at Gravelly Point, with just a couple of contacts - seems like the haze extended to the radio, too!

1815ish: -119.85 (Potomac Approach)- JOSA 909 being vectored from the west for an eventual approach to ADW.
1821: -119.85- PAT 1267 (C-12F 85-1267) follow the AML 142 radial for an approach (PAR 14 was mentioned) at DAA.
1822: -119.1 (DCA Tower)- Ross 622 (G-V N596GA seen) departed 1, handoff to Departure -124.0-, and onwards.
1825: -119.3 (Potomac Approach)- PACER 26 (C-21 seen) setting up some approach practice and cleared for the ILS 1L. To -118.4 (ADW Tower)- responding cleared for the option. Few minutes later climbing out, and requesting GPS 19R circle 1L.
1837: -119.85- PAT 2404 (C-12) being vectored for DAA
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Mark said:
1609: TUFF 10 (B-52, Barksdale AFB) (femop) with HUNTRESS on «364.2» flying at 27,000 feet, 9 miles southwest of ????? and looking for a Modes and Codes check.

Hmmmm. According to several USAF publications on the Web, this is a requirement for Aircraft departing CONUS airspace -
5.2. Mode 4 Procedures. IAW Volume 6 of this instruction, all flights departing the CONUS will conduct an inflight check of Mode 4 operation with NORAD on UHF (364.2). Request an interrogation test through the appropriate Sector Operations Control Centers (SOCCs) as follows:
NOTE: Remote receiving stations are in place for UHF coverage along entire sectors.
Northeast Griffiss Airport Huntress
Southeast Tyndall AFB Oak Grove
Southwest March ARB Sierra Pete
Northwest McChord AFB Big foot (Travis Primary)"

TinEar said:
NOTE: Anyone know which AR track the 266.4 freq is primary for? It doesn't belong to any of those tracks that were posted the other day by freqhopping. If no one knows, I'll look it up later when time allows in the FAA data supplements...

It's no where to be found in the most current DoD FLIP - AP1B Refueling Tracks/Anchors....
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Jan 5, 2004
Just had a quick but very weak hit on 343.5, the primary freq for AR608.

Somehow I managed to overlook one of the "local" refueling tracks.
AR20 Northeast Primary 341.750 Secondary 349.700
Aternate Primary: 305.5. Alternate Backup: 265.65
Its runs between the Boston and Gander ARTCCs.

2157- Got caught off guard by someone talking to Martinsburg Tower 275.8. No callsign heard. They did mention 370.85, whatever that is and they got a weather update.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Chuck said it said:
It's no where to be found in the most current DoD FLIP - AP1B Refueling Tracks/Anchors...

Thanks Chuck. I just went through it too not knowing you were doing the same and agree it just can't be found. I guess it falls in the same category as 288.0 used for refueling from Pax all the way to the W-107 area.

2128: BATON 51 (EC-130J Harrisburg) to Baton Ops «395.1» with arrival msg...A-2, 11,000 fuel remainder, 15 minutes out.
2158: JEDI 43 (C-17 McGuire) giving arrival message to Dover CP...due in at 40 after the hour, A-2 and will head for the Combat Offload area. Offloading a couple of pallets, 12 pax and 6 crew members. Wants crew bus. «349.4»

2217: REACH 654 arriving Dover «349.4»
2235: OPEC 38 on tanker interplane «139.875» calling _____ 66.
2237: OPEC 38 also on Atlantic City Approach «124.6»
2246: CRAB 56 calling "Martin Traffic" on tower freq «121.3» for landing runway 15.

2322: JOSA 403 (Home Station C-21 40073) with ADW arrival msg...25 minutes out, A-1, 3 DVs to offload - an R-7 plus 2. needs crews bus for 2. End of mission. «141.55»

That TUFF 10 position from earlier could have been:
POVAE 394916N 0751058W NJ
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Great info on Huntress.When I hear Dover C-5 inbound or outbound sometimes
on Huntress 364.200 I know it is headed overseas or returning.

TUFF 10 may have been this B-52 coming back from Airshow in England..

Always check the AF website,you would be surprised what you can tie up sometimes with
coms we hear.

BTW WOODEN 81 just up with Offutt on HF 11175 @ 0142z,he was weak and barely
readable.Probably another McGuire tanker headed home across the Midwest now.

0155z ETHYL 63 up with REACH 652 meeting at ACK (Nantuckett) on HF Tanker freq 6761 at 0310z
mentions AR primary for Dover and need 60k fuel.
Probably C-5 on rtb from Spain to Dover.
update 0250z Ethyl and 652 heard on 341.750 which I have as AR-20 up that way.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1323Z 279.575 Potomac APP - DRAGO 51 () - "flyby then fly the DCA 328 radial to SWANN".
1324Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - PAT 1204 (C-12T 85-1264) - taxi to f-w parking and fuel on request.
1325Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - MARINE 744 (UC-35D 166474 MASD vis conf.) - landing in about 15 mins, req fuel and pax dropoff. [126.3 1337Z lands rwy 32 at DAA].
1344Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 348T () - passes t/off time 30 past the hour.
1345Z 119.300 Potomac APP - BOXER 65 (201st AS DC ANG) - shooting various apps at ADW; mentions once finished will head to IAD to do a 1L ILS.
1355Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - TROUT 99 (C-135E 57-2589 412th FLTS) - deps ADW to 14000' dir LDN QSY 120.65.

1401Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AUSSIE 707 () - IDed as heavy so presumed 707. Deps ADW dir HAFNR QSY 121.05.
1405Z 121.900 Davison AAF GRND - MARINE 744 (UC-35D 166474 MASD) - clnc to NKT via DAILY-J61-HUBBS-***ED-direct.
1414Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - MARINE 744 (UC-35D 166474 MASD) - deps rwy 14 QSY 118.95 dir DAILY.
1420Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 345T () - deps ADW dir FLUKY QSY 121.675.
1437Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - AIREVAC 56711 (C-130H 95-6711 167th AS WV ANG) - t/off ADW 35 past the hour.
1446Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 102 (UC-35A 97-0102 or 99-0102) - deps ADW dir LDN QSY 120.65.

1515Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ANVIS 20 (DHC-6 565) - lands taxis to Night Vision Ramp.
1517Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - ARMY 01051 (UC-35C 00-1051) - ETA 40 past the hour req fuel and fixed-wing parking. Tail # 051.
1519Z 119.850 Potomac APP - ARMY 01051 (UC-35C 00-1051) - down to 2500' and QSY 125.8.
1524Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ARMY 01051 (UC-35C 00-1051 vis. conf.) - lands on the GPS rwy 14.
1553Z 335.500 Potomac APP - SCARY 1 (F-16C/D 121st FS DC ANG) - two ship looking for the SFO @ 7000'.

1602Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 8009 (UC-35A 98-0009 VA RFC Davison) - heading out for some pratice apps.

1740Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ARMY 051 (UC-35C 00-1051 vis. conf.) - deps rwy 14 QSY 118.95 QSY 121.05.
1742Z 290.425 ZDC-Franklin - NAVY SD 423 (the usual) - VFR req flight following missed alt.
1742Z 245.200 Davison AAF CLNC - PAT 8009 (UC-35A 98-0009 OSACOM DC ArNG Davison) - clnc to CRW.
1753Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 8009 (UC-35A 98-0009 OSACOM DC ArNG Davison) - deps rwy 14 QSY 118.95 dir LDN QSY 120.65.

1803Z 290.425 ZDC-Franklin - FURY 31 (F-16C/D 149th FS, VA ANG) - descending to FL210 will be standard ILS in a minute. Cleared on down to 17000.

1926Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - NAVY 7W 326 (UC-12B NAS JRB Willow Grove) - arr msg, two codes on board 10 mins out.
1932Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 436 (C-21A 84-0079 457th AS Andrews) - arr msg A4 + 2.
1940Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 01053 (UC-35C 00-1053 OSACOM/PATD Andrews) - deps ADW dir FLUKY.
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Jan 5, 2004
1850 - NAVY-6E042 calling Leesburg Radio 255.4 from a location about 10 miles from Casanova. Requested weather for CXY, Capital City Airport in Harrisburg, PA.

1909- TUFF-63 with ZDC-Moorefield 371.9 requested direct to Barksdale, was given direct to Bolling Green.
1916- TUFF-63 requested a UHF freq, read back 379.1 which would be ZOB-Belmont, which doesn't make much sense.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
1851< 238.9> Mover 45 calling Backy 42 on AR Primary

1856<349.4> OPEC 80 with McGuire CP, inbound

1904 <311.0> Mover-45 with Backy 42 on "Lighthouse Control Frequency" Switching back to AR primary on <238.9> Receivers Tail number, presumably Backy42, is 57-1437, a KC-135R from 77th ARS Seymour - Johnson AFB. Mover is a good callsign for McGuire KC-10s.

2019 <352.6> OPEC-48 calling ?Steel-??? AR-218/220
2023<324.6> ??? on AR ?204 or 207 ?
2024< > OPEC-49 calling -46 on AR Prime, Missed the freq! There seems to be a lot of Air Refueling this evening. Also some activity on <319.7>
2036 <139.875> McGuire interplane "another relaxing sortie at FTU" OPEC -45 and ?-49, "going down south for 2 hours of pumping a C-17"

2102 <281.4> GREYHAWK-11 with ZDC Patuxent cleared TACAN 14...... THen Pax APP <281.8>
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
From 2037-2040 had DARK 17 (B1B, 9th BS, Dyess AFB TX) with HUNTRESS on 364.2 doing the Modes and Codes check.

And at 2106 heard a 04 calling L400 on Customs freq 165.2375 saying he'd be "on the deck in about a minute." Not sure if 04 was OMAHA 04 but he sounded like his landing would be at BWI. L400 almost definitely is at BWI.

2144: DC 02 (KC-135R Andrews) with arrival msg to LIBERATOR «351.2» 25-30 minutes out, A-2.
2148: OPEC 48 (KC-10A McGuire) with arrival msg to Command Post «349.4»
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Jan 5, 2004
Just had a visual on a possible MUSSELL flight of one enroute to Mt. Weather. Nothing heard yet.
2142- Can hear Bluegrass weakly, but that's it.
2149- It's a MUSSELL but I still haven't heard a number. Seems like Bluegrass isn't hearing them too well either. But they were cleared in from the west.
2152- On Mt Weather Dispatch 139.775 I heard them say "Signal-3 has departed the area." I think this may be the code for helicopter. One other night they mentioned a "Signal-3" and in the context used it could've meant a helo.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
freqhopping said:
Just had a visual on a possible MUSSELL flight of one enroute to Mt. Weather. Nothing heard yet.
Had a MuSSEL flight a bit earlier - departing ANDREWS.

2200 Mussel -01 and -02 have checked back in with Andrews in the past 5 minutes...
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Jun 18, 2006
1937 <335.8> Opec 48 getting vectors (Pottstown)...presumably after completion of some approaches into McGuire. Any idea what this frequency is? I have it programmed into my scanner and have heard some activity in the past (McGuire related).

Otherwise quiet for me....just the usual traffic around Willow Grove (C-130s and C-9s)


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
335.8 is the Clearance Delivery freq at McGuire according to the FAA's Airport/Facility Directory but the traffic you're hearing doesn't match with that....unless they're doing what many airports do at night and combine the Clearance Delivery/Ground Control/Tower freqs all onto one.

2225: OPEC 49 (KC-10A McGuire) calling "Any Radio" on FSS «255.4» asking for weather at McGuire.
2228: OPEC 49 says he's just about over Norfolk and heading for McGuire. He wants the wx for 0300Z. Leesburg Radio gives it to him. 49 says he saw thunderstorms when he was working out in AR-636 but couldn't tell how far away they are. Leesburg tells him they're off to the west and not a factor. Leesburg asks him for his aircraft type and he responds with "Delta Charlie 10." (Hmmm, something wrong with KC-10?)
2238: REACH 237 with HUNTRESS on «260.9»
2244: OPEC 49 calling "Command Post" with arrival msg. «349.4» Believe he's talking to McGuire, not Dover, inspite of the frequency.
2245: REACH 237 Heavy to Command Post «349.9» Says he was off from Norfolk at 0212Z and wants that passed to Command Post Norfolk or Westover.
(I think the OPEC 48 above at 2148 should have been to McGuire also although he was also on 349.4)
2249: OPEC 49 Heavy to ACY Approach «124.6» reports over Sea Isle at 8000 feet.
2250: OPEC 49 now at 6000 feet, heading to McGuire. «124.6»

2305: MOVER 45 Heavy (KC-10A McGuire)with Atlantic City Approach checks in at 8000...then descending to 5000. «124.6»
2306: MOVER 45 cleared direct McGuire «124.6»

======================Start Exercise CAPITOL SLAM=====================
2320: I've got activity on «139.7» which should be the HUNTRESS/Fighters scramble freq but the activity is too weak to copy. Heard a suffix of ?41? but that was all I could pick out of the past several transmissions.
2321: Whoever is here is transmitting "in the blind".....and then got a "bug out north." Either it's not at all in this area or is something flying very low.
2322: BLACKJACK 01 calling HUNTRESS and asking for bogey dope. «139.7»
2323: HUNTRESS tells BLACK JACK 1 to "skip it, skip it: «139.7»
2323: BRAVE 01 from BLACKJACK 01 repeats the skip it command....then says he's going to RTB and terminate at this time. (BLACKJACK is the aircraft, BRAVE 01 is on the ground.) I'm hearing HUNTRESS but not the BRAVE 01 ground controller.
2325: HUNTRESS tells BLACKJACK 01 to RTB and 01 says he has HUNTRESS weak and broken...definitely a comm problem between them. «139.7»
2326: BLACK JACK 1 says he's going to RTB to ??? (Sounded like GPU but that doesn't compute.)
[This was a single aircraft scramble for an obviously very low level target. The aircraft didn't sound like a fighter and might have been one of the Customs' fixed wing aircraft.]
2332: BRAVE 61 being called by HUNTRESS...mentions practice scramble and holding over Nottingham. «139.7» (BRAVE 61 is not airborne yet.)
2335: BRAVE 61 and 62 off the ground at Andrews...139.7 and with TRACON 348.725 climbing out....heading for Nottingham over the next couple of minutes. Put on their NVGs while climbing.
2340: BRAVE 61/62 make contact with HUNTRESS...61/62 say 90 minutes of playtime and give a PIREP to HUNTRESS. «139.7»
2344: HUNTRESS calling BLACKJACK 1 «139.7» NO joy so he asks BRAVE 61 to try him. He does. He wants confirmation BLACKJACK 1 is on the ground at DCA. BLACKJACK 1 confirms he is on the ground. So that settles where he went from the question I had earlier. And this should also confirm the callsign as belonging to Customs/ICE or whatever they're called these days.
2358: HUNTRESS gives BRAA of TOI to the BRAVE flight to pass to BLACKJACK 01....BRAA 090/26/3400/westbound at 130 knots. «139.7»
2350: BLACKJACK 01 airborne and on the channel with the rest of them. «139.7»
2353: BLACKJACK 01 gets instrux to headbutt the intruder. «139.7» The BRAVE flight is heading to the area.
2354: BRAVE flight still working with TRACON 348.725 and get handed off to BWI TRACON 290.475.
2355: HUNTRESS announces this is Exercise CAPITOL SLAM. «139.7»
2356: Just as BRAVE says he's ready to headbutt the TOI, he's given the skip it command. «139.7»
2359: BLACKJACK 01 given the bug out command. «139.7»
2359: BRAVE flight working with TRACON on 348.725 again...done with BWI.

Midnight and the BRAVE flight didn't turn into a pumpkin but did go to Nottingham to hold for now.
0010: BRAVE still holding around Nottingham...just made contact with CAPITOL at squadron ops on this freq...can't hear that ground station but HUNTRESS is pretty fair tonight. «139.7»
0012: BRAVE 61 relays for BLACKJACK 01 that he's on the deck at DCA. «139.7» BLACKJACK relays also that he's done for the evening due to fuel. (lack thereof) (So, wherever HUNTRESS is broadcasting from, he can't hear BLACKJACK so he's not that close to him. YOu would think that if HUNTRESS is transmitting out of Andrews, he'd be able to hear DCA ground based aircraft. Davidsonville maybe?)
0019: BRAVE 61 asks HUNTRESS about the status of other players. HUNTRESS says there aren't any - just BRAVE 61/62. «139.7»
0020: HUNTRESS gives the BRAA for another TOI to BRAVE...160/28/3000 heading north. «139.7»
0023: HUNTRESS gives new TOI to BRAVE....BRAA is 245/70/9400 heading northeast...mission is to headbutt east. «139.7»
0025: BRAVE 61 sent to Dulles TRACON 350.2 for ATC work while in this latest TOI chase.
0031: HUNTRESS tells BRAVE 61 his new mission is "skip it, skip it" and return to Nottingham. «139.7»
0035: HUNTRESS asks BRAVEs how much playtime they have...BRAVE responds 30 minutes and that 61 ad 62 will stay together for the last event. «139.7»
0040: BRAVE 61/62 report established at Nottingham. «348.725»
0040: BRAVE 61 says after the next event, he's going to send 62 home and he'll hold at Nottingham. HUNTRESS tells BRAVE 61 the next event will be in about 20 minutes. «139.7» BRAVE 61 also says they have plenty of fuel since they didn't take off on time....and that explains why BLACKJACK 01 had to do the initial intercept by himself without the BRAVEs.
0054: And here we go with the final intercept....BRA given by HUNTRESS 240/26/3400 and off they go to give chase. «139.7» Headbutt west....BRAVE 61 wants HUNTRESS to confirm their target is not a CAP flight which they aren't supposed to intercept tonight. Says according to "SPINS" they are not supposed to intercept slow movers tonight. HUNTRESS says he understands and gives skip it, skip it command.

0101: HUNTRESS gives them yet another TOI to replace the last one and off they go. «139.7» The datalinks aboard the BRAVEs are not working for this mission tonight. Headbutt south is the command for when they find the target.
0103: TRACON 348.725 sends BRAVE flight to ZDC-Irons 360.85 where 61 explains he's after a TOI.
0107: HUNTRESS calls off the dogs and ends the BRAVE intercept. «139.7»
0108: HUNTRESS says the new mission is RTB and authenticates that. 61 says 62 will head back to Andrews and 61 will hold at Nottingham for the staggered landing. HUNTRESS thanks them for the work and the favor is returned by BRAVE 61. «139.7»
0110: BRAVE 61 to CAPITOL to say 62 is on the way in and that 61 is Code 2 for radar, 62 is Code 1. Says they both have about 20 minutes of flight time. «139.7»
0110: BRAVE 61 sends 62 to U-19 where 62 announces he's beginning ILS approach. «335.5»
0111: Degoggle time for the BRAVEs. «139.7» 61 fetched the ATIS while 62 checked in with Approach.
0117: BRAVE 62 handed off to Andrews Tower «349.0» where he reports gear down for full stop. He's having trouble with the comms from tower...says very weak. Bet he'll land anyway.
0119: BRAVE 62 repeats he's on a full stop landing.....and stops a couple of minutes or so later at 0122. «349.0»
0124: HUNTRESS asks BRAVE 61 for a radio check on 288.35 as soon as he can get Washington (Center) on the line. «139.7» Sends 61 over about a minute later where BRAVE 61 calls HUNTRESS twice and has no joy. Goes back to 139.7 to report the lack of contact.
0128: HUNTRESS asks BRAVE 61 how much longer he'll be up...61 says he'll RTB in 5 minutes....HUNTRESS asks for a radio check on 362.3. 61 goes there, calls twice and has no joy. He goes back to 139.7 and reports that. HUNTRESS says he had the same result on that freq.
0131: HUNTRESS asks BRAVE 61 if he'll try 362.3 again.....he does, no luck so goes back to 139.7 to report that. HUNTRESS acknowledges.
0135: BRAVE 61 punches U-19 and comes up on «335.5» to announce ILS approach to runway 19R.
0140: BRAVE 61, after maneuvering around for a few minutes, changes to Andrews Tower on «349.0» for his landing. He then goes back to «139.7» to tell HUNTRESS he's in the landing pattern and is off station at this time.
======================End of Exercise CAPITOL SLAM=======================
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
bigred10 said:
1937 <335.8> Opec 48 getting vectors (Pottstown)...presumably after completion of some approaches into McGuire. Any idea what this frequency is? I have it programmed into my scanner and have heard some activity in the past (McGuire related).)

Was it Vectors, or was it a Flight Clearance/Route being read to the pilot (delivered) which would be consistent with it being the McGuire PTD freq... They sound a lot alike!

EDIT TO ADD - You'll often hear the phrase "Expect Vectors to" as a part of the clearance delivery message...
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Jun 18, 2006
Thanks for the info Tin & n3bxv....I'm pretty sure OPEC-48 said "vectors" but he would have just been reading back what the ground controller "delivered" to him. You'll have to excuse me, I'm still learning all the jargon.
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